Just a note;

The table 'products_description' mentioned has a 'language_id' column, so for each language installed you will get multiplied results if you export the entire table as described. Therefore, to get the intended results from the above instructions, you should either export only the fields with a given 'language_id' or double all the other tables that don't have a language_id field, in your excel worksheet.

To export only the fields where language_id equals 1, try this SQL query:
SELECT * FROM `products_description` WHERE language_id = '1' ORDER BY products_id INTO OUTFILE '/path/to/file_name.csv' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '"' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n';
This requires that you have the FILE privilege granted, and that the file "/path/to/file_name.csv" is writable by MySQL. If you're using a DB prefix, you would also have to add that to the table name.

To show all privileges granted for a user, you would do this SQL query:
show grants for username;
where "username" is your MySQL user name.

I'm not sure about this, but I think windows users may have to replace
for it to be imported by excel. I don't know, I don't use either windows or excel.

If you don't have the FILE privilege, it should be very easy to write a php script that outputs database tables to csv files. I have not found a way to export only parts of a table by using phpMyAdmin, but if there's a way, I'd appreciate to know it.