Hi guys - I need your help with this one.

I have made a plain html page (Nothing to do with Zencart) however I want this as a main holding page with section for returning customers to enter their details and it then log them into the zencart side of the site.

I tried some code from other who have tried in the past but still not working.

When it sends the info to the login page you receive 2 "ERROR_SECURITY_ERROR" messages. It must be partly working as the email address thats typed on the holding page appears but no password nor successful login.

Im using 1.3.8a and the code I tried is below:

include '/trade/includes/application_top.php';

<form name="login" action="index.php?main_page=login&action=process" method="post"><fieldset>
<legend>Returning Customers: Please Log In</legend>

<label class="inputLabel" for="login-email-address">Email Address:</label>
<input type="text" name="email_address" size = "41" maxlength= "96" id="login-email-address" /><br class="clearBoth" />

<label class="inputLabel" for="login-password"><?php echo ENTRY_PASSWORD; ?></label>
<?php echo zen_draw_password_field('password', '', 'size="18" id="login-password"'); ?>
<br class="clearBoth" />
<?php echo zen_draw_hidden_field('securityToken', $_SESSION['securityToken']); ?>

<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Login">

<br class="clearBoth" />