I can't log into the Admin pages. This is a new install, I have not yet made any modifications to the files. SSL is not yet set-up and the definitions are set to false. I have compared this installation with another one I have running on the same server that is working correctly and they appear to be the same.
I have been looking through the forum and the tutorials for days now, I have found some information on this issue but nothing I try has any affect.
It is only in the admin area this error occurs, a customer can log into the site page just fine.
If I enter the correct user and password I get error message 'There was a security error when trying to login'. I have tried to make the changes suggested in 'https://www.zen-cart.com/tutorials/index.php?article=312', they are either already in place or have no effect on this issue.
Is there anything else I can try??? I've been at this problem for days now with now progress.