Originally Posted by
Taking a quick look at the code, there are no core file overwrites and I check before using the v1.5.0+ functions. The code should work, it just won't integrate into your v1.3.9h admin's menu structure so you'll need to enter its address directly into your browser:
If it doesn't work in a ZC 1.3.9h environment, just remove the files copied (the full file list is in the readme).
Thanks a bunch! The new versions notes said it was strictly for 1.5 so I was worried that the code was drastically different. I'm happy to hear that isn't the case!
I got this 2.1 version working on my 1.39h install flawlessly. I managed to add the menu items for it by including this file:
$za_contents[] = array('text' => BOX_ALL_INVOICES, 'link' => zen_href_link(FILENAME_ALL_INVOICES, '', 'NONSSL'));
$za_contents[] = array('text' => BOX_ALL_PACKINGSLIPS, 'link' => zen_href_link(FILENAME_ALL_PACKINGSLIPS, '', 'NONSSL'));
Thank you!