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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Downunder - QLD - Gold Coast
    Plugin Contributions

    Default Does anyone know how to add a downloadable brochure (not as in cart)?


    I have seen this question without any answers when I have searched the forum. I was wondering if anyone know how to do this

    I want to upload a PDF where customers can download. I don't want customers to add it to their cart etc etc., . All I want them to click on it and download as it will be free specials brochure send to us by our suppliers that I want to pass it on to my customers.

    Ideally I want to show these to show

    1. on a separate (define_page) page

    and/or in the

    2. Specials page

    Your help in anyway would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you
    Downunder QLD

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Sunny Coast, Australia
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    Default Re: Does anyone know how to add a downloadable brochure (not as in cart)?

    G'day mate

    Simply create a new define page (clone one or use add on module), insert your blurb and a link to the pdf directory (to open in a new window). Additionally you could add a link to your catalog pdf within the description of some or all categories.

    Another alternative is to create an EZ-page link


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Downunder - QLD - Gold Coast
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    Default Re: Does anyone know how to add a downloadable brochure (not as in cart)?

    Hi Frank

    Thanks for your quick advice.

    Sure it's easy for me too but I am trying to set it up for a client who needs to use the admin to do it. I know I can add it as a free product but I don't want the customer to go through the cart or even to log in to download it.
    Downunder QLD

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Sunny Coast, Australia
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    Default Re: Does anyone know how to add a downloadable brochure (not as in cart)?

    Hm, yeah..... didn't know it was for a client. Guess your client would need to FTP the specials PDF to his/her server. So if this was always named something like current_specials.pdf then you set up the links as I suggested in my last post.

    Your client's customers would then always download the latest current_specials.pdf without your client having to go into admin etc

    Don't know if that suits ??

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Downunder - QLD - Gold Coast
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    Default Re: Does anyone know how to add a downloadable brochure (not as in cart)?

    Yes that is a good idea but they want to up load several PDF's with individual thumbnail images to go with them.

    So it needs to be something like;

    Upload PDF: [##############################___] [Browse]

    Upload image [##############################__] [Browse]


    And then some how they need to manage them like delete etc.
    Downunder QLD



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