torvista, would you try this updated version of /includes/classes/class.emailFor404.php and let me know if it works?
class emailFor404 extends base {
/** constructor method !
* Attach observer class to the global $zco_notifier and watch for a single notifier event.
function emailFor404() {
global $zco_notifier;
if (SEND_404_ERRORS_EMAIL_TO_STATUS == '1' and SEND_404_ERRORS_EMAILS_TO != '' and SEND_404_ERRORS_EMAILS_TO != '[email protected]') {
$zco_notifier->attach($this, array('NOTIFY_HEADER_END_PAGE_NOT_FOUND'));
/** Actual Method that does the desired activity
* Called by observed class when any of the notifiable events occur
* @param object $class
* @param string $eventID
function update(&$class, $eventID, $paramsArray = array()) {
// BOF Send email to admin for 404 errors
$email_text = sprintf(EMAIL_PAGE_NOT_FOUND_CONTENT, $_SESSION['customers_host_address'], $_SESSION['customers_ip_address'], $_ENV['REQUEST_URI'])."\n\n";
$module = (SEND_404_ERRORS_EMAILS_ARCHIVE != '0') ? 'default' : 'no_archive';
$html_msg['EMAIL_MESSAGE_HTML'] = str_replace('\n','',$email_text);
zen_mail('', SEND_404_ERRORS_EMAILS_TO, $email_subject, $email_text, STORE_NAME, EMAIL_FROM, $html_msg, $module);
// EOF Send email to admin for 404 errors