The following bugs in v1.3.9a are fixed in v1.3.9b:

1.3.9a Random Reviews Running Rampant
PayPal Website Payments Pro problem: 10713 Invalid Data - Missing Country
State field always required when editing customer address in admin
Counter History issue in 1.3.9a
Quote marks around multiple search terms returning no results in 1.3.9a
Yourpay/FirstDATA credit card post-auth CAPTURE not processing commas correctly
PayPal Direct Payment State Field Missing
One Time Charges Tax Calculation
1.3.8-1.3.9a very small html error in collect_info.php (closing tr tag)
Developers Tool Kit, "Look up CONSTANT" search filters not working
Minimum value of zero gets validated incorrectly in JS formcheck
PayPal IPN ADDRESS OVERRIDE ALERT message displayed to customers
... as well as some admin UI improvements
... and fixed broken MAESTRO support in PayPal Website Payments Pro 3D-Secure features for UK Merchants

v1.3.9b details and download link here: