Our products and pricing are specific to each customer's company. We manually authorize customers. Once logged in, we would like the customer to only have access to the products and pricing for their company.

The possible solution is to have a customer company_id field and a product company_id field that ties the two together? Perhaps pricing by groups? Could that be limitable to specific products in which the company_id match?

Are there any add-ons available that could be modified to ensure only those products specific to that customer's company are displayed and can only be purchased once a customer is logged in? If a visitor is not logged in, only generic products (products with no company_id defined) should be displayed without prices (call for price).

Would the best starting point to limit product display be in includes/functions/functions_lookups.php?:

* Look up whether to show prices, based on customer-authorization levels
function zen_check_show_prices() {
if (!(CUSTOMERS_APPROVAL == '2' and $_SESSION['customer_id'] == '') and !((CUSTOMERS_APPROVAL_AUTHORIZATION > 0 and CUSTOMERS_APPROVAL_AUTHORIZATION < 3) and ($_SESSION['customers_authorization'] > '0' or $_SESSION['customer_id'] == '')) and STORE_STATUS != 1) {
return true;
} else {
return false;

Thanks in advance for any guidance.