After much searching I cannot find a solution. I have the table method by price which I am using for the items that can ship USPS Domestic Flat Rate. I have this in table to 25:10.70 but if someone has $26 it is returning 0 --I have temp put it at 500 ( 10000:500) but that is just plain unprofessional!
I tried below that I found in a post but it disabled the entire shipping estimator -I only want to not print the table method to the estimator if it is not defined. I want the other shipping methods to show!

if (zen_get_shipping_enabled($this->code)) {
$this->enabled = ((MODULE_SHIPPING_TABLE_STATUS == 'True') ? true : false);

// Check for Price and display module if price exceeds stated value
if (IS_ADMIN_FLAG == false && $_SESSION['cart']->show_total() > 25) {
$this->enabled = false;

Any help is much appreciated! I am using version 1.3.9a