Awesome, that worked. THANK YOU THANK YOU....
Awesome, that worked. THANK YOU THANK YOU....
Last edited by Cyndi; 4 Feb 2011 at 01:11 AM.
You're welcome!
Hi Jackie
I have just installed the module on v1.3.9g store and it is working fine. My question is though how can I change this field to a yes / no field. I need a question like rural delivery - yes/no as my extra field.
Do I just need to change the field in the database or will it require other changes too. Thanks
You will need to edit /includes/templates/YOUR_TEMPLATE/templates/tpl_modules_create_account.php
Just find this code:
Code:<?php echo zen_draw_input_field('extrafield', '', 'id="extrafield"') . (zen_not_null(ENTRY_EXTRAFIELD_TEXT) ? '<span class="alert">' . ENTRY_EXTRAFIELD_TEXT . '</span>': ''); ?>
And replace with this:
I did not test it, but I *think* it should work.Code:<?php echo zen_draw_radio_field('extrafield', 'yes', '', 'id="extrafield-yes"') . '<label class="radioButtonLabel" for="extrafield-yes">Yes</label>' . zen_draw_radio_field('extrafield', 'no', '', 'id="extrafield-no"') . '<label class="radioButtonLabel" for="extrafield-no">No</label>' . (zen_not_null(ENTRY_EXTRAFIELD_TEXT) ? '<span class="alert">' . ENTRY_EXTRAFIELD_TEXT . '</span>': ''); ?>
You can do a similar edit in the tpl_account_edit_default.php file, so your customers see the same radio button on their My Account page.
Hi Jackie
Got the radio buttons showing up at sign up and on the account edit screen thank you. Unfortunately the buttons don't retain the setting. When I go into the account after creating a new one the radio buttons are there but neither are turned on.
Also I am not sure of what exactly I put in the phpmyadmin to change the customers table. I know I need to change the customers_extrafield but not sure what to replace it with. I have limited knowledge of mysql and I couldn't find the answer on the internet
thanks for your time
Your best bet will be to compare the salutation or gender button on the Account Signup page. If you use the same technique, you should be abel to get the same results with the Yes/No button.
Is there a way to make the field a non required field? I noticed it shows up as a required field and I'm using the field so Affilliates can enter their registration number to qualify for a group discount. All of the customers are not affilliate members so if they're not I'd like them not to have to put something in this field. Thanks in advance!
Never mind! I found it in the extrafield_defines.php file!
Last edited by ofincorp; 16 Feb 2011 at 01:09 AM. Reason: Found my answer
You can make the field required or turn it on/off in Admin > Configuration > Customer Details
Hi. I am using 1.3.9h and am trying to install the Extra fields. It doesn't seem to be working. I believe that I followed the instructions properly but nothing is showing up. One thing that I noticed is that I have a mandatory field below the "country" field with a blank heading. This should probably be the "state" field. Could this mod have caused this? I can see this causing problems when someone tries to sign up. Please help.
My site is
Please try installation again, make sure you do ALL the steps!
================= INSTALLATION =====================
1. BACKUP BACKUP BACKUP. (cant say it enough :)
2. Change the name of /YOUR_TEMPLATE/ folders to the name of your template folder (see above for list of files)
3. Open the 2 language files and define the names of your new field:
4. Upload all contents to your main Zen Cart store directory
5. Go to Admin > Tools > Install SQL Patches, and paste the content of the install.sql file