OFFICIAL SUPPORT THREAD for the following contribution:
Extra Fields for Customer Sign Up
Zen Cart 1.3.9
Not yet in the downloads section, but has been submitted.
OFFICIAL SUPPORT THREAD for the following contribution:
Extra Fields for Customer Sign Up
Zen Cart 1.3.9
Not yet in the downloads section, but has been submitted.
UPDATE: module can now be downloaded from here:
I have downloaded your contribution, and it works fine for me! Tx!
I'm using this field for the tax number of my costumer.
I wonder how to add this additional field (code) on the invoice.php (Admin section) and packingslip.php, so it will appear on the order when i'm printing it!
Could you help me out with this one?
eOstrE, I haven't tried this yet, but in another thread a user posted this solution:
Original thread:
I have pasted the code in the document as shown, and i get this error message:
1054 Unknown column 'c.customers_taxid' in 'field list'
[SELECT o.customers_id, c.customers_taxid from zenbooksorders o, zenbookscustomers c WHERE c.customers_id= o.customers_id and o.orders_id = '93806']
If you were entering information, press the BACK button in your browser and re-check the information you had entered to be sure you left no blank fields.
This is rather Chinese to me...
Ahh... sorry that must have been personalized to the name of their custom field. If you installed the module exactly as I built it, the custom field will be named "customers_extrafield"
So, I *think* this would be the correct code instead. Give it a shot and see what happens :)
Add this code at line 28:
so now you can use the $customers_extrafield variable where you want, for example in one of the table cells:Code:$oID = zen_db_prepare_input($_GET['oID']); //start extrafield $sql = "SELECT o.customers_id, c.customers_extrafield from " . TABLE_ORDERS . " o, " . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . " c WHERE c.customers_id= o.customers_id and o.orders_id = '" . $oID . "'"; $chk_customers_extrafield = $db->Execute($sql); $customers_extrafield = $chk_customers_extrafield->fields['customers_extrafield']; //end extrafield
Code:<?php echo ENTRY_EXTRAFIELD; ?></b><?php echo ' ' . $customers_extrafield; ?>
Is there a way to make the field a non required field? I noticed it shows up as a required field and I'm using the field so Affilliates can enter their registration number to qualify for a group discount. All of the customers are not affilliate members so if they're not I'd like them not to have to put something in this field. Thanks in advance!
Never mind! I found it in the extrafield_defines.php file!
Last edited by ofincorp; 16 Feb 2011 at 01:09 AM. Reason: Found my answer
You can make the field required or turn it on/off in Admin > Configuration > Customer Details
Is there a way to include the information from the Extra Field in the order confirmation e-mail?
Hello, this add-on is a lifesaver and I greatly appreciate it. Thank you!
I'm looking to add multiple extra fields to the account creation and account edit pages. I've used the plugin and have been able to get everything working correctly during account creation. The problem is that when attempting to update an account, only the first extrafield that I added is being updated in the database.
Heres what I have done so far:
1. I've added the db fields for extrafield, extrafield2, and extrafield3
2. I've updated all of the files that came with the add-on to reflect all three extrafields is each place that the original extrafield was added. (I've double checked this)
Any suggestions?