Hi, this will be a great, and much needed, utility, but it's not working for me. Here's the symptom and the errors.
My setup:
Zen Cart 1.3.9f, unix, MySQL 5.0.91, PHP 5.2.14, IE8
When I open Backup ZC in the admin at the bottom of notes it says "Please be patient scanning your Zen Cart directory structure." and on the right under options, it lists the file type radio buttons and under that it says "Directories Loaded ..." and everything is blank below that.
The errors are:
[19-Sep-2010 08:00:56] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'RuntimeException' with message 'SplFileInfo::getSize() [<a href='splfileinfo.getsize'>splfileinfo.getsize</a>]: stat failed for /MYHOME/stats/error_logs' in /MYHOME/MYADMIN/backup_zc.php:84
Stack trace:
#0 /MYHOME/MYADMIN/backup_zc.php(84): SplFileInfo->getSize()
#1 /MYHOME/MYADMIN/backup_zc.php(417): directorySize('/home/content/7...')
#2 {main}
thrown in /MYHOME/MYADMIN/backup_zc.php on line 84