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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Gardiner, Maine
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    Default Twitter Updates Sidebox Contribution Support Thread

    I received a question via email today about this sidebox so I'm starting this support thread.

    I'll be uploading the new version soon that uses jQuery and can be used on secure pages.

    The question is:

    I just want to ask you if I can remove the image-logo of me and leave only my name and the name of my twitter account, because as you can see the tweeter name is going out of the sidebox so I want to remove the image and brick my namer left.

    In other words the twitter box is too wide for his column.

    He is correct that what goes in the box is forcing the box past the widths. He changed the width to 100px in the sidebox template file (tpl_twitter_sidebox.php) but it's displaying at 155px and actually cutting off his twitter name.

    Unfortunately, the answer is no. The widget does not come with the ability to remove the picture.

    The new jQuery sidebox doesn't show the twitter account image and would be a solution. However, I'm not finished setting up the mod and there may be problems with it.

    Anyone who would like to test the new sidebox, please let me know via pm and I'll send you the zip file.
    The full-time Zen Cart Guru.
    New template for 2.0 viewable here: 2.0 Demo

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Twitter Updates Sidebox Contribution Support Thread

    Thanks delia for the post and for the contribution also.

    I also notice another problem that I have solved.

    The problem is in includes/modules/sideboxes/twitter_sidebox.php

    the original code generates in the title of the sidebox a wrong link of the sidebox above it or something else. For example if above the twitter sidebox you have a new products sidebox the link in title of twitter sidebox will go you to new products page. Twitter [...] title in sidebox -> links to new products when you click it, or something else.

    the original codes was

    // Twitter Sidebox Mod
    // includes/languages/english/extra_definitions/twitter_sidebox.php
    //  --------------------------------------------------
    // mod Zen-Cart                
    //  --------------------------------------------------
    //  zen-cart Open Source E-commerce                                      
    //  Copyright (c) 2003-2006 The zen-cart developers                           
    //  Portions Copyright (c) 2003 osCommerce                               
    //  --------------------------------------------------
    //  This source file is subject to version 2.0 of the GPL license,       
    //  that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is        
    //  available through the world-wide-web at the following url:           
    //  If you did not receive a copy of the zen-cart license and are unable 
    //  to obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to       
    //  [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.
    //  --------------------------------------------------
    // test if box should display
      $show_blank_sidebox = true;
      if ($show_blank_sidebox == true) {
          require($template->get_template_dir('tpl_twitter_sidebox.php',DIR_WS_TEMPLATE, $current_page_base,'sideboxes'). '/tpl_twitter_sidebox.php');
          $title =  BOX_HEADING_TWITTER_SIDEBOX;
          $left_corner = false;
          $right_corner = false;
          $right_arrow = false;
          require($template->get_template_dir($column_box_default, DIR_WS_TEMPLATE, $current_page_base,'common') . '/' . $column_box_default);

    I simply add this line of code below
      $right_arrow = false;
    to disable the link in title

    $title_link = false;

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Gardiner, Maine
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    Default Re: Twitter Updates Sidebox Contribution Support Thread

    That's kinda strange because that line does exist in the file I have on my computer!
    The full-time Zen Cart Guru.
    New template for 2.0 viewable here: 2.0 Demo

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Twitter Updates Sidebox Contribution Support Thread


    I'm getting a security warning which I think is from twitter.

    When I get the prompt to yes or no non secure files.

    if I say NO.. then twitter sidebox doesn't appear. This looks to be the only thing missing from page.

    Any suggestions to resolve?
    That wasn't the plan!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Gardiner, Maine
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    Default Re: Twitter Updates Sidebox Contribution Support Thread

    The security warning is from your browser. The twitter sidebox cannot be secure due to their api so when you go to secure, the warning will pop up. The only solution is to have the sidebox only show when the cart is not secure. I have not coded that in - instead I've done another one that will show correctly on secure pages, but is more complicated. I have not uploaded it to contributions due to time constraints. It's not been packaged yet.
    The full-time Zen Cart Guru.
    New template for 2.0 viewable here: 2.0 Demo

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Twitter Updates Sidebox Contribution Support Thread

    OK thanks for that.

    I too had edited for twitter sidebox to not load in any payment areas etc..

    I only get this warning in IE 7 ( I think an outdated 7 too).

    IE 8 was ok and other browsers. Obviously don't want it on any.
    That wasn't the plan!

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Twitter Updates Sidebox Contribution Support Thread

    Is there a way to remove the display of OUR twitter LOGO from displaying in the twitter sidebox.

    www y o

    You can see how the LOGO pushes text wide and there is not enough room to display.

    I ONLY want to remove the display of LOGO.

    Anyway to achieve this?
    That wasn't the plan!

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Twitter Updates Sidebox Contribution Support Thread

    I don't suppose you know how to have it load on the HOME page only and without security warning?
    That wasn't the plan!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
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    Default Re: Twitter Updates Sidebox Contribution Support Thread

    If you go to my site at www gotvapes com you can see my implementation of the twitter update widget in the right hand column at the bottom. Its working fine except for the wonkky formatting of the twitter feed username and twitter feed name next to the icon in the header of the widget...I've tried everything and the closest I came to a solution was taking the script code out of a php wrapper, which assigns it to a $content variable, and entering the code as straight html (this is in the sidebox template file). It created proper formatting of that area but then it throws off the display of side boxes around it.

    So the problem appears to be in implementing the twitter javascript within a php wrapper...anyone have any ideas or has anyone implemented the wtwitter widget and have had no problems with the widget header formatting?

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Twitter Updates Sidebox Contribution Support Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by gotlogos View Post
    If you go to my site at www gotvapes com you can see my implementation of the twitter update widget in the right hand column at the bottom. Its working fine except for the wonkky formatting of the twitter feed username and twitter feed name next to the icon in the header of the widget...I've tried everything and the closest I came to a solution was taking the script code out of a php wrapper, which assigns it to a $content variable, and entering the code as straight html (this is in the sidebox template file). It created proper formatting of that area but then it throws off the display of side boxes around it.

    So the problem appears to be in implementing the twitter javascript within a php wrapper...anyone have any ideas or has anyone implemented the wtwitter widget and have had no problems with the widget header formatting?
    You can't change the layout except in twitter itself and thats extremely limited.

    I wanted to do similar and could not change it.

    Also note that having twitter sidebox installed will cause security alerts in some browsers. IE8 for one.

    If you have Twitter sidebox loading on any secure part of your shop it will cause security alert in ALL browsers.

    I have disabled mine until the security alert issue can be sorted and have a follow me on twitter icon instead.
    That wasn't the plan!


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