I have just tried to access your example and I am getting error 403 Forbidden
I have just tried to access your example and I am getting error 403 Forbidden
I'm sorry ... which example is that?
I have just submitted v1.4.3 to the Plugins area; the download should be available in a couple of days.
Changed /includes/classes/split_page_results.php and /includes/functions/extra_functions/products_pagination_functions.php:
BUGFIX: Links are displayed when zero items are returned.
BUGFIX: Page-select dropdown is displayed even if only 1 page is active.
BUGFIX: Item-count dropdown is displayed even if there are fewer items than the minimum to display.
v1.4.3 is now available in the Plugins area ...
It seems I have data base conflicts between plugin modules, see posts 27 to 32 in http://www.zen-cart.com/showthread.p...ht=faq+MODULE:
As stated above, I have not been able to run the SQL install file for Product Pagination with the Zen Cart tool. I have not yet identified which of my installed modules inserted first the configuration_key that seems to prevent at least this and FAQ manager from insertig their needed tables. I do not read code. Is there a solution around? or should I just give up installing such good apps?The module Product Pagination for Zen Cart v 1.4.3 uses configuration_key also, for example in the statement:
INSERT INTO configuration (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, last_modified, date_added) VALUES ('Products Pagination — Maximum Links', 'PRODUCTS_PAGINATION_MAX', '10', 'This is the maximum number of product links to be displayed before pagination begins. This value should be greater than the number of Intermediate Links
Just as with Faq Manager v2.2, y got the same error for each of 4 insert statementes, namely:
ERROR: Cannot insert configuration_key "" because it already exists
So, is this a case of conflicting plug ins? the first to be installed wins? or is perhaps something I did wrongly?![]()
arsanat, I replied regarding the FAQ manager over in that thread; it looks like that plugin's installation SQL's use of backticks might be your issue there. There is no conflict between the FAQ Manager and Product Pagination plugins, they both just insert some values in the "Configuration" section of your store's admin (that's why they both use the INSERT INTO configuration ... constructs.
I'm at a loss as to why you are getting the same error when you run the Product Pagination install script, since there are no backticks used by that script.
You might try running the SQL scripts (both FAQ Manager and Product Pagination) using the phpMyAdmin tool that is provided by your web-hosting company. In any case, even though your database seems a bit messed up now, make sure to make a backup before you continue as it is quite possible to make a database worse.
I've submitted v1.4.4 of Product Pagination to the Plugins area; it should be available in a couple of days:
BUGFIX: Yet another possible divide-by-0 problem. If you are using the dropdown-count feature and the number of items to display is greater than your minimum value but less than the second largest value, the divide-by-0 will show. In my case I had 19 entries, with a dropdown specification of '12,24,48,96'.
This is a nice idea and looks like it would work well for what I need, but it seems there are still some problems. The installation worked fine and I was able to configure and start testing without any errors. My testing though has identified the following issues:
1) Couldn't get the items per page drop down selection to actually work unless the page selection drop down was also enabled. This is a problem as I don't want the page drop down enabled.
2) Once "all" is selected, you cannot select or return to a specific number of items per page. It just remains on "all".
3) Changing the Maximum Links and the Intermediate Links seems to have no effect on the display.
Here's a URL so you can see what is happening: http://www.tracyandprice.com/storete...cPath=71_79_81
This is my test store, so it doesn't matter if it gets broken. It is configured mostly with the default settings except for the number of items per page (I removed 10 as an option) so the default would display 25.
Ok, item #3 listed above seems to be a configuration issue on my part - it does work. The other two issues are still a problem.