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  1. #1
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    Feb 2011
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    Default Attribute question: add/remove price when selecting options?

    Hello...I am trying to set up my Zen Cart and working on the product attributes at the moment. My question is can I set up an attribute as a default, but if another attribute is chosen it will over ride the default, but leave other attributes alone?

    Example: I am selling watter bottles. The customer needs to choose a bottle color, my colors are listed in a dropdown box. They choose one then move on down to the other attributes available. The bottle is offered with an imprint, the imprint has a screen charge involved, lets say $20, this is selected by default and they are required to choose an imprint color. They could also choose to not have an imprint, in which case they would select a different attribute, sell it to me blank, by clicking a check box next to that attribute.

    What I would prefer to have happen is this. They choose their bottle color. This product also has the screen charge checked by default (easy enough to do), then leave the imprint color as "must select before proceeding to cart" so they are forced to make an imprint color choice, UNLESS! they choose to buy them blank, then checking the box next to blank would uncheck the box next to screen charge and not force them to choose an imprint color. But also, not effect the bottle color they choose.

    Is this possible?

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Attribute question: add/remove price when selecting options?


    If you mark the product as priced-by-attributes, then you can configure each attribute to cause a price increase/decrease based on each option chosen.

    So, you could have an option as "blank" for 0.00, and additional options for "red" and "green" and "blue" as 20.00. In this case, you wouldn't have the checkbox you were talking about, but instead you could present them as either radio-buttons or as a dropdown.

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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Attribute question: add/remove price when selecting options?

    By adding one additional attribute value to each attrubute name, and making it "default" and for display only you can force the selection
    Make it "please choose" or "Select" or???

    I do not think it will work with the check box option as several or none can be selected when they are check boxes
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