Hi everyone,

I’ve got a question regarding .htaccess files. I followed the following guidance on putting together a .htaccess file.

It recommended that I use the following code:

#.htaccess to prevent unauthorized file access files
OPTIONS -Indexes -ExecCGI
IndexIgnore */*
### This part says to deny access to EVERYTHING. Afterwards, you'll allow access to JUST the permitted items. See next FilesMatch section.
<FilesMatch .*>
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
### NOTE: Add only appropriate PERMITTED filetypes to this list, depending on which folder you're protecting:
<FilesMatch .*\.(js|css|jpg|gif|png|swf)>
Order Deny,Allow
Allow from all

After uploading the .htaccess file into the /images folder, it wasn’t visible in either my FTP program or in the cPanel file browser, but it did have an effect. When you clicked a product, the product image was broken and didn’t appear. At first, I wasn’t sure what the cause of this could be, but I made a .htaccess file that contained nothing, uploaded it to the same folder and the problem was SOLVED!

I emailed my hosting company (Camelot-hosting) about .htaccess files. The service rep said, “Yes you can upload htaccess files ( make sure there are no php over rides in them )”

Are there any php over rides in the above code? Also, does anyone know why my product images didn't work when I used the above code in my .htaccess file?
