This is the official support thread for the VendingBox plugin.

The plugin is available at:

This plugin allows you to connect your Zen Cart site to the service at The service provides you with a mobile customizable storefront, written in Flash, which can be placed on Facebook, blogs or any other website.

When a customer shares one of your products to a Facebook wall, a mini-store appears on the wall through which other customers can purchase or share the products. Purchases made through the VendingBox can appear alongside your other orders in the Zen Cart admin section.

The plugin is installed by extracting the zip file and putting the vendingbox_feed.php file in the main directory of the Zen Cart site.

Once you have opened an account at:
you can specify the url of the vendingbox_feed.php file in the Configuration->Cart Integration section and click "Import All Settings".

Currently, only PayPal is supported. We plan to add support for other payment systems such as AuthorizeNet, 2CheckOut and Google Checkout in the coming weeks.

Only radio and drop-down attributes are supported right now. We will add support for checkbox attributes soon. Also, only table rate, flat rate, zone and per-item shipping information is imported. We hope to add support for UPS, USPS and Fedex soon.

Please let us know which features are most important to you; we will prioritize the implementation of features that are frequently requested.

Many Zen Cart users will have installed other add-ons which change the database structure and cause problems when importing information to the VendingBox. If anybody has problems like this, please let us know, and tell us what add-ons you have installed. We can usually modify the code to make it compatible with other add-ons once we know what changes they involve.

Other unforeseen problems will occasionally occur, but we can fix them relatively quickly once they're brought to our attention.

The VB Support Team.