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  1. #1
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    Jan 2006
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    Default Google Merchant Center help :/

    Hi I have installed a new copy of the google merchant feeder by numinix over my old froogle feeder but when i go to update the sql database I get this :

    1062 Duplicate entry 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_DEFAULT_PRODUCT_CATEGORY' for key 2
    [INSERT INTO markconfiguration (configuration_id, configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, date_added, use_function, set_function) VALUES (NULL, 'Debug', 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_DEBUG', 'false', 'Turn on simple debug?', @configuration_group_id, 0, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),'), (NULL, 'Google Merchant Center FTP Username', 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_USERNAME', 'ftp_username', 'Enter your Google Merchant Center FTP username', @configuration_group_id, 1, NOW(), NULL, NULL), (NULL, 'Google Merchant Center FTP Password', 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_PASSWORD', 'ftp_password', 'Enter your Google Merchant Center FTP password', @configuration_group_id, 2, NOW(), NULL, NULL), (NULL, 'Google Merchant Center Server', 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_SERVER', '', 'Enter froogle server
    default:', @configuration_group_id, 3, NOW(), NULL, NULL), (NULL, 'Google Merchant Center PASV', 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_PASV', 'true', 'Turn PASV mode on or off for FTP upload?', @configuration_group_id, 4, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),'), (NULL, 'Security Key', 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_KEY', @security_key, 'Enter a random string of numbers and characters to ensure only the admin accesses the file', @configuration_group_id, 5, NOW(), NULL, NULL), (NULL, 'Store Address', 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_ADDRESS', '', 'Enter your website address', @configuration_group_id, 6, NOW(), NULL, NULL), (NULL, 'Store Description', 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION', '', 'Enter a short description of your store', @configuration_group_id, 7, NOW(), NULL, NULL), (NULL, 'Output File Name', 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_OUTPUT_FILENAME', 'domain', 'Set the name of your froogle output file', @configuration_group_id, 8, NOW(), NULL, NULL), (NULL, 'Compress Feed File', 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_COMPRESS', 'false', 'Compress Google froogle file', @configuration_group_id, 9, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),'), (NULL, 'Uploaded date', 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_UPLOADED_DATE', '', 'Date and time of the last upload', @configuration_group_id, 10, NOW(), NULL, NULL), (NULL, 'Output Directory', 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_DIRECTORY', 'feed/google/', 'Set the name of your froogle output directory', @configuration_group_id, 11, NOW(), NULL, NULL), (NULL, 'Max products', 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_MAX_PRODUCTS', '0', 'Default = 0 for infinite # of products', @configuration_group_id, 20, NOW(), NULL, NULL), (NULL, 'Starting Point', 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_START_PRODUCTS', '0', 'Start at which entry (not product_id)?
    Default=0', @configuration_group_id, 21, NOW(), NULL, NULL), (NULL, 'Included Categories', 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_POS_CATEGORIES', '', 'Enter category ids separated by commas
    (i.e. 1,2,3)
    Leave blank to allow all categories', @configuration_group_id, 22, NOW(), NULL, NULL), (NULL, 'Excluded Categories', 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_NEG_CATEGORIES', '', 'Enter category ids separated by commas
    (i.e. 1,2,3)
    Leave blank to deactivate', @configuration_group_id, 23, NOW(), NULL, NULL), (NULL, 'Included Manufacturers', 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_POS_MANUFACTURERS', '', 'Enter manufacturer ids separated by commas
    (i.e. 1,2,3)
    Leave blank to allow all categories', @configuration_group_id, 24, NOW(), NULL, NULL), (NULL, 'Excluded Manufacturers', 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_NEG_MANUFACTURERS', '', 'Enter manufacturer ids separated by commas
    (i.e. 1,2,3)
    Leave blank to deactivate', @configuration_group_id, 25, NOW(), NULL, NULL), (NULL, 'Expiration Date Base', 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_EXPIRATION_BASE', 'now', 'Expiration Date Base:
    now - add Adjust to current date;
    product - add Adjust to product date (max(date_added, last_modified, date_available))
    ', @configuration_group_id, 30, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'now\', \'product\'),'), (NULL, 'Expiration Date Adjust', 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_EXPIRATION_DAYS', '29', 'Expiration Date Adjust in Days', @configuration_group_id, 31, NOW(), NULL, NULL), (NULL, 'Show Default Currency', 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_CURRENCY_DISPLAY', 'true', 'Display Currency', @configuration_group_id, 40, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),'), (NULL, 'Default Currency', 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_CURRENCY', 'USD', 'Select currency', @configuration_group_id, 41, NOW(), NULL, 'google_cfg_pull_down_currencies('), (NULL, 'Show Offer ID', 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_OFFER_ID', 'id', 'A unique alphanumeric identifier for the item - products_id code. ', @configuration_group_id, 42, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'id\', \'model\', \'UPC\', \'ISBN\', \'EAN\', \'false\'),'), (NULL, 'Show Quantity', 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_IN_STOCK', 'false', 'Display products quantity?', @configuration_group_id, 43, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),'), (NULL, 'Include Zero Quantity', 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_ZERO_QUANTITY', 'false', 'Include products with zero quantity?', @configuration_group_id, 44, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),'), (NULL, 'Default Quantity', 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_DEFAULT_QUANTITY', '0', 'What is the default quantity for products with zero quantity?', @configuration_group_id, 45, NOW(), NULL, NULL), (NULL, 'Shipping Options', 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_SHIPPING', '', 'The shipping options available for an item', @configuration_group_id, 46, NOW(), NULL, NULL), (NULL, 'Default Condition', 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_CONDITION', 'new', 'Choose your default condition', @configuration_group_id, 47, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'new\', \'used\', \'refurbished\'),'), (NULL, 'Condition', 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_PRODUCT_CONDITION', 'false', 'If using Numinix Product Fields, include condition?', @configuration_group_id, 48, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),'), (NULL, 'Default Product Type', 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_DEFAULT_PRODUCT_TYPE', '', 'Enter your product type if using default', @configuration_group_id, 49, NOW(), NULL, NULL), (NULL, 'Product Type', 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_PRODUCT_TYPE', 'top', 'Use top-level, bottom-level, full-path, or your default setting as product_type?', @configuration_group_id, 50, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'default\', \'top\', \'bottom\', \'full\'),'), (NULL, 'Show Feed Language', 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_LANGUAGE_DISPLAY', 'false', 'Display Feed Language', @configuration_group_id, 51, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),'), (NULL, 'Feed Language', 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_LANGUAGE', '1', 'Set your feed language (required):', @configuration_group_id, 53, NOW(), NULL, 'google_cfg_pull_down_languages_list('), (NULL, 'Show Weight', 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_WEIGHT', 'false', 'Include products weight?', @configuration_group_id, 53, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),'), (NULL, 'Weight Units', 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_UNITS', 'pounds', 'What unit of weight measure?
    pounds OR kilograms', @configuration_group_id, 54, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'pounds\', \'kilograms\'),'), (NULL, 'UPC/ISBN/EAN', 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_ASA_UPC', 'false', 'If using Numinix Product Fields, include UPC/ISBN/EAN?', @configuration_group_id, 55, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),'), (NULL, 'Description 2', 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_ASA_DESCRIPTION_2', 'false', 'If using Numinix Product Fields, append description 2 to description?', @configuration_group_id, 56, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),'), (NULL, 'Use Meta Title', 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_META_TITLE', 'false', 'Use meta title as the title if it exists (for products only)?', @configuration_group_id, 57, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),'), (NULL, 'Enable Map Pricing', 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_MAP_PRICING', 'false', 'Enable MAP Pricing (requires separate add-on)?', @configuration_group_id, 58, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),'), (NULL, 'Use cPath in url', 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_USE_CPATH', 'false', 'Use cPath in product info url', @configuration_group_id, 59, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),'), (NULL, 'Default Product Category', 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_DEFAULT_PRODUCT_CATEGORY', '', 'Enter a default product category from the Google Category Taxonomy or leave blank:', @configuration_group_id, 60, NOW(), NULL, NULL), (NULL, 'Display Tax', 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_TAX_DISPLAY', 'false', 'Display tax per product? (US only)', @configuration_group_id, 70, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),'), (NULL, 'Tax Country', 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_TAX_COUNTRY', 'US', 'The country an item is taxed in (2-letter ISO CODE)', @configuration_group_id, 71, NOW(), NULL, NULL), (NULL, 'Tax Region', 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_TAX_REGION', 'CA', 'The geographic region that a tax rate applies to, e.g., in the US, the two-letter state abbreviation, ZIP code, or ZIP code range using * wildcard (examples: CA, 946*)', @configuration_group_id, 72, NOW(), NULL, NULL), (NULL, 'Tax Rate', 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_TAX_RATE', '5.00', 'Enter the percentage as a decimal number (without "%" symbol)', @configuration_group_id, 73, NOW(), NULL, NULL), (NULL, 'Tax on Shipping', 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_TAX_SHIPPING', 'n', 'Boolean value for whether you charge tax on shipping, y for yes or n for no - the default value is n', @configuration_group_id, 74, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'y\', \'n\'),'), (NULL, 'Payments Accepted', 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_PAYMENT_METHODS', 'Cash,Check,Visa,MasterCard,AmericanExpress,Discover,WireTransfer', 'What payment methods do you accept?', @configuration_group_id, 80, NOW(), NULL, NULL), (NULL, 'Payment Notes', 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_PAYMENT_NOTES', 'GoogleCheckout', 'Add payment notes (use this for showing you accept Google Checkout)', @configuration_group_id, 81, NOW(), NULL, NULL), (NULL, 'Select Shipping Method', 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_SHIPPING_METHOD', 'none', 'Select a shipping method from the drop-down list that is used in your store, or leave as none', @configuration_group_id, 90, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'zones table rate\', \'flat rate\', \'per item\', \'per weight unit\', \'table rate\', \'zones\', \'percategory\', \'free shipping\', \'free rules shipping\', \'none\'),'), (NULL, 'Table Zone ID', 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_RATE_ZONE', '', 'Enter the table rate ID if using a shipping method that uses table rates:', @configuration_group_id, 91, NOW(), NULL, NULL), (NULL, 'Shipping Country', 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_SHIPPING_COUNTRY', '', 'Select the destination country for the shipping rates:', @configuration_group_id, 92, NOW(), NULL, 'google_cfg_pull_down_country_list('), (NULL, 'Shipping Region', 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_SHIPPING_REGION', '', 'Enter the destination region within the selected country (state code, or zip with wildcard *):', @configuration_group_id, 93, NOW(), NULL, NULL), (NULL, 'Shipping Service', 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_SHIPPING_SERVICE', '', 'Enter the shipping service type (i.e. Ground):', @configuration_group_id, 94, NOW(), NULL, NULL), (NULL, 'Pickup', 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_PICKUP', 'do not display', 'Local pickup available?', @configuration_group_id, 95, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\', \'do not display\'),'), (NULL, 'Alternate Image URL', 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_ALTERNATE_IMAGE_URL', '', 'Add an alternate URL if your images are hosted offsite (i.e. Your defined image will be appended to the end of this URL.', @configuration_group_id, 100, NOW(), NULL, NULL), (NULL, 'Image Handler', 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_IMAGE_HANDLER', 'false', 'Resize images using image handler (separate module required)?', @configuration_group_id, 101, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),'), (NULL, 'Magic SEO URLs', 'GOOGLE_PRODUCTS_MAGIC_SEO_URLS', 'false', 'Output Magic SEO URLs (separate module required)?', @configuration_group_id, 999, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),');]
    If you were entering information, press the BACK button in your browser and re-check the information you had entered to be sure you left no blank fields.

    I'm guessing something is majorly wrong? Would it be best to uninstall it all and start again or is there another option? Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Cumbria, UK
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    Default Re: Google Merchant Center help :/

    Unless there is a SQL "update" patch (which you would run in the SQL Installer), it is usually best to run an uninstall command first, removing any configurations applicable to the older module.

    Does the older Froogle Mod have an "uninstall.sql" file with it? If so, use that to cleanse the database.

    NB: BACKUP your full database before running such scripts.
    20 years a Zencart User

  3. #3
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    WA State
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    Default Re: Google Merchant Center help :/

    There are two SQL patches with the new release, install.sql and update_1_10_2.sql. When I set it up, I got the duplicate entry error when running the second one - update_1_10_2.sql. Happened on two different sites, and on both sites the feed works perfectly.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Google Merchant Center help :/

    Were there full installation instructions in the README file?...

    Usually, there is NO NEED to run an UPDATE.sql file on a fresh install of these things. You just run the standard install.sql file.

    The UPDATE file is provided for people with earlier versions of the module, who would then overwrite the FILES from the earlier version, and then patch the database with the upgrade sql.
    20 years a Zencart User

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Google Merchant Center help :/

    Quote Originally Posted by schoolboy View Post
    Were there full installation instructions in the README file?...

    Usually, there is NO NEED to run an UPDATE.sql file on a fresh install of these things. You just run the standard install.sql file.

    The UPDATE file is provided for people with earlier versions of the module, who would then overwrite the FILES from the earlier version, and then patch the database with the upgrade sql.
    In my case I was running earlier versions, so I assumed the update patch needed to be run.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Google Merchant Center help :/

    did you fix it?
    same problem here. i tried uninstall script from old and new file and tried reinstalling but get the same error

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Google Merchant Center help :/

    Quote Originally Posted by littlekid440 View Post
    did you fix it?
    same problem here. i tried uninstall script from old and new file and tried reinstalling but get the same error
    Have you tried the feed to see if it works? As I noted above, I got the same error on two sites, and the feeds work fine.



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