
We are upgrading a Zencart site to v 1.3.9h. The old credit card payment module is not available anymore, so we installed the CEON manual card module.

When only the standard payment modules that comes with 1.3.9h is present, then the payment module area in Admin works fine, but as soon as any new module is added, it stops working. The payment module page does not complete to load.

When I remove for instance the language files of the new modules, then it works again.

I ended up removing the payment directories in includes/modules and includes/languages/english. Then I added only the files for the CEON module and I checked the logs.
I get the following error:
Call to undefined function ceon_file_exists_in_include_path() in /srv/www/web1/web/zen_demo/includes/modules/payment/ceon_manual_card.php on line 145,

I checked and the function exist in includes/functions/extra_functions/ceon_file_system_functions.php

So it seems that he extra functions are not loaded?

The new version is installed in a subdirectory (zen_demo) in the original zencart installation.

Any ideas?
