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  1. #51
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    Default Re: Ceon Manual Card Payment Module v3.0.0


    Quote Originally Posted by ideasgirl View Post
    Any idea of what's going on?
    Sorry, not a clue. Maybe someone else here has experience with super orders and can help this lady?

    As you say, it's not to do with Ceon Manual Card, so it might be better starting a new thread altogether.

    All the best...


  2. #52
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    Default Re: Ceon Manual Card Payment Module v3.0.0

    Sorry, not a clue. Maybe someone else here has experience with super orders and can help this lady?

    As you say, it's not to do with Ceon Manual Card, so it might be better starting a new thread altogether.
    Well, I just did another test on my sandbox where I don't have super orders neither fast and easy checkout installed. ZC v1.3.9h and no modules installed that can be crashing with Ceon CC.

    The result was the same, the order comes in as not paid and there's no link like previous version to "delete" the CVV (does that still on new version?).

    I also did a test uploading the files that are not needed from previous order and got the blank page that someone mentioned (the whole admin goes blank), so the person that mentioned that was right.

    Question: is there supposed to be any database patch? There's none on the package.

    I haven't installed this new version on any of my customers, so I can't compare.
    IDEAS Girl
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  3. #53
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    Default Re: Ceon Manual Card Payment Module v3.0.0


    Quote Originally Posted by ideasgirl View Post
    Well, I just did another test on my sandbox where I don't have super orders neither fast and easy checkout installed. ZC v1.3.9h and no modules installed that can be crashing with Ceon CC.
    None of the problems you are describing are to do with Ceon Manual Card.

    The text "No Order Payment Data Available" is not part of the software, and the facility to delete CVV numbers is not - and never has been - part of the software either.

    This sandbox of yours clearly isn't a fresh copy of Zen Cart and does indeed have custom modifications which aren't working for you.

    I'm afraid that if you require any further help with this I'd need FTP and admin details for the site to take a quick look.

    Hope that information helps though.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

    All the best...


  4. #54
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    Default Re: Ceon Manual Card Payment Module v3.0.0

    The text "No Order Payment Data Available" is not part of the software, and the facility to delete CVV numbers is not - and never has been - part of the software either.
    No, that's not showing on the sandbox installation.
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  5. #55
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    Default Re: Ceon Manual Card Payment Module v3.0.0


    Quote Originally Posted by ideasgirl View Post
    No, that's not showing on the sandbox installation.
    Right.. not quite sure what you want then, why just post this?

    Quote Originally Posted by ideasgirl View Post
    I also did a test uploading the files that are not needed from previous order and got the blank page that someone mentioned (the whole admin goes blank), so the person that mentioned that was right.
    Missed commenting on this before, but as I said before, you've done something wrong. If the admin goes blank then you have probably missed uploading a file.. check your cache folder for debug logs which will point towards what you've done wrong.

    To be honest, I've no idea what you are talking about when you say "files that are not needed from previous order"... the grammar of this makes no sense?

    Also, your question about the database patch would seem to imply that you haven't read the documentation that comes with the software. It would be advisable to do so when installing/upgrading it.

    Hope that helps.

    I cannot help you further with this here, the issues you mention are specific to your installation and would require manual debugging using FTP and admin details.

    All the best...


  6. #56
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    Default Re: Ceon Manual Card Payment Module v3.0.0

    Right.. not quite sure what you want then, why just post this?
    I posted to let you know that it was not happening on the sandbox environment, since you said it doesn't belong to Ceon CC Payment. I wanted to make it clear that wasn't showing up on that installation.

    Missed commenting on this before, but as I said before, you've done something wrong. If the admin goes blank then you have probably missed uploading a file.. check your cache folder for debug logs which will point towards what you've done wrong.

    To be honest, I've no idea what you are talking about when you say "files that are not needed from previous order"... the grammar of this makes no sense?
    Sorry, I meant to say "version" not "order", that's why doesn't make sense. I was referring to the posts #20/#21 when somebody mentioned having those files and admin went blank. I was just troubleshooting.

    Also, your question about the database patch would seem to imply that you haven't read the documentation that comes with the software. It would be advisable to do so when installing/upgrading it.
    Yes, I read the full readme file, remember you sent me a copy even before it was available here for download. I even read the FAQ's and "Known Issues" where I didn't find any of my questions and issues.

    I'm not saying the module doesn't work, it does. I'm just not sure if is working how is supposed to since I'm basing my questions and "issues" on my experience with previous version and the order used to come in as "PAID" or no balance due, now it doesn't, it shows up on the order's page as not paid.

    I'm asking if that's the way is supposed to be now? I believe I upgraded from 1.3.7 so I was using previous ZC offline cc payment system, and that was the way it used to be. If your module is not supposed to bring the order in as PAID, that's all what I need to know.

    If it's supposed to bring it just like ZC used to, then is not doing it and needs to be fixed. I can give you access details through PM if you are available to take a look?
    IDEAS Girl
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  7. #57
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    Default Re: Ceon Manual Card Payment Module v3.0.0


    Quote Originally Posted by ideasgirl View Post
    I posted to let you know that it was not happening on the sandbox environment, since you said it doesn't belong to Ceon CC Payment. I wanted to make it clear that wasn't showing up on that installation.
    No problem.. I wasn't sure what you were wanting me to comment on! :)

    Quote Originally Posted by ideasgirl View Post
    Sorry, I meant to say "version" not "order", that's why doesn't make sense. I was referring to the posts #20/#21 when somebody mentioned having those files and admin went blank. I was just troubleshooting.
    Okay, I wasn't following you. If removing those files caused a blank page then the followuyp post I made at the time explains the reason: "Quite simply you must have another old Ceon module that uses ceon_file_system_functions.php.."... the files may simply have been required for another old Ceon module.. Ceon Manual Card 3 doesn't need them so deleting them won't cause a blank page specifically for it.

    Quote Originally Posted by ideasgirl View Post
    Yes, I read the full readme file, remember you sent me a copy even before it was available here for download. I even read the FAQ's and "Known Issues" where I didn't find any of my questions and issues.
    Sorry, when you asked where the SQL script is it gave that impression as there is no SQL script.. the installation documentation tells how the database table is automatically created when installing the software.

    The reason none of your issues are described is that none of your issues are actually directly related to Ceon Manual Card.

    Quote Originally Posted by ideasgirl View Post
    I'm not saying the module doesn't work, it does. I'm just not sure if is working how is supposed to since I'm basing my questions and "issues" on my experience with previous version and the order used to come in as "PAID" or no balance due, now it doesn't, it shows up on the order's page as not paid.
    Have you set the order status that payments should be set to when Ceon Manual Card is used?

    Quote Originally Posted by ideasgirl View Post
    I'm asking if that's the way is supposed to be now? I believe I upgraded from 1.3.7 so I was using previous ZC offline cc payment system, and that was the way it used to be. If your module is not supposed to bring the order in as PAID, that's all what I need to know.
    I don't know what the standard Zen Cart CC module did so can't tell you how it differs from Ceon Manual Card.

    Best just try out the options in Ceon Manual Card and see what matches what you want to do and what doesn't.

    Quote Originally Posted by ideasgirl View Post
    If it's supposed to bring it just like ZC used to, then is not doing it and needs to be fixed. I can give you access details through PM if you are available to take a look?
    As you say, the module works fine, but yes, it may simply be that you expected it to work in a different way and this is the source of the confusion. As I said, I don't know exactly what your previous CC module did but I don't recognise your description of its behaviour and can't help wondering if you had custom coded it in some way. I don't remember the old CC module adjusting order totals (or whatever it is you mean by "no balance due").

    Obviously we've identified that this issue is not related to Ceon Manual Card directly, but a possible difference in methodology, so posting further about it here won't be informative for anyone else but I hope you can get it sorted.

    If you do want to run anything by me you can send a quick contact e-mail via the contact form on my website.. I don't use the PM system here.

    All the best...

    Last edited by conor; 13 Nov 2011 at 12:29 PM.

  8. #58
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    Default Re: Ceon Manual Card Payment Module v3.0.0

    OK It seems that this will be a dumb question since most of the mods I have installed have gone smoothly - But I think I am having a major brain glitch.
    I have two sites both are running 2.2.2 the one site for some reason stopped showing the credit card gathering area. So this is the great time to upgrade to 3.000
    Both sites are 1.3.H.
    The site with problems I have uploaded the admin and the includes folders and that is about as far as I can get - in the administration when I reinstall the mod it still shows the 2.2.2 at the top.
    It also has in the mod area check for updates which I have done by Filezilla.

    I know I am just missing something!

  9. #59
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    Default Re: Ceon Manual Card Payment Module v3.0.0


    Quote Originally Posted by stitchnkitty View Post
    It also has in the mod area check for updates which I have done by Filezilla.
    It's probably Filezilla messing up. I've heard from several people now using it and it reports files as being uploaded when they weren't!

    Re-upload all the files again with a "better" FTP client (try FireFTP for Firefox), taking care to upload the admin files to the correct admin folder, and all should be fine.

    Any info you need should be in the module's documentation/upgrading instructions.

    Hope that helps!

    All the best...


  10. #60
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    OK I will try this - I only uploaded the admin and include folders - the _doc was a bit cloudy as to if these were necessary.


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