I noticed that the Shopping cart sidebox always says "Add $60.00 to your order to qualify for Free Shipping." if nothing is in the cart. Once an item is added it subtracts the value and counts down till free shipping is reached. I didn't remember setting this. I finally found that the Modules/Order Total/Shipping was installed but "allow free shipping" was set to false. When changed to true the free shipping in the sidebox went away (seems a little backwards to me) I changed the amount to $100 but the cart still counts down from $60.

I just installed the Dangling Carrot add on and found the following in the /includes/templates/freetemplate2/sideboxes/tpl_shopping_cart.php. I changed the if ($free_ship_on == 'false') to if ($free_ship_on == 'true') and now its no longer backwards but my question is:

I want to use the Shipping module under the order totals in admin but how do I edit the code below so that the order total I can set the order total under the admin without of having to change the "$free_limit = 60;" each time?

If I change the "$free_limit = 60;" to "$free_limit = 100;" then it works but it's a pain to have to change the php file everytime I want to change the free shipping amount.


if ($free_ship_on == 'false') {
$free_limit = 60;

if ($_SESSION['cart']->count_contents() > 0) {
$basket_total = $_SESSION['cart']->show_total();
if ($basket_total < $free_limit) {
$diff_to_free = ($free_limit - $basket_total);
$content .= '<p class="alertFreeShipping">' . 'Add '. $currencies->format($diff_to_free) .' to your order to qualify for <b>Free Shipping</b>.' . '</p><p><a href="Shipping.htm">' . 'Our Shipping Policy' . '</a></p>';
} else {
$content .= '<p class="alertFreeShipping">' . 'Your order qualifies for <b>Free Shipping</b>.' . '</p><p><a href="Shipping.htm">' . 'Our Shipping Policy' . '</a></p>';
} else {
$content .= '<p class="alertFreeShipping">' . '<b>Free Shipping</b> for orders of ' . $currencies->format($free_limit) . ' or more.' . '</p><p><a href="Shipping.htm">' . 'Our Shipping Policy' . '</a></p>';
$content .= '<p><a href="index.php?main_page=shopping_cart">' . 'View Cart Contents ' . '</a></p>';

if (isset($_SESSION['customer_id'])) {
$gv_query = "select amount
where customer_id = '" . $_SESSION['customer_id'] . "'";
$gv_result = $db->Execute($gv_query);

if ($gv_result->RecordCount() && $gv_result->fields['amount'] > 0 ) {
$content .= '<div id="cartBoxGVButton"><a href="' . zen_href_link(FILENAME_GV_SEND, '', 'SSL') . '">' . zen_image_button(BUTTON_IMAGE_SEND_A_GIFT_CERT , BUTTON_SEND_A_GIFT_CERT_ALT) . '</a></div>';
$content .= '<div id="cartBoxVoucherBalance">' . VOUCHER_BALANCE . $currencies->format($gv_result->fields['amount']) . '</div>';
$content .= '</div>';