lol it's wasn't the SQL I was referring to per say, but the fact that I was outputting the SQL without an end quote in the PHP code.. it was the PHP that was messed up. Anyway... :)
Ceon URI Mapping will have automatically generated a URI whenever you edited these categories in the admin. So although you didn't manually modiofy the Ceon URI Mapping database, these "rogue" mappings still got in. The software simply wasn't built to cope with nameless categories, which is how we found ourselves in the situation that we did. :)
Not a big deal, just delete those mappings manually from your database and stop using "fake categories" for layout! :)
If you want to add a space you should actually just reprogram the categories sidebox so that it modifies the output HTML.
Having a category with no name will break auto-generation of all categories below that level.
Move all your categories back to the parent level, delete the six fake ones and adjust the categories sidebox to preceed the categories' names with after the first five.
I'll add this reminder into a future version.
All the best...