Yes thanks, got your email. Will respond to it shortly, probably tomorrow actually.
I was a database programmer years ago so know a bit about databases. :)
Actually, I have not added any manual database entries into the 3.8.0 table. I have looked at it and see this... I have created 6 x categories in Zen that act as spacers.... ie... I have 20+ categories and on the left menu, I dont want them all together, so after 5 categories, I wanted a space and the way I did it was to create a category with a blank name... Having a cateory with a name with just a since space did nto work, it never made that space I wanted, so, I created the category with <ALT>255 - which is a blank character... There are 6 of these categories just the same... and if you remember my reply earier, the manual entry of the update command updated 6 rows... I manually looked into the tabe and see that is exactly the case... ^ records in the table now have the 'uri' field as blank. Not particularly bothered as there are no products in there, and I will manually do something to fix it..
One thing I will say about that is, I dont know how those 6 blank categories got into your mappings table because I KNOW, that I have never edited those 6 categories to manually get them into the URI database like I did with the 400 or so other categories... So a little confused with that..!!
I agree that it is a good idea to put a line in the instructions for those that forget they have admin tools..