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  1. #1

    Default How To Edit "index.php?main_page=login"?

    I know this can be done via the login.php, but when I changed a few things some of the changes didn't show up. Also, there are quite a few discrepancies between my login.php and what actually shows up on my website.

    This is my login page:

    As you can see I have different "boxes" or places for different info, like telephone number and address. I want to add another box for an important notice. I tried to write a new define rule in english.php, but that didn't work.

    I also wanted to remove the "Newsletter and Email Details" box at the bottom, but that doesn't even show up at all in my login.php.

    If it helps, this is the contents of my login.php:

     * @package languageDefines
     * @copyright Copyright 2003-2007 Zen Cart Development Team
     * @copyright Portions Copyright 2003 osCommerce
     * @license GNU Public License V2.0
     * @version $Id: login.php 6352 2007-05-20 21:05:01Z drbyte $
    define('NAVBAR_TITLE', 'Login');
    define('HEADING_TITLE', 'Welcome, Please Sign In');
    define('HEADING_NEW_CUSTOMER', 'New? Please Provide Your Billing Information');
    define('HEADING_NEW_CUSTOMER_SPLIT', 'New Customers');
    define('TEXT_NEW_CUSTOMER_INTRODUCTION', 'Create a login profile with <strong>' . STORE_NAME . '</strong> which allows you to shop faster, track the status 
    of your current orders and review your previous orders.');
    define('TEXT_NEW_CUSTOMER_INTRODUCTION_SPLIT', 'Have a PayPal account? Want to pay quickly with a credit card? Use the PayPal button below to use the Express 
    Checkout option.');
    define('TEXT_NEW_CUSTOMER_POST_INTRODUCTION_DIVIDER', '<span class="larger">Or</span><br />');
    define('TEXT_NEW_CUSTOMER_POST_INTRODUCTION_SPLIT', 'Create a Customer Profile with <strong>' . STORE_NAME . '</strong> which allows you to shop faster, 
    track the status of your current orders, review your previous orders and take advantage of our other member\'s benefits.');
    define('HEADING_RETURNING_CUSTOMER', 'Returning Customers: Please Log In');
    define('HEADING_RETURNING_CUSTOMER_SPLIT', 'Returning Customers');
    define('TEXT_RETURNING_CUSTOMER_SPLIT', 'In order to continue, please login to your <strong>' . STORE_NAME . '</strong> account.');
    define('TEXT_PASSWORD_FORGOTTEN', 'Forgot your password?');
    define('TEXT_LOGIN_ERROR', 'Error: Sorry, there is no match for that email address and/or password.');
    define('TEXT_VISITORS_CART', '<strong>Note:</strong> Your &quot;Visitors Cart&quot; contents will be merged with your &quot;Members Cart&quot; contents once 
    you have logged on. <a href="javascript:session_win();">[More Info]</a>');
    define('TABLE_HEADING_PRIVACY_CONDITIONS', '<span class="privacyconditions">Privacy Statement</span>');
    define('TEXT_PRIVACY_CONDITIONS_DESCRIPTION', '<span class="privacydescription">Please acknowledge you agree with our privacy statement by ticking the 
    following box. The privacy statement can be read</span> <a href="' . zen_href_link(FILENAME_PRIVACY, '', 'SSL') . '"><span 
    define('TEXT_PRIVACY_CONDITIONS_CONFIRM', '<span class="privacyagree">I have read and agreed to your privacy statement.</span>');
    define('ERROR_SECURITY_ERROR', 'There was a security error when trying to login.');
    define('TEXT_LOGIN_BANNED', 'Error: Access denied.');

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Syracuse, NY
    Plugin Contributions

    Default Re: How To Edit "index.php?main_page=login"

    Unless I am missing something their is no way to turn the Newsletter and Email Details on/off via the ADMIN

    But if you go to CONFIGURATION > CUSTOMER DETAILS and set Show Newsletter Checkbox to 0

    then in your:

    <legend><?php echo ENTRY_EMAIL_PREFERENCE; ?></legend>
    <?php echo zen_draw_checkbox_field('newsletter', '1', $newsletter, 'id="newsletter-checkbox"') . '<label class="checkboxLabel" for="newsletter-checkbox">' . ENTRY_NEWSLETTER . '</label>' . (zen_not_null(ENTRY_NEWSLETTER_TEXT) ? '<span class="alert">' . ENTRY_NEWSLETTER_TEXT . '</span>': ''); ?>
    <br class="clearBoth" />
    <?php } ?>
    <?php echo zen_draw_radio_field('email_format', 'HTML', ($email_format == 'HTML' ? true : false),'id="email-format-html"') . '<label class="radioButtonLabel" for="email-format-html">' . ENTRY_EMAIL_HTML_DISPLAY . '</label>' .  zen_draw_radio_field('email_format', 'TEXT', ($email_format == 'TEXT' ? true : false), 'id="email-format-text"') . '<label class="radioButtonLabel" for="email-format-text">' . ENTRY_EMAIL_TEXT_DISPLAY . '</label>'; ?>
    <br class="clearBoth" />
    change to:
    <legend><?php echo ENTRY_EMAIL_PREFERENCE; ?></legend>
    <?php echo zen_draw_checkbox_field('newsletter', '1', $newsletter, 'id="newsletter-checkbox"') . '<label class="checkboxLabel" for="newsletter-checkbox">' . ENTRY_NEWSLETTER . '</label>' . (zen_not_null(ENTRY_NEWSLETTER_TEXT) ? '<span class="alert">' . ENTRY_NEWSLETTER_TEXT . '</span>': ''); ?>
    <br class="clearBoth" />
    <?php echo zen_draw_radio_field('email_format', 'HTML', ($email_format == 'HTML' ? true : false),'id="email-format-html"') . '<label class="radioButtonLabel" for="email-format-html">' . ENTRY_EMAIL_HTML_DISPLAY . '</label>' .  zen_draw_radio_field('email_format', 'TEXT', ($email_format == 'TEXT' ? true : false), 'id="email-format-text"') . '<label class="radioButtonLabel" for="email-format-text">' . ENTRY_EMAIL_TEXT_DISPLAY . '</label>'; ?>
    <br class="clearBoth" />
    <?php } ?>
    and to add a feildset "box" you would have to ADD this to the same file as above.
    <legend><?php echo YOUR_DIFFERENT_INFO_HEADER; ?></legend>
    <?php echo YOUR_DIFFERENT_INFO; ?>
    then add the define statements to /includes/languages/english/CUSTOM_TEMPLATE/create_account.php
    define('YOUR_DIFFERENT_INFO_HEADER', 'blah blah blah');
    define('YOUR_DIFFERENT_INFO', 'blah blah blah');
    Hope this helps!
    Last edited by rbarbour; 9 Sep 2011 at 06:36 AM.



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