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Zen cart: v1.3.9b
I currently have an issue with the Paypal Express Checkout Module on a certain website. Basically the issue occurs when a user checks out in the normal manner, ie:
- Shipping Address
- Billing Address
- Confirm Order
- Customer sent to Paypal for payment
However, it doesn't matter what shipping address is entered, it is always over-ridden by the address held in Paypal when the order is sent back to the zen cart system.
Is there some sort of flag which needs to be turned on in a payment module file to send the shipping address? Any help would be much appreciated
Apologies for raising this post up again, however I have searched the forum and I am unable to find an answer to this problem!
As explained by webhorizons zen cart is not sending the shipping address to Paypal. The billing address the customer enters in zen cart is instead taken as the delivery address on the Paypal page. However when the customer enters their credit card and address details on Paypal this over rides everything and is sent back to zen cart as the customers delivery address.
I am using version 1.3.9h - At first I thought it may have something tod with the address over ride setting however this is set to 1 (extract of paypalwpp log shown below):
PHP Code:
// If the customer has changed their shipping address,
// override the shipping address in PayPal with the shipping
// address that is selected in Zen Cart.
if ($order->delivery['street_address'] != $_SESSION['paypal_ec_payer_info']['ship_street_1'] && $_SESSION['paypal_ec_payer_info']['ship_street_1'] != '') {
$_GET['markflow'] = 2;
if (($address_arr = $this->getOverrideAddress()) !== false) {
// set the override var
$options[COLOR="Red"]['ADDROVERRIDE'] = 1;[/COLOR] // set the address info
$options['SHIPTONAME'] = $address_arr['entry_firstname'] . ' ' . $address_arr['entry_lastname'];
$options['SHIPTOSTREET'] = $address_arr['entry_street_address'];
if ($address_arr['entry_suburb'] != '') $options['SHIPTOSTREET2'] = $address_arr['entry_suburb'];
$options['SHIPTOCITY'] = $address_arr['entry_city'];
$options['SHIPTOZIP'] = $address_arr['entry_postcode'];
$options['SHIPTOSTATE'] = $address_arr['zone_code'];
$options['SHIPTOCOUNTRYCODE'] = $address_arr['countries_iso_code_2'];
Is there any other file/setting that I should be checking?
Thanks in advance