I have installed the Export Order / Shipping Information module (v. 1.3.2) on ZC 1.3.9h. I am also using the Advanced Shipper module (v. 5.0.0) I purchased from Ceon. All modules installed with no issues, but I am seeing a little strange behavior that I am wondering if I could get some help with.
When I run the export order module all the orders with just one type of product it exports perfectly... however, those orders with mulitple products export with the code associated with the second order.
For example... I run the export with the following attributes:
Run In Test Mode
Export First and Last Name into Separate Fields.
Include Header Row In Export
Include orders already downloaded in export.
1 Order per row
Shipping Method
Shipping Total
Phone Number
Order Date
ISO Country Code (2 Character)
Full Product Details *
An output sample is attached (I guess i can't upload a spreadsheet, so I have broken it into a couple screenshots)...
If there is not a second product then the output is perfect, but as soon as another product is purchased, it blows up. It is the same result regardless of what options I choose it the report (e.g. 1 order per row or 1 product per row, etc). It also doesn't matter if what product is ordered... the first one works fine, the second one displays the code and is not formatted like the rest.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.