Originally Posted by
Thank you for the response, and it seems to all be in place now, but is not working, can you please take a look at
www.efpsupply.com and try the search and let me know as I see no differance in the search.
Thx Much,
searches.php works fine cut and paste the following link into your browser and it will push some results:
All your files are in their correct places:
I think the problem could lie in instantSearch.js for your spacific site it may be in conflict with other scripts in your site (i think).
Try this on your offline site (not live):
open instantSearch.js delete everthing and replace it with the following code bellow, then refresh the page a msg box should pop up.
try entering 1 letter into the search box and another 2 msgbox should popup.
reply back with result!
//replace with this test code bellow
* @package Instant Search Results
* @copyright Copyright Ayoob G 2009-2011
* @copyright Portions Copyright 2003-2006 The Zen Cart Team
* @copyright Portions Copyright 2003 osCommerce
* @license http://www.zen-cart.com/license/2_0.txt GNU Public License V2.0
//This jScript file is used to create our instant search box
//these var's will be used to maintain multiple request
var runningRequest = false;
var request;
//if you want to manually position the result box you can set autoPosition to false
//but make sure to provide the top and left value in instantSearch.css
var autoPosition = true;
var inputboxCurrent;
//checks to see if the document has loaded and is ready
$(document).ready(function () {
//this will apply the instant search feature to all the search boxes
var inputBox = $('input[name="keyword"]');
alert("step1, if see some code then this bit works:" + inputBox.parent().html());
//if you want to add instant search to only a specific box then comment out the var inputBox above
//and uncomment out the specific search box selector bellow:
//var inputBox = $('#navMainSearch > form[name="quick_find_header"] > input[name="keyword"]');
//var inputBox = $('#navColumnTwoWrapper > form[name="quick_find_header"] > input[name="keyword"]');
//var inputBox = $('#searchContent > form[name="quick_find"] > input[name="keyword"]');
//this adds a instant search container bellow the search box
inputBox.before('<div class="resultsContainer"></div>');
inputBox.attr('autocomplete', 'off');
//re-position all the instant search container correctly into their places
if (autoPosition == true){
inputBox.each(function (index) {
var offset = $(this).offset();
$(this).prev().css("left", offset.left + "px");
$(this).prev().css("top", ($(this).outerHeight(true) + offset.top) + "px");
//if the search box losses focus, then the instant search container will be hidden
inputBox.blur(function () {
if (inputboxCurrent) {
var resultsContainer = inputboxCurrent.prev();
//if we resize the browser or zoom in or out of a page then the instant search container will be hidden
$(window).resize(function() {
if (inputboxCurrent) {
var resultsContainer = inputboxCurrent.prev();
//the user starts to enter a few characters into the search box
inputBox.keyup(function () {
alert("step2 keyup works");
//only the currently selected search box will be used
inputboxCurrent = $(this);
//assign a variable to the instant search container
var resultsContainer = $(this).prev();
//we capture the words that are being typed into the search box
var searchWord = $(this).val();
var replaceWord = searchWord;
//we clean up the word for any unnecessary characters or double spaces
searchWord = searchWord.replace(/^\s+/, "");
searchWord = searchWord.replace(/ +/g, ' ');
if (searchWord == "") {
//if the search value entered is empty, we then hide the instant search container
} else {
//if multiple requests are sent to the server, we then abort any previous request, before a new request is sent
//this only comes in use if user is a fast typer
if (runningRequest) {
runningRequest = true;
//we then pass on the search word to searches.php
//searches.php will then look for all the search results
request = $.getJSON('searches.php', {query: searchWord}, function (data) {
alert("step3 data length is " + data.length);
if (data.length > 0) {
var resultHtml = '';
$.each(data, function (i, item) {
//if any search result are found, a link will be created and placed into the instant search container
resultHtml += '<li><a href="' + generateLink(item.pc,item.l) + '"><span class="alignRight">' + formatNumber(item.c) + '</span>' + highlightWord(replaceWord,item.q) + '</a></li>';
//fill the container with the matching products and categories
if (!resultsContainer.is(':visible')) {
//auto position container if needs be
if (autoPosition == true){
autoPositionContainer(inputboxCurrent, resultsContainer);
//drop down instant search box
} else {
runningRequest = false;
//this function auto positions the container
function autoPositionContainer(inputBoxCurr, resltsContainer){
var offsetInput = inputBoxCurr.offset();
var overFlow = offsetInput.left + resltsContainer.outerWidth(true);
var winWidth = $(document).width();
if (overFlow > winWidth){ // this checks to see if the container overflows on the right of the window
var dif = overFlow - winWidth;
if ((offsetInput.left - dif) < 0){// this checks to see if the container overflows on the left of the window
resltsContainer.css("left", 0 + "px");
resltsContainer.css("left", (offsetInput.left - dif) + "px");
resltsContainer.css("left", offsetInput.left + "px");
resltsContainer.css("top", (inputBoxCurr.outerHeight(true) + offsetInput.top) + "px");
//this function creates the link back to the matching products or categories
function generateLink(productORcategory, productCategoryID)
var l = "";
if (productORcategory == "p"){
l = "index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=" + productCategoryID;
l = "index.php?main_page=index&cPath=" + productCategoryID;
return l;
function highlightWord(findTxt,replaceTxt)
var f = findTxt.toLowerCase();
var r = replaceTxt.toLowerCase();
var regex = new RegExp('(' + f + ')', 'i');
return r.replace(regex, '<span class="thinFont">' + f + '</span>')
function formatNumber(num)
return num.toString().replace(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/g, "$1,");