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  1. #1851
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    Default Re: EasyPopulate 4.0 Support Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by jeking View Post
    There was a version of another EP at some point in the past. Maybe this is the source of the conflict?
    Whew, though I really thought that each of the other EP variants used some sort of different installation information, but... glad that found it.
    Quote Originally Posted by jeking View Post
    That seemed to be it. I removed all the references to Easy Populate in the configuration menu and now I get the install at the top of the page. Thanks for asking the questions that lead to the solution!
    Well, see. There we go.. :) Guessing you dug into phpmyadmin to find those other occurrences... Glad that back on track. :)
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  2. #1852
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    Default Re: EasyPopulate 4.0 Support Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by mc12345678 View Post
    Interesting, as that does indicate that all of the database fields already exist in the database for the configuration settings. (Note the last command wasn't added until a point after 4.0.24 if not just in 4.0.28. )

    I'm trying to help without diving into phpmyadmin... :/ My guess is that now already there are at least 2 instances of the admin "keys" and that one of them has a sort order of 50, the other at some value less than that..
    There was an admin key with a value of 49. This caused a separate error I did not post. I removed that key and then installation completed successfully. I did spend some time in phpmyadmin trying to track down and solve this issue. I'm sure I could not have do so without seeing the values to understand the cause of the issues.

  3. #1853
    smpaulsen Guest

    Default Re: EasyPopulate 4.0 Support Thread

    Easy Populate 4.0.28 - Beta 01-03-2015 - Download Links in easypopulate_4.php error.

    I kept getting 404 errors when clicking Download for my CSV files on the Tools / Easy Populate 4 page. I discovered that the Download links were pointing to DIR_WS_CATALOG.$tempdir.$dirfile.

    For me, that pointed to a folder that does not exist.

    I explicitly added the HTTP_SERVER to the target as:


    Maybe something to consider for 4.0.29 or beyond?

    Thank you for maintaining this utility!

  4. #1854
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    Default Re: EasyPopulate 4.0 Support Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by smpaulsen View Post
    Easy Populate 4.0.28 - Beta 01-03-2015 - Download Links in easypopulate_4.php error.

    I kept getting 404 errors when clicking Download for my CSV files on the Tools / Easy Populate 4 page. I discovered that the Download links were pointing to DIR_WS_CATALOG.$tempdir.$dirfile.

    For me, that pointed to a folder that does not exist.

    I explicitly added the HTTP_SERVER to the target as:


    Maybe something to consider for 4.0.29 or beyond?

    Thank you for maintaining this utility!
    I need to take a look at the code a little to validate the suggestion, but also would like in some way to understand the condition(s) under which this would be necessary.

    Could you either here in the forum or by PM identify what under what condition(s) that is considered necessary?
    As necessary in the response obscure whatever values necessary, but need to understand what caused the issue.

    (Btw, the installation instructions (as limited as they are) suggest placing the temporary folder in the admin directory which when using HTTP_SERVER as the start of the path would neither be expected to be there, nor by default be securely transmitted. It is not a requirement for them to be securely transmitted, but a suggestion and for other readers, HTTP_SERVER could be set as a secure location by starting with https:, but also is not a general requirement.)

    Part of the need to review the code is to also try to identify if the use of ../ or a series of those would support the condition seen, or if there is an alternate solution needed (possibly configuration options). It appears that the software is able to find the files in order to present for download, but something about the link generated doesn't point to the same location for download...
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  5. #1855
    smpaulsen Guest

    Default Re: EasyPopulate 4.0 Support Thread

    Good morning, and thank you for the reply / questions.

    In short, the way we have ZC configured on the (shared) server means that we have to use the shared certificate. As such, the unsecure activity can take place at, but the secured transactions need to go through Yes, feel free to point out all the ways this contradicts best practices. For the present, it is what we are doing.

    Secondly, I misread the part about the temp folder being in the admin directory. That will cause some of the problems I was having. Thank you for pointing that out to me. I will test with the golden code and proper directory location.

    That's all I've got. Let me know if you have more questions.

    Again.... THANK YOU for maintaining such a useful tool.
    ~ Steve

  6. #1856
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    Default Re: EasyPopulate 4.0 Support Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by smpaulsen View Post
    Good morning, and thank you for the reply / questions.

    In short, the way we have ZC configured on the (shared) server means that we have to use the shared certificate. As such, the unsecure activity can take place at, but the secured transactions need to go through Yes, feel free to point out all the ways this contradicts best practices. For the present, it is what we are doing.

    Secondly, I misread the part about the temp folder being in the admin directory. That will cause some of the problems I was having. Thank you for pointing that out to me. I will test with the golden code and proper directory location.

    That's all I've got. Let me know if you have more questions.

    Again.... THANK YOU for maintaining such a useful tool.
    ~ Steve
    No, I get it. Recommendation in this situation of using the shared server's SSL certificate is to ensure that the DIR_WS_CATALOG and the DIR_WS_HTTPS_CATALOG be the same. In your situation that would be both being '/', therefore your HTTPS_SERVER would need to be:
    Where your HTTP_SERVER would be

    That should resolve any 'folder doesn't exist' condition. Otherwise, you may also run into problems with other plugins as well. (Will still look to see how this plugin compares to others in this regards and what if any changes need to be made.) :)
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  7. #1857
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    Default Re: EasyPopulate 4.0 Support Thread

    I am new(er) to EP4 and to ZenCart in general...but I have been trying to get map_enabled and map_pricing to be included with the Model/Price/Qty export. I also have the MSRP addon installed...the MSRP field shows, but does not populate...the map fields are not in the export.
    If I add the fields to the exported file, I can then update the file and upload it....all the fields import.
    I am running version 1.5.4 of zencart and 4.0.28 - Beta 01-03-2015 of EP4
    I also note in the FULL export (All products) that everything exports -
    Any help/guidance would be much appreciated!

  8. #1858
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    Default Re: EasyPopulate 4.0 Support Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by greatgear View Post
    I am new(er) to EP4 and to ZenCart in general...but I have been trying to get map_enabled and map_pricing to be included with the Model/Price/Qty export. I also have the MSRP addon installed...the MSRP field shows, but does not populate...the map fields are not in the export.
    If I add the fields to the exported file, I can then update the file and upload it....all the fields import.
    I am running version 1.5.4 of zencart and 4.0.28 - Beta 01-03-2015 of EP4
    I also note in the FULL export (All products) that everything exports -
    Any help/guidance would be much appreciated!
    Sorry for the somewhat delayed response. Saw the message earlier, but wanted to check into the code a little before responding. The MSRP module is recognized by EP4. The MAP module though is not. If the table that is modified by the MAP plugin is the products table, then the extra fields can be added in the admin, configuration, easy populate custom fields section. Typing in the field name(s) without v_ and each separated by a comma if more than one.

    These custom fields will be exported using the full export. The msrp field products_msrp should be exported with the model/price/qty export option; however, I see that there was some aspects omitted/removed from the function file for export when using the model/price/qty export. Now whether that field is otherwise populated I couldn't say as I don't use either of the two plugins. Would need to see what else is to be done to export more with that option. I can't say that I see why MSRP data exports under one option but not the other.

    Though it looks like the coding is a little modified/missing. I see that msrp is fully implemented for full export; however, there is only a partial implementation on the model/price/qty export.

    It can be added in individually, though I plan on including/reintroducing it on the next update...
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  9. #1859
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    Default Re: EasyPopulate 4.0 Support Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by mc12345678 View Post
    Sorry for the somewhat delayed response. Saw the message earlier, but wanted to check into the code a little before responding. The MSRP module is recognized by EP4. The MAP module though is not. If the table that is modified by the MAP plugin is the products table, then the extra fields can be added in the admin, configuration, easy populate custom fields section. Typing in the field name(s) without v_ and each separated by a comma if more than one.

    These custom fields will be exported using the full export. The msrp field products_msrp should be exported with the model/price/qty export option; however, I see that there was some aspects omitted/removed from the function file for export when using the model/price/qty export. Now whether that field is otherwise populated I couldn't say as I don't use either of the two plugins. Would need to see what else is to be done to export more with that option. I can't say that I see why MSRP data exports under one option but not the other.

    Though it looks like the coding is a little modified/missing. I see that msrp is fully implemented for full export; however, there is only a partial implementation on the model/price/qty export.

    It can be added in individually, though I plan on including/reintroducing it on the next update...
    Thanks! That does answer a lot of the questions....I will keep watching for an update. I have devised a work around for the time - I add the fields before I update the file and it imports correctly.

    This is a stellar tool!

    Thanks again for the info and quick response!

  10. #1860
    Join Date
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    Default Using EP4 to update existing products


    It has been a while since I last posted because Zencart and EP4 work GREAT and problem free!

    Now, I need to do a lot of product description updates (add info) to existing products, and going through the admin is too may clicks and too slow, BUT before I use EP4 to speed things up I am hoping that I can get a confirmation that EP4 can be used for updating in this manner...

    I was going to export all products and download file to computer desktop, open with open office calc like normal, delete all columns except for 2 (v_products_model and v_products_description_1, which is to avoid accidentally changing other fields and make the file easier to work with), make additions to v_products_description_1 fields, save, upload and import.

    So providing that NOTHING gets changed in v_products_model, doing the above should just result in updating the v_products_description_1 additions to existing products, and leave stuff like inventory count untouched, and not create duplicate products, nor have any other unwanted side effects? Basically EP4 was designed to do the task that I describe above right?

    Thanks and thanks again for EP4. I cannot imagine Zencart without it!
    Zen Cart 1.5.3, Database Patch Level: 1.5.3
    Server OS: Linux 2.6.32, Database: MySQL 5.5.41
    HTTP Server: Apache, PHP Version: 5.4.37



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