Using EP4 to update existing products
It has been a while since I last posted because Zencart and EP4 work GREAT and problem free!
Now, I need to do a lot of product description updates (add info) to existing products, and going through the admin is too may clicks and too slow, BUT before I use EP4 to speed things up I am hoping that I can get a confirmation that EP4 can be used for updating in this manner...
I was going to export all products and download file to computer desktop, open with open office calc like normal, delete all columns except for 2 (v_products_model and v_products_description_1, which is to avoid accidentally changing other fields and make the file easier to work with), make additions to v_products_description_1 fields, save, upload and import.
So providing that NOTHING gets changed in v_products_model, doing the above should just result in updating the v_products_description_1 additions to existing products, and leave stuff like inventory count untouched, and not create duplicate products, nor have any other unwanted side effects? Basically EP4 was designed to do the task that I describe above right?
Thanks and thanks again for EP4. I cannot imagine Zencart without it!
Zen Cart 1.5.3, Database Patch Level: 1.5.3
Server OS: Linux 2.6.32, Database: MySQL 5.5.41
HTTP Server: Apache, PHP Version: 5.4.37