Hi Zenners,
How can I use a Cron job to auto import a daily uploaded CSV file using easy populate 4 in Zen Cart 1.5.5f ?
Thanks in advance,
Hi Zenners,
How can I use a Cron job to auto import a daily uploaded CSV file using easy populate 4 in Zen Cart 1.5.5f ?
Thanks in advance,
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Running (Easy Populate 4.0.22 - Beta 6-10-2012) for 4 years now without any glitches.
The first thing you are going to say is "Upgrade" but that's no an option on this installation.
I am creating a new Upgraded site next month ZC 1.5.5f which works fine with "php 7.2 & Database Maria DB 10.2" but I really need for this current installation to work thru September.
Extensively researched this in the ZC forums and Googled. The only hint I got was maybe strict mode was being enforced.
Running (Easy Populate 4.0.22 - Beta 6-10-2012) for 4 years now without any glitches.
Upgraded to PHP 5.6 and Database Maria DB 10.2 (I'm told same as MySQL 5.7) engines.
Began experiencing a glitch including this EP4 issue.
Enabling site wide SSL fixed the other glitch.
I export all products with EP4 and then never touching the csv file immediately import it
Don't understand why I get the "Tabs" warning which I never got before and then the SQL error which I never got before. (see step 7)
Was hoping for a work around..... Like maybe just delete that field from the code?
Is the "products_tax_class_id" mapped to the "v_tax_class_title" column?
Warning File Import Completed with issues. (NOTE: Does not complete because of SQL error)
Warning An SQL error has occured. Please check your input data for tabs within fields and delete these. If this error continues, please forward your error log to the Easy Populate maintainer
(You are presently using: v1.5.1) (PHP version 5.6)
MySQL error 1366: Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'products_tax_class_id' at row 1
When executing:
UPDATE products SET
products_price = '2.8',products_image = 'K3202.jpg',
products_weight = '0',
products_discount_type = '0',
products_discount_type_from = '0',
product_is_call = '0',
products_sort_order = '0',
products_quantity_order_min = '12',
products_quantity_order_units = '12',
products_priced_by_attribute = '0',
product_is_always_free_shipping = '0',
products_tax_class_id = '',
products_date_available = NULL,
products_date_added = '2016-02-03 00:00:00',
products_last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
products_quantity = '88822',
manufacturers_id = '0',
products_status = '1',
metatags_title_status = '0',
metatags_products_name_status = '0',
metatags_model_status = '0',
metatags_price_status = '0',
metatags_title_tagline_status = '0' WHERE (products_id = '3401')
EXPORTED FILE: Full-EP2018Aug13-041014.csv
v_products_model v_products_type v_products_image v_products_name_1 v_products_description_1 v_products_url_1 v_specials_price v_specials_date_avail v_specials_expires_date
v_products_price v_products_weight v_product_is_call v_products_sort_order v_products_quantity_order_min v_products_quantity_order_units v_products_priced_by_attribute
v_product_is_always_free_shipping v_date_avail v_date_added v_products_quantity v_manufacturers_name v_categories_name_1 v_tax_class_title v_status
1100 1 01101.jpg 1101 MAGNET 2 0 0 1 12 12 0 0 1/1/2014 22:22 0 Magnets --none-- 1
Ummm, not sure which upgrade is considered to not be "possible", but that is one of the reasons that upgrades were performed to the EP4 software.
With the more recent support software, things like providing an empty quote when a number is expected no longer are considered acceptable practice.
Further, performing the upgrade of EP4 is relatively easy: upload new files, access the EP4 admin screen, select the update option on the top right corner. If there becomes a time to return to a previous version (not recommended) then selecting the uninstall in the upper right corner, followed by removal of the EP4 files and reinstall of the old files with reinstall would put things back to how they are/were.
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To answer at least one of the questions:
If the v_tax_class_title is provided, then the associated tax_class_id is pulled from ZC using the EP4 function: ep_4_get_tax_title_class_id. But, the reason that an issue is being seen is that the 0 or empty quotes from the export is not converted to an integer on import. So, if wanted to try to "patch" the software instead of using an up-to-date version, could cast that and any other data expected to be an integer (ie. Those typically ending with _id). So instead of the inlineIs the "products_tax_class_id" mapped to the "v_tax_class_title" column?Could instead use:Code:='" . $v_tax_class_id ."'
Though, even then the single quote wouldn't be necessary because the content to be stored is a number not a string, so would use:Code:='" . (int)$v_tax_class_id ."'
Code:=" . (int)$v_tax_class_id ."
ZC Installation/Maintenance Support <- Site
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I had previously setup the tax options but hadn't been using it when entering products.
If I change the "--none--" to "Taxable Goods" EP4 works as advertised.
I'll need to test and see it that steps on anything in the rest of the ordering process.
THANKS for pointing me in the right direction.
I got so used to leaving that field set to "--none--" I did not see the trees for the forest.![]()
Hi, A lot rusty on all fronts. Just installed Easypopulate 4 on v1.5.1 . On trying to run from Tools/Easy Populate 4 I get "This page isn’t working
blah blah is currently unable to handle this request.
Anyone have any ideas what might be happening. Have created a /temp in the admin area. Cheers
ZC Installation/Maintenance Support <- Site
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If there is nothing interesting in the ZC logs folder you might check the system logs folder in root. i.e. /
In my experiences with EP4 if the temp directory isn't correct it will throw a warning that no temp folder is available.
In addition to the logs can you post a screen shot of the screen that fails?
Do all the other Admin functions still work? If so carefully go back through your EP4 installation. Probably just a misstep.
Also what version of PHP is running.
Today products_sort_order failed with:
Stock Zen Cart 1.55f installed Easy Populate v4 on Linux with SQL 5.7 and php 7.1
MySQLi error 1366: Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'products_sort_order' at row 1
When executing:
INSERT INTO zen_products SET
product_is_call = 0,
products_sort_order = '',
products_quantity_order_min = 0,
Found in:
Line 1039 and again 1190
$query = $db->bindVars($query, ':products_sort_order:', $v_products_sort_order, 'string');
And the fix:
$query = $db->bindVars($query, ':products_sort_order:', $v_products_sort_order, 'integer');
- Be sure to correct both lines/instances.
products_sort_order in the db table is already set for int(11) NULL - NoDefault - 0
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Maybe this as been answered hundreds of time, but by search it's not easy to find.
I've started working in a different way. Now the a lot products are already online in a "general" category.
So, I'll be updating and not inserting.
This process will create a linked category. Is there a way around it ?
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