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  1. #1841
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    Default Re: EasyPopulate 4.0 Support Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by mc12345678 View Post
    Any associated error logs? (Logs folder of store.)
    Nope, none.

  2. #1842
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    Default Re: EasyPopulate 4.0 Support Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by jeking View Post
    Nope, none.
    First time trying to install EP4 to this store? (whether previously upgraded or not?)
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  3. #1843
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    Default Re: EasyPopulate 4.0 Support Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by mc12345678 View Post
    First time trying to install EP4 to this store? (whether previously upgraded or not?)
    No, EP was installed prior to upgrading the cart to 1.5.4. I believe it was 4.0.24. I upgraded the cart and upgraded EP. I don't know if the configuration menu was missing before or not. I don't recall having a need to access it so don't know if it was there or not.

  4. #1844
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    Default Re: EasyPopulate 4.0 Support Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by jeking View Post
    No, EP was installed prior to upgrading the cart to 1.5.4. I believe it was 4.0.24. I upgraded the cart and upgraded EP. I don't know if the configuration menu was missing before or not. I don't recall having a need to access it so don't know if it was there or not.
    From what version of ZC was the store upgraded?
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  5. #1845
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    Default Re: EasyPopulate 4.0 Support Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by mc12345678 View Post
    From what version of ZC was the store upgraded?
    Uh oh, I stand corrected. It's a 1.5.3. It was upgraded from 1.5.1. PHP 5.4.36, in case that helps.

  6. #1846
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    Default Re: EasyPopulate 4.0 Support Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by jeking View Post
    Uh oh, I stand corrected. It's a 1.5.3. It was upgraded from 1.5.1. PHP 5.4.36, in case that helps.
    Tried selecting the uninstall more than once in a row to attempt to get the install option to appear?

    Other add-ins now or before? (While EP4 does not rely nor affect other addins, it has been identified that there are a few files that could affect its operation if they do not provide normal operation of a fresh ZC installation ie if some of the other plugins are incorrectly merged (or not merged) with the current ZC version of files.)
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  7. #1847
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    Default Re: EasyPopulate 4.0 Support Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by mc12345678 View Post
    Tried selecting the uninstall more than once in a row to attempt to get the install option to appear?

    Other add-ins now or before? (While EP4 does not rely nor affect other addins, it has been identified that there are a few files that could affect its operation if they do not provide normal operation of a fresh ZC installation ie if some of the other plugins are incorrectly merged (or not merged) with the current ZC version of files.)
    I tried the uninstall several times, including pasting the url into the address bar.
    If I try to force the install using the url:

    I do get an error log:

    [11-Feb-2015 15:47:13 America/Chicago] PHP Fatal error:  1062:Duplicate entry 'EASYPOPULATE_4_CONFIG_TEMP_DIR' for key 'unq_config_key_zen' :: INSERT INTO configuration (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, last_modified, date_added, use_function, set_function) VALUES 
    			('Uploads Directory',                  'EASYPOPULATE_4_CONFIG_TEMP_DIR', 'temp/', 'Name of directory for your uploads (default: temp/).', 50, '0', NULL, now(), NULL, NULL),
    			('Upload File Date Format',            'EASYPOPULATE_4_CONFIG_FILE_DATE_FORMAT', 'm-d-y', 'Choose order of date values that corresponds to your uploads file, usually generated by MS Excel. Raw dates in your uploads file (Eg 2005-09-26 09:00:00) are not affected, and will upload as they are.', 50, '1', NULL, now(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array("m-d-y", "d-m-y", "y-m-d"),'),
    			('Default Raw Time',                   'EASYPOPULATE_4_CONFIG_DEFAULT_RAW_TIME', '09:00:00', 'If no time value stipulated in upload file, use this value. Useful for ensuring specials begin after a specific time of the day (default: 09:00:00)', 50, '2', NULL, now(), NULL, NULL),
    			('Upload/Download Prices Include Tax', 'EASYPOPULATE_4_CONFIG_PRICE_INC_TAX', 'false', 'Choose to include or exclude tax, depending on how you manage prices outside of Zen Cart.', 50, '5', NULL, now(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array("true", "false"),'),
    			('Verbose Feedback',                   'EASYPOPULATE_4_CONFIG_VERBOSE', 'true', 'When importing, report all messages. Set to false for only warnings and errors. (default: true).', 50, '6', NULL, now(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array("true", "false"),'),
    			('Make Zero Qty Products Inactive',    'EASYPOPULATE_4_CONFIG_ZERO_QTY_INACTIVE', 'false', 'When uploading, make the status Inactive for products with zero qty (default: false).', 50, '7', NULL, now(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array("true", "false"),'),
    			('Smart Tags Replacement of Newlines', 'EASYPOPULATE_4_CONFIG_SMART_TAGS', 'true', 'Allows your description fields in your uploads file to have carriage returns and/or new-lines converted to HTML line-breaks on uploading, thus preserving some rudimentary formatting - Note: this legacy code is disabled until further review. (default: true).', 50, '8', NULL, now(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array("true", "false"),'),
    			('Advanced Smart Tags',                'EASYPOPULATE_4_CONFIG_ADV_SMART_TAGS', 'false', 'Allow the use of complex regular expressions to format descriptions, making headings bold, add bullets, etc. Note: legacy code is disabled until further review. (default: false).', 50, '9', NULL, now(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array("true", "false"),'),
    			('Debug Logging',                      'EASYPOPULATE_4_CONFIG_DEBUG_LOGGING', 'true', 'Allow Easy Populate to generate an error log on errors only (default: true)', 50, '10', NULL, now(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array("true", "false"),'),
    			('Maximum Quantity Discounts',         'EASYPOPULATE_4_CONFIG_MAX_QTY_DISCOUNTS', '3', 'Maximum number of quantity discounts (price breaks). Is the number of discount columns in downloaded file (default: 3).', 50, '11', NULL, now(), NULL, NULL),
    			('Split On Number of Records',         'EASYPOPULATE_4_CONFIG_SPLIT_RECORDS', '2000', 'Number of records to split csv files. Used to break large import files into smaller files. Useful on servers with limited resourses. (default: 2000).', 50, '12', NULL, now(), NULL, NULL),
    			('Script Execution Time',              'EASYPOPULATE_4_CONFIG_EXECUTION_TIME', '60', 'Number of seconds for script to run before timeout. May not work on some servers. (default: 60).', 50, '13', NULL, now(), NULL, NULL),
    			('Convert Curly Quotes, etc.',         'EASYPOPULATE_4_CONFIG_CURLY_QUOTES', '0', 'Convert Curly Quotes, Em-Dash, En-Dash and Ellipsis characters in Products Description (default 0).<br><br>0=No Change<br>1=Replace with Basic Characters<br>3=Replace with HMTL equivalants', 50, '14', NULL, now(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array("0", "1", "2"),'),
    			('Convert Character 0x92',             'EASYPOPULATE_4_CONFIG_CHAR_92', '1', 'Convert Character 0x92 characters in Product Names &amp; Descriptions (default 1).<br><br>0=No Change<br>1=Replace with Standard Single Quote<br>2=Replace with HMTL equivalant', 50, '15', NULL, now(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array("0", "1", "2"),'),
    			('Enable Products Meta Data',          'EASYPOPULATE_4_CONFIG_META_DATA', '1', 'Enable Products Meta Data Columns (default 1).<br><br>0=Disable<br>1=Enable', 50, '16', NULL, now(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array("0", "1"),'), 
    			('Enable Products Music Data',         'EASYPOPULATE_4_CONFIG_MUSIC_DATA', '0', 'Enable Products Music Data Columns (default 0).<br><br>0=Disable<br>1=Enable', 50, '17', NULL, now(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array("0", "1"),'),
    			('User Defined Products Fields',       'EASYPOPULATE_4_CONFIG_CUSTOM_FIELDS', '', 'User Defined Products Table Fields (comma delimited, no spaces)', 50, '18', NULL, now(), NULL, NULL),
    			('Export URI with Prod and or Cat',       'EASYPOPULATE_4_CONFIG_EXPORT_URI', '0', 'Export the current products or categories URI when exporting data? (Yes - 1 or no - 0)', 50, '19', NULL, now(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array("0", "1"),')
    		 ==> (as called by) /home/quali79/public_html/dev/qmsadmin/includes/functions/extra_functions/easypopulate_4_functions.php on line 1173 <== in /home/quali79/public_html/dev/includes/classes/db/mysql/query_factory.php on line 155

  8. #1848
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    Default Re: EasyPopulate 4.0 Support Thread

    There was a version of another EP at some point in the past. Maybe this is the source of the conflict?

  9. #1849
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    Default Re: EasyPopulate 4.0 Support Thread

    That seemed to be it. I removed all the references to Easy Populate in the configuration menu and now I get the install at the top of the page. Thanks for asking the questions that lead to the solution!

  10. #1850
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    Default Re: EasyPopulate 4.0 Support Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by jeking View Post
    I tried the uninstall several times, including pasting the url into the address bar.
    If I try to force the install using the url:

    I do get an error log:

    [11-Feb-2015 15:47:13 America/Chicago] PHP Fatal error:  1062:Duplicate entry 'EASYPOPULATE_4_CONFIG_TEMP_DIR' for key 'unq_config_key_zen' :: INSERT INTO configuration (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, last_modified, date_added, use_function, set_function) VALUES 
                ('Uploads Directory',                  'EASYPOPULATE_4_CONFIG_TEMP_DIR', 'temp/', 'Name of directory for your uploads (default: temp/).', 50, '0', NULL, now(), NULL, NULL),
                ('Upload File Date Format',            'EASYPOPULATE_4_CONFIG_FILE_DATE_FORMAT', 'm-d-y', 'Choose order of date values that corresponds to your uploads file, usually generated by MS Excel. Raw dates in your uploads file (Eg 2005-09-26 09:00:00) are not affected, and will upload as they are.', 50, '1', NULL, now(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array("m-d-y", "d-m-y", "y-m-d"),'),
                ('Default Raw Time',                   'EASYPOPULATE_4_CONFIG_DEFAULT_RAW_TIME', '09:00:00', 'If no time value stipulated in upload file, use this value. Useful for ensuring specials begin after a specific time of the day (default: 09:00:00)', 50, '2', NULL, now(), NULL, NULL),
                ('Upload/Download Prices Include Tax', 'EASYPOPULATE_4_CONFIG_PRICE_INC_TAX', 'false', 'Choose to include or exclude tax, depending on how you manage prices outside of Zen Cart.', 50, '5', NULL, now(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array("true", "false"),'),
                ('Verbose Feedback',                   'EASYPOPULATE_4_CONFIG_VERBOSE', 'true', 'When importing, report all messages. Set to false for only warnings and errors. (default: true).', 50, '6', NULL, now(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array("true", "false"),'),
                ('Make Zero Qty Products Inactive',    'EASYPOPULATE_4_CONFIG_ZERO_QTY_INACTIVE', 'false', 'When uploading, make the status Inactive for products with zero qty (default: false).', 50, '7', NULL, now(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array("true", "false"),'),
                ('Smart Tags Replacement of Newlines', 'EASYPOPULATE_4_CONFIG_SMART_TAGS', 'true', 'Allows your description fields in your uploads file to have carriage returns and/or new-lines converted to HTML line-breaks on uploading, thus preserving some rudimentary formatting - Note: this legacy code is disabled until further review. (default: true).', 50, '8', NULL, now(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array("true", "false"),'),
                ('Advanced Smart Tags',                'EASYPOPULATE_4_CONFIG_ADV_SMART_TAGS', 'false', 'Allow the use of complex regular expressions to format descriptions, making headings bold, add bullets, etc. Note: legacy code is disabled until further review. (default: false).', 50, '9', NULL, now(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array("true", "false"),'),
                ('Debug Logging',                      'EASYPOPULATE_4_CONFIG_DEBUG_LOGGING', 'true', 'Allow Easy Populate to generate an error log on errors only (default: true)', 50, '10', NULL, now(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array("true", "false"),'),
                ('Maximum Quantity Discounts',         'EASYPOPULATE_4_CONFIG_MAX_QTY_DISCOUNTS', '3', 'Maximum number of quantity discounts (price breaks). Is the number of discount columns in downloaded file (default: 3).', 50, '11', NULL, now(), NULL, NULL),
                ('Split On Number of Records',         'EASYPOPULATE_4_CONFIG_SPLIT_RECORDS', '2000', 'Number of records to split csv files. Used to break large import files into smaller files. Useful on servers with limited resourses. (default: 2000).', 50, '12', NULL, now(), NULL, NULL),
                ('Script Execution Time',              'EASYPOPULATE_4_CONFIG_EXECUTION_TIME', '60', 'Number of seconds for script to run before timeout. May not work on some servers. (default: 60).', 50, '13', NULL, now(), NULL, NULL),
                ('Convert Curly Quotes, etc.',         'EASYPOPULATE_4_CONFIG_CURLY_QUOTES', '0', 'Convert Curly Quotes, Em-Dash, En-Dash and Ellipsis characters in Products Description (default 0).<br><br>0=No Change<br>1=Replace with Basic Characters<br>3=Replace with HMTL equivalants', 50, '14', NULL, now(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array("0", "1", "2"),'),
                ('Convert Character 0x92',             'EASYPOPULATE_4_CONFIG_CHAR_92', '1', 'Convert Character 0x92 characters in Product Names &amp; Descriptions (default 1).<br><br>0=No Change<br>1=Replace with Standard Single Quote<br>2=Replace with HMTL equivalant', 50, '15', NULL, now(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array("0", "1", "2"),'),
                ('Enable Products Meta Data',          'EASYPOPULATE_4_CONFIG_META_DATA', '1', 'Enable Products Meta Data Columns (default 1).<br><br>0=Disable<br>1=Enable', 50, '16', NULL, now(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array("0", "1"),'), 
                ('Enable Products Music Data',         'EASYPOPULATE_4_CONFIG_MUSIC_DATA', '0', 'Enable Products Music Data Columns (default 0).<br><br>0=Disable<br>1=Enable', 50, '17', NULL, now(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array("0", "1"),'),
                ('User Defined Products Fields',       'EASYPOPULATE_4_CONFIG_CUSTOM_FIELDS', '', 'User Defined Products Table Fields (comma delimited, no spaces)', 50, '18', NULL, now(), NULL, NULL),
                ('Export URI with Prod and or Cat',       'EASYPOPULATE_4_CONFIG_EXPORT_URI', '0', 'Export the current products or categories URI when exporting data? (Yes - 1 or no - 0)', 50, '19', NULL, now(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array("0", "1"),')
             ==> (as called by) /home/quali79/public_html/dev/qmsadmin/includes/functions/extra_functions/easypopulate_4_functions.php on line 1173 <== in /home/quali79/public_html/dev/includes/classes/db/mysql/query_factory.php on line 155
    Interesting, as that does indicate that all of the database fields already exist in the database for the configuration settings. (Note the last command wasn't added until a point after 4.0.24 if not just in 4.0.28. )

    I'm trying to help without diving into phpmyadmin... :/ My guess is that now already there are at least 2 instances of the admin "keys" and that one of them has a sort order of 50, the other at some value less than that..
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