[11-Feb-2015 15:47:13 America/Chicago] PHP Fatal error: 1062:Duplicate entry 'EASYPOPULATE_4_CONFIG_TEMP_DIR' for key 'unq_config_key_zen' :: INSERT INTO configuration (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, last_modified, date_added, use_function, set_function) VALUES
('Uploads Directory', 'EASYPOPULATE_4_CONFIG_TEMP_DIR', 'temp/', 'Name of directory for your uploads (default: temp/).', 50, '0', NULL, now(), NULL, NULL),
('Upload File Date Format', 'EASYPOPULATE_4_CONFIG_FILE_DATE_FORMAT', 'm-d-y', 'Choose order of date values that corresponds to your uploads file, usually generated by MS Excel. Raw dates in your uploads file (Eg 2005-09-26 09:00:00) are not affected, and will upload as they are.', 50, '1', NULL, now(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array("m-d-y", "d-m-y", "y-m-d"),'),
('Default Raw Time', 'EASYPOPULATE_4_CONFIG_DEFAULT_RAW_TIME', '09:00:00', 'If no time value stipulated in upload file, use this value. Useful for ensuring specials begin after a specific time of the day (default: 09:00:00)', 50, '2', NULL, now(), NULL, NULL),
('Upload/Download Prices Include Tax', 'EASYPOPULATE_4_CONFIG_PRICE_INC_TAX', 'false', 'Choose to include or exclude tax, depending on how you manage prices outside of Zen Cart.', 50, '5', NULL, now(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array("true", "false"),'),
('Verbose Feedback', 'EASYPOPULATE_4_CONFIG_VERBOSE', 'true', 'When importing, report all messages. Set to false for only warnings and errors. (default: true).', 50, '6', NULL, now(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array("true", "false"),'),
('Make Zero Qty Products Inactive', 'EASYPOPULATE_4_CONFIG_ZERO_QTY_INACTIVE', 'false', 'When uploading, make the status Inactive for products with zero qty (default: false).', 50, '7', NULL, now(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array("true", "false"),'),
('Smart Tags Replacement of Newlines', 'EASYPOPULATE_4_CONFIG_SMART_TAGS', 'true', 'Allows your description fields in your uploads file to have carriage returns and/or new-lines converted to HTML line-breaks on uploading, thus preserving some rudimentary formatting - Note: this legacy code is disabled until further review. (default: true).', 50, '8', NULL, now(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array("true", "false"),'),
('Advanced Smart Tags', 'EASYPOPULATE_4_CONFIG_ADV_SMART_TAGS', 'false', 'Allow the use of complex regular expressions to format descriptions, making headings bold, add bullets, etc. Note: legacy code is disabled until further review. (default: false).', 50, '9', NULL, now(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array("true", "false"),'),
('Debug Logging', 'EASYPOPULATE_4_CONFIG_DEBUG_LOGGING', 'true', 'Allow Easy Populate to generate an error log on errors only (default: true)', 50, '10', NULL, now(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array("true", "false"),'),
('Maximum Quantity Discounts', 'EASYPOPULATE_4_CONFIG_MAX_QTY_DISCOUNTS', '3', 'Maximum number of quantity discounts (price breaks). Is the number of discount columns in downloaded file (default: 3).', 50, '11', NULL, now(), NULL, NULL),
('Split On Number of Records', 'EASYPOPULATE_4_CONFIG_SPLIT_RECORDS', '2000', 'Number of records to split csv files. Used to break large import files into smaller files. Useful on servers with limited resourses. (default: 2000).', 50, '12', NULL, now(), NULL, NULL),
('Script Execution Time', 'EASYPOPULATE_4_CONFIG_EXECUTION_TIME', '60', 'Number of seconds for script to run before timeout. May not work on some servers. (default: 60).', 50, '13', NULL, now(), NULL, NULL),
('Convert Curly Quotes, etc.', 'EASYPOPULATE_4_CONFIG_CURLY_QUOTES', '0', 'Convert Curly Quotes, Em-Dash, En-Dash and Ellipsis characters in Products Description (default 0).<br><br>0=No Change<br>1=Replace with Basic Characters<br>3=Replace with HMTL equivalants', 50, '14', NULL, now(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array("0", "1", "2"),'),
('Convert Character 0x92', 'EASYPOPULATE_4_CONFIG_CHAR_92', '1', 'Convert Character 0x92 characters in Product Names & Descriptions (default 1).<br><br>0=No Change<br>1=Replace with Standard Single Quote<br>2=Replace with HMTL equivalant', 50, '15', NULL, now(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array("0", "1", "2"),'),
('Enable Products Meta Data', 'EASYPOPULATE_4_CONFIG_META_DATA', '1', 'Enable Products Meta Data Columns (default 1).<br><br>0=Disable<br>1=Enable', 50, '16', NULL, now(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array("0", "1"),'),
('Enable Products Music Data', 'EASYPOPULATE_4_CONFIG_MUSIC_DATA', '0', 'Enable Products Music Data Columns (default 0).<br><br>0=Disable<br>1=Enable', 50, '17', NULL, now(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array("0", "1"),'),
('User Defined Products Fields', 'EASYPOPULATE_4_CONFIG_CUSTOM_FIELDS', '', 'User Defined Products Table Fields (comma delimited, no spaces)', 50, '18', NULL, now(), NULL, NULL),
('Export URI with Prod and or Cat', 'EASYPOPULATE_4_CONFIG_EXPORT_URI', '0', 'Export the current products or categories URI when exporting data? (Yes - 1 or no - 0)', 50, '19', NULL, now(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array("0", "1"),')
==> (as called by) /home/quali79/public_html/dev/qmsadmin/includes/functions/extra_functions/easypopulate_4_functions.php on line 1173 <== in /home/quali79/public_html/dev/includes/classes/db/mysql/query_factory.php on line 155