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  1. #1001
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    Default Re: EasyPopulate 4.0 Support Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Kevin205 View Post
    Can I use Attrib-Detailed-Ep_ to to import and revise the products_options_values_name values in the zen_products_options_values SQL table ?

    I know I can add to new value to products_options_values_name through Attrib-Basic-EP_.

    As I try Attrib-Detailed-Ep_ it will not change the value of products_options_values_name. How can I achieve this?

    Hi Kevin!

    Currently there is no way to EDIT your option values/names. You would need to do this via the admin. If you change the names and import then you'll end up with both sets of values.


  2. #1002
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    Default Re: EasyPopulate 4.0 Support Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by WutsAnEmu View Post
    Hey, i'm sorry if this was already covered somewhere in this massive thread, but i was wondering if theres a way i could add fields from new product type that i created. its a format very similar to music, just slightly modded for DVDs, and i wanted to be able to add the equivalent to "record_companies" through easy populate. is this possible? or has anyone else done this? i don't mind modding the php a bit, i'd just need to know which files to tinker with. Thanks for your awesome work on this plugin!

    Did you create a new product type? There is an entry for v_products_type, but music products are type = 2 (if memory serves). You can set the product type with the current version of EP4.

    If you are talking about adding NEW tables, then there would be custom coding for EP to use these. Perhaps I don't fully understand what you are doing ....


  3. #1003
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    Default Re: EasyPopulate 4.0 Support Thread

    Yeah, sorry, i added a NEW product type, with extra tables (SIMILAR to music's record companies and genres, but with DVD Studios and dvd genres). which EP files would i have to mess with?

  4. #1004
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    Default Re: EasyPopulate 4.0 Support Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by WutsAnEmu View Post
    Yeah, sorry, i added a NEW product type, with extra tables (SIMILAR to music's record companies and genres, but with DVD Studios and dvd genres). which EP files would i have to mess with?
    It should be very doable if you have a good grasp of PHP.

    You will work mostly with admin/includes/functions/extra_functions/easypopulate_4_functions.php

    If you look at that closely, it is here that you define your file formats and queries.

    Then you'd have to edit both the easypopulate_4_import.php and easypopulate_4_export.php files. If your tables
    are very similar to the music tables, you should be able to follow the code.

    Hope that helps.


  5. #1005
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    Default Re: EasyPopulate 4.0 Support Thread

    awesome! thanks a lot, i'll check it out. though i'll probably be posting again if i end up ripping my hair out...

  6. #1006
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    Default Re: EasyPopulate 4.0 Support Thread

    So, so far i have made it so that dvd type shows up in the configure options, and the proper fields export on to the spreadsheet. the ONLY thing i can't quite get to work is the import. I don't know how much you feel like combing through code, but this is what i have modified: (from record_companies and music_genre)

    // HERE ==========================>
    		// BEGIN: studios
    		if (isset($filelayout['v_studios_name']) ) {
    			if ( isset($v_studios_name) && ($v_studios_name != '') && (mb_strlen($v_studios_name) <= $studio_name_max_len) ) {
    				$sql = "SELECT studios_id AS studiosID FROM ".TABLE_STUDIOS." WHERE studios_name = '".addslashes(ep_4_curly_quotes($v_studios_name))."' LIMIT 1";
    				$result = ep_4_query($sql);
    				if ( $row = mysql_fetch_array($result) ) {
    					$v_studios_id = $row['studiosID']; // this id goes into the product_dvd_extra table
    					$sql = "UPDATE ".TABLE_STUDIOS." SET 
    						studios_image = '".addslashes($v_studios_image)."',
    						last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
    						WHERE studios_id = '".$v_studios_id."'";
    					$result = ep_4_query($sql);
    					foreach ($langcode as $lang) {
    						$l_id = $lang['id'];
    						$sql = "UPDATE ".TABLE_STUDIOS_INFO." SET
    							studios_url = '".addslashes($items[$filelayout['v_studios_url_'.$lid]])."'
    							WHERE studios_id = '".$v_studios_id."' AND languages_id = '".$lid."'"; 
    						$result = ep_4_query($sql);
    				} else { // It is set to autoincrement, do not need to fetch max id
    					$sql = "INSERT INTO ".TABLE_STUDIOS." (studios_name, studios_image, date_added, last_modified)
    						VALUES ('".addslashes(ep_4_curly_quotes($v_studios_name))."', '".addslashes($v_studios_image)."', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)";
    					$result = ep_4_query($sql);
    					$v_studios_id = mysql_insert_id(); // id is auto_increment, so can use this function
    					foreach ($langcode as $lang) {
    						$l_id = $lang['id'];
    						$sql = "INSERT INTO ".TABLE_STUDIOS_INFO." (studios_id, languages_id, studios_url)
    							VALUES ('".addslashes($v_studios_id)."',".(int)$l_id.",'".addslashes($items[$filelayout['v_studios_url_'.$lid]])."')"; // seems we are skipping manufacturers url
    						$result = ep_4_query($sql);
    			} else { // $v_studios_name == '' or name length violation
    				if (mb_strlen($v_studios_name) > $studio_name_max_len) {
    					$display_output .= sprintf(EASYPOPULATE_4_DISPLAY_RESULT_STUDIOS_NAME_LONG, $v_studios_name, $studio_name_max_len);
    				$v_studios_id = 0; // studios_id = '0' for no assigned artists
    		// END: studios
    // HERE ==========================>
    		// BEGIN: dvd_genre
    		if (isset($filelayout['v_dvd_genre_name']) ) {
    			if ( isset($v_dvd_genre_name) && ($v_dvd_genre_name != '') && (mb_strlen($v_dvd_genre_name) <= $dvd_genre_name_max_len) ) {
    				$sql = "SELECT dvd_genre_id AS dvd_genreID FROM ".TABLE_DVD_GENRE." WHERE dvd_genre_name = '".addslashes($v_dvd_genre_name)."' LIMIT 1";
    				$result = ep_4_query($sql);
    				if ( $row = mysql_fetch_array($result) ) {
    					$v_dvd_genre_id = $row['dvd_genreID']; // this id goes into the product_dvd_extra table
    				} else { // It is set to autoincrement, do not need to fetch max id
    					$sql = "INSERT INTO ".TABLE_DVD_GENRE." (dvd_genre_name, date_added, last_modified)
    						VALUES ('".addslashes($v_dvd_genre_name)."', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)";
    					$result = ep_4_query($sql);
    					$v_dvd_genre_id = mysql_insert_id(); // id is auto_increment
    			} else { // $v_dvd_genre_name == '' or name length violation
    				if (mb_strlen($v_dvd_genre_name) > $dvd_genre_name_max_len) {
    					$display_output .= sprintf(EASYPOPULATE_4_DISPLAY_RESULT_DVD_GENRE_NAME_LONG, $v_dvd_genre_name, $dvd_genre_name_max_len);
    				$v_dvd_genre_id = 0; // chadd - zencart uses genre_id = '0' for no assigned artists
    		// END: dvd_genre	
    		// insert new, or update existing, product
    		if ($v_products_model != "") { // products_model exists!
    			// First we check to see if this is a product in the current db.
    			$result = ep_4_query("SELECT products_id FROM ".TABLE_PRODUCTS." WHERE (products_model = '".addslashes($v_products_model)."') LIMIT 1");
    			if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0)  { // new item, insert into products
    				$v_date_added	= ($v_date_added == 'NULL') ? CURRENT_TIMESTAMP : $v_date_added;
    				$result			= ep_4_query($sql);
    				$row			= mysql_fetch_array($result);
    				$max_product_id = $row['Auto_increment'];
    				if (!is_numeric($max_product_id) ) {
    					$max_product_id = 1;
    				$v_products_id = $max_product_id;
    				if ($v_studios_name <> '') {
    					$v_products_type = 6; // 6 = dvd
    				} else {
    					$v_products_type = 1; // 1 = standard product
    				$query = "INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PRODUCTS." SET
    					products_model					= '".addslashes($v_products_model)."',
    					products_type     		        = '".(int)$v_products_type."',
    					products_price					= '".$v_products_price."',";
    				if ($ep_supported_mods['uom'] == true) { // price UOM mod
    					$query .= "products_price_uom = '".$v_products_price_uom."',"; 
    				if ($ep_supported_mods['upc'] == true) { // UPC Code mod
    					$query .= "products_upc = '".addslashes($v_products_upc)."',";
    				if ($ep_supported_mods['gpc'] == true) { // Google Product Category for Google Merhcant Center - chadd 10-1-2011
    					$query .= "products_gpc = '".addslashes($v_products_gpc)."',";
    				if ($ep_supported_mods['msrp'] == true) { // Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price
    					$query .= "products_msrp = '".$v_products_msrp."',";
    				if ($ep_supported_mods['gppi'] == true) { // Group Pricing Per Item
    					$query .= "products_group_a_price = '".$v_products_group_a_price."',";
    					$query .= "products_group_b_price = '".$v_products_group_b_price."',";
    					$query .= "products_group_c_price = '".$v_products_group_c_price."',";
    					$query .= "products_group_d_price = '".$v_products_group_d_price."',";
    				if ($ep_supported_mods['excl'] == true) { // Exclusive Product custom mod
    					$query .= "products_exclusive = '".addslashes($v_products_exclusive)."',";
    				if (count($custom_fields) > 0) {
    					foreach ($custom_fields as $field) {
    						$value ='v_'.$field;
    						$query .= "$field = '".addslashes($$value)."',";
    				$query .= "products_image			= '".addslashes($v_products_image)."',
    					products_weight					= '".$v_products_weight."',
    					products_discount_type          = '".$v_products_discount_type."',
    					products_discount_type_from     = '".$v_products_discount_type_from."',
    					product_is_call                 = '".$v_product_is_call."',
    					products_sort_order             = '".$v_products_sort_order."',
    					products_quantity_order_min     = '".$v_products_quantity_order_min."',
    					products_quantity_order_units   = '".$v_products_quantity_order_units."',
    					products_priced_by_attribute	= '".$v_products_priced_by_attribute."',
    					product_is_always_free_shipping	= '".$v_product_is_always_free_shipping."',
    					products_tax_class_id			= '".$v_tax_class_id."',
    					products_date_available			= $v_date_avail, 
    					products_date_added				= $v_date_added,
    					products_last_modified			= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
    					products_quantity				= '".$v_products_quantity."',
    					master_categories_id			= '".$v_categories_id."',
    					manufacturers_id				= '".$v_manufacturers_id."',
    					products_status					= '".$v_db_status."',
    					metatags_title_status			= '".$v_metatags_title_status."',
    					metatags_products_name_status	= '".$v_metatags_products_name_status."',
    					metatags_model_status			= '".$v_metatags_model_status."',
    					metatags_price_status			= '".$v_metatags_price_status."',
    					metatags_title_tagline_status	= '".$v_metatags_title_tagline_status."'";	
    				$result = ep_4_query($query);
    				if ($result == true) {
    					// need to change to an log file, this is gobbling up memory! chadd 11-14-2011
    					if ($ep_feedback == true) {
    						$display_output .= sprintf(EASYPOPULATE_4_DISPLAY_RESULT_NEW_PRODUCT, $v_products_model);
    					if ($v_products_type == '6') {
    						$sql_dvd_extra = ep_4_query("SELECT * FROM ".TABLE_PRODUCT_DVD_EXTRA." WHERE (products_id = '".$v_products_id."') LIMIT 1");
    						if (mysql_num_rows($sql_dvd_extra) == 0)  { // new item, insert into products
    								products_id			= '".$v_products_id."',
    								studios_id	= '".$v_studios_id."',
    								dvd_genre_id		= '".$v_dvd_genre_id."'";
    							$result = ep_4_query($query);
    				} else {
    					$display_output .= sprintf(EASYPOPULATE_4_DISPLAY_RESULT_NEW_PRODUCT_FAIL, $v_products_model);
    					continue; // new categories however have been created by now... Adding into product table needs to be 1st action?
    				// needs to go into log file chadd 11-14-2011
    				if ($ep_feedback == true) {
    					foreach ($items as $col => $summary) {
    						if ($col == $filelayout['v_products_model']) continue;
    						$display_output .= print_el_4($summary);
    			} else { // existing product, get the id from the query and update the product data
    				// if date added is null, let's keep the existing date in db..
    				$v_date_added = ($v_date_added == 'NULL') ? $row['v_date_added'] : $v_date_added; // if NULL, use date in db
    				$v_date_added = zen_not_null($v_date_added) ? $v_date_added : CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; // if updating, but date added is null, we use today's date
    				$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
    				$v_products_id = $row['products_id'];
    				$row = mysql_fetch_array($result); 
    				// CHADD - why is master_categories_id not being set on update???
    				$query = "UPDATE ".TABLE_PRODUCTS." SET
    					products_price = '".$v_products_price."',";
    				if ($ep_supported_mods['uom'] == true) { // price UOM mod
    					$query .= "products_price_uom = '".$v_products_price_uom."',"; 
    				if ($ep_supported_mods['upc'] == true) { // UPC Code mod
    					$query .= "products_upc = '".addslashes($v_products_upc)."',";
    				if ($ep_supported_mods['gpc'] == true) { // Google Product Category for Google Merhcant Center - chadd 10-1-2011
    					$query .= "products_gpc = '".addslashes($v_products_gpc)."',";
    				if ($ep_supported_mods['msrp'] == true) { // Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price
    					$query .= "products_msrp = '".$v_products_msrp."',";
    				if ($ep_supported_mods['gppi'] == true) { // Group Pricing Per Item
    					$query .= "products_group_a_price = '".$v_products_group_a_price."',";
    					$query .= "products_group_b_price = '".$v_products_group_b_price."',";
    					$query .= "products_group_c_price = '".$v_products_group_c_price."',";
    					$query .= "products_group_d_price = '".$v_products_group_d_price."',";
    				if ($ep_supported_mods['excl'] == true) { // Exclusive Products custom mod
    					$query .= "products_exclusive = '".addslashes($v_products_exclusive)."',";
    				if (count($custom_fields) > 0) {
    					foreach ($custom_fields as $field) {
    						$value ='v_'.$field;
    						$query .= "$field = '".addslashes($$value)."',";
    				$query .= "products_image			= '".addslashes($v_products_image)."',
    					products_weight					= '".$v_products_weight."',
    					products_discount_type			= '".$v_products_discount_type."',
    					products_discount_type_from		= '".$v_products_discount_type_from."',
    					product_is_call					= '".$v_product_is_call."',
    					products_sort_order				= '".$v_products_sort_order."',
    					products_quantity_order_min		= '".$v_products_quantity_order_min."',
    					products_quantity_order_units	= '".$v_products_quantity_order_units."',
    					products_priced_by_attribute	= '".$v_products_priced_by_attribute."',
    					product_is_always_free_shipping	= '".$v_product_is_always_free_shipping."',
    					products_tax_class_id			= '".$v_tax_class_id."',
    					products_date_available			= $v_date_avail,
    					products_date_added				= $v_date_added,
    					products_last_modified			= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
    					products_quantity				= '".$v_products_quantity."',
    					manufacturers_id				= '".$v_manufacturers_id."',
    					products_status					= '".$v_db_status."',
    					metatags_title_status			= '".$v_metatags_title_status."',
    					metatags_products_name_status	= '".$v_metatags_products_name_status."',
    					metatags_model_status			= '".$v_metatags_model_status."',
    					metatags_price_status			= '".$v_metatags_price_status."',
    					metatags_title_tagline_status	= '".$v_metatags_title_tagline_status."'".
    					" WHERE (products_id = '".$v_products_id."')";
    				$result = ep_4_query($query);
    				if ($result == true) {
    					// needs to go into a log file chadd 11-14-2011
    					if ($ep_feedback == true) {
    					$display_output .= sprintf(EASYPOPULATE_4_DISPLAY_RESULT_UPDATE_PRODUCT, $v_products_model);
    						foreach ($items as $col => $summary) {
    							if ($col == $filelayout['v_products_model']) continue;
    							$display_output .= print_el_4($summary);
    					if ($v_products_type == '6') {
    						$sql_dvd_extra = ep_4_query("SELECT * FROM ".TABLE_PRODUCT_DVD_EXTRA." WHERE (products_id = '".$v_products_id."') LIMIT 1");
    						if (mysql_num_rows($sql_dvd_extra) == 1)  { // update
    							$query = "UPDATE ".TABLE_PRODUCT_DVD_EXTRA." SET
    								studios_id	= '".$v_studios_id."',
    								dvd_genre_id		= '".$v_dvd_genre_id."' 
    								WHERE products_id   = '".$v_products_id."'";
    							$result = ep_4_query($query);
    				} else {
    					$display_output .= sprintf(EASYPOPULATE_4_DISPLAY_RESULT_UPDATE_PRODUCT_FAIL, $v_products_model);

  7. #1007
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    Default Re: EasyPopulate 4.0 Support Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by chadderuski View Post
    Hi Kevin!

    Currently there is no way to EDIT your option values/names. You would need to do this via the admin. If you change the names and import then you'll end up with both sets of values.

    I know. Thank you Chad.
    Using Zen Cart 1.5.1

  8. #1008
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    Default Re: EasyPopulate 4.0 Support Thread

    WAIT WAIT ! i figured it out, i didn't need to copy most of that over again a second time. i got it totally working! awesomesauce. thanks man!

  9. #1009
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    Default Re: EasyPopulate 4.0 Support Thread

    Bit quiet around here folks! Anyone got any suggestions for this?

    Quote Originally Posted by k9dug View Post
    Can't download exported files


    I just installed EasyPopulate 4.0, as downloaded from Github. I'm using ZC 1.5.1.

    All looks to have worked ok, but I cannot download exported files...

    If I click on the Download link for a file I just get an error message in a new tab:

    You do not have permission to access this document. "

    I'm using Firefox.

    Any suggestions to fix this?

    I've checked the csv files on the (Linux) server and their owner group setting is:
    as opposed to
    for the rest of the site files. I changed one of the CSVs to
    but trying to downloading this file resulted in the same error.


  10. #1010
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    Default Re: EasyPopulate 4.0 Support Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by k9dug View Post
    Bit quiet around here folks! Anyone got any suggestions for this?

    I've checked the csv files on the (Linux) server and their owner group setting is:
    as opposed to
    for the rest of the site files. I changed one of the CSVs to
    but trying to downloading this file resulted in the same error.

    Try right-clicking the link and selecting "save target/link as". You may also try to change the permissions on your temp folder.

    This can really depend on how php is run on your server (DSO, suPHP, FCGI, etc.) ... perhaps someone else has a better answer. IF all else fails, you should be able to pull them down with FTP even though that's really inconvenient.




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Zen-Cart, Internet Selling Services, Klamath Falls, OR