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Love this plugin and have used it for many years! I have it installed and working on my newly upgraded version 1.5.3. Thank you! I've downloaded my complete products file of almost 23,000 items - Complete Products (with Metatags). In the past I have used this file to modify and send to google, bing, etc. using the the Froogle download option. Of course they ask for the item URL. Since the v_products_url_1 column is not populated it will not work. Is there a way to download URLs for each product in the file? I've seen the Google product feeder but want to sort and submit different items to each search engine.
Keith z,
If not mistaken, the version 4.0.27+ discussed at this post: http://www.zen-cart.com/showthread.p...74#post1263574
Offers the capability to export the uri of the product. By default (after installation of EP4) this option is actually turned off. The product_uri_1 field you are seeing is the uri field at the bottom of a product entry form that would be displayed near the product when the product page is shown. It is not the uri that the browser displays say from the categories section to get to the product. Further the number 1 at the end identifies which language version of the field is being displayed. The product_uri field is available in multiple languages depending on what is installed to the cart.
So, to export the uri that is found in the browser when navigating to a product, would need to go to the admin's configuration for EP4 and turn the switch on ('Export URI with Prod and or Cat') that relates to displaying the product's uri. :) This option should be the last in the list of configuration options for EP4.
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Thank you mc12345678. I am having trouble finding that switch. Here are the choices I have from my configuration screen. The last one allows me to enter User Defined Products Table Fields (comma delimited, no spaces). It is currently blank. Should I enter the header row columns here?
Title Value Action
Uploads Directory temp/ Info
Upload File Date Format m-d-y Info
Default Raw Time 09:00:00 Info
Upload/Download Prices Include Tax false Info
Verbose Feedback true Info
Make Zero Qty Products Inactive false Info
Smart Tags Replacement of Newlines true Info
Advanced Smart Tags false Info
Debug Logging true Info
Maximum Quantity Discounts 3 Info
Split On Number of Records 2000 Info
Script Execution Time 60 Info
Convert Curly Quotes, etc. 0 Info
Convert Character 0x92 1 Info
Enable Products Meta Data 1 Info
Enable Products Music Data 0 Info
User Defined Products Fields
Goto tools->Easy Populate v4
Top right corner select uninstall (this will lead to the default settings of the menu just posted above),
Then select install from the center of the screen. Goto the configuration menu for EP4 and as necessary re-enter the values shown above.
The last option is as described.
You do see that while in the tools->ep4 menu option that the version is 4.0.27 (or higher) correct?
Alternatively, it is possible to run a single sql statement for that one option, but the above process is preferred.
ZC Installation/Maintenance Support <- Site
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Mine is Easy Populate 4.0.24 - Beta 7-15-2014. Sorry show have listed that before.
No problem, follow the link posted above to download version 4.0.27 (or whatever has been incorporated/posted by me) unfortunately chadderuski and I do not pay for service on that site, so we can't upload each other's content to the other site. Therefore, for now the code is a little out of sync between the two of us. I keep mine up-to-date with whatever is posted to the "main" version, but continue to add functionality as identified.
Most of the upgrades recently did not affect configuration menu options and therefore the code could simply be copied over the existing, but this upgrade added a menu option and at the moment that requires a soft "uninstall" and reinstall without removing the files.
ZC Installation/Maintenance Support <- Site
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Hi everyone, new to the forum.
I have EP4 and it is great except for working out the categories. In my old shop I have v_categories_name_1 and v_categories_name_2. Example is
Audio & Video.....................Acoustic Foam
Audio & Video.....................Acoustic Foam
Audio & Video.....................Acoustic Foam
There are about 1350 items and many categories and sub categories. I understand how the Audio & Video^Acoustic Foam works but how can I import all these items without having to edit 1300+ lines of my spread sheet?
Is there a way to add the other category and upload like I did with the old version of Easy Populate? The reason I am using EP$ is that the other will not work on my new server due to the PHP version etc.
Hope someone can help.
Mike :)
I found a solution. Using excel formula like this one: =CONCATENATE(A1," ",C1) and also adding the ^ to the first row first using a simple formula.
To be carefule/cautious/clear, the goal is for the entire v_category_name text to be one word without spaces. Because we're sort of talking about math here, there are a number of ways to accomplish the task. The concatenate function is certainly one of them. In the case of joining two fields (columns) with a caret between the two, the following would be appropriate.
If v_category_name_1 is in column F and v_category_name_2 is in column G, and perhaps the last column of the spreadsheet is column V, then in column W row 2 one could place the following equation. =CONCATENATE(F2,"^",G2) then copy that equation down to the last row. Another such equation could be: =F2&"^"&G2
Then the values generated should be copied and special pasted back to either the original v_category_name_1 or back to itself so that the result (value) remains not the equation. If pasted back to itself, then be sure to remove the old version(s) of the column(s) before uploading.
If there are more subcategories such as v_category_name_3 in the old data, then it should be appended as well to the result from above.
A series of checks could be included in a single cell to address the multiple columns if they exist, hopefully not too deeply. Could test for the existence of content in a cell, and if there is, then concatenate that text, otherwise return the text from the earlier process.
For example without using exact code if there is appropriate content in cat_3, then concatenate(cat_1,"^",cat_2,"^",cat_3), else if there is appropriate content in cat_2, then concatenate(cat_1,"^",cat_2), else cat_1. (This method doesn't assign product(s) to "non-category" as if there is a cat_1, then every product must be in a cat_1 as all categories are to contain either categories or products, not both and that includes the root of the category tree.)
So, sum and total, one reason I posted the above is that if the equation in the OP's message is used, then a space is going to be added to the category name on one side or the other. Per the image, the sub-category will have a space before it. This is not desired and could lead to issues...
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