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  1. #1821
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    Default Re: EasyPopulate 4.0 Support Thread

    I believe Ceon Uri Mappings is part of zencart history and every zen user has the right to know about the future of that software and possible integrations with other modules in order to take good business decisions. Let's avoid this common issue of open source software.

  2. #1822
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    Default Re: EasyPopulate 4.0 Support Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by solo_400 View Post
    I believe Ceon Uri Mappings is part of zencart history and every zen user has the right to know about the future of that software and possible integrations with other modules in order to take good business decisions. Let's avoid this common issue of open source software.
    A few things, it had been discussed on the CEON URI mappings thread over a relatively long time about the possibility of incorporating uri mapping functionality into a variant of Easy Populate. It is even something covered in the documentation of the mapping plugin as a possibility. I had previously withheld work on such a venture to truly not undervalue/undermine the commercial product the same coder had developed. (Btw, for those that don't know, Connor Kerr was the maintainer of these other plugins and passed away late in 2012 and since then there has been something of a void in some open source/free development. Search for the name in the forum, there is plenty to read about.) Anyway, while EP4 can through some modification be used to continue using CEON Uri mappings, it also can be used to transition to a different uri mapping tool, then again it could be used for a great many other things as well...

    As for the common issue of open source software, generally speaking all things "free" have come from someone that had a need for it and has then made it publicly available. For some the need is simply to do something for others, while for others to meet a business need of some sort. I tend to fall into both of those categories... Every zen user has already been made aware of the free aspect... Zen Cart... Provided free, supported free, and while there is a plan forward, like anything it could get derailed... The thing is that there is enough supporters that while maybe a web address might change or an individual providing a type of support may change, it seems that the product has grown to a point to be supported if others had to step in to help. That said, I seem to have happened across possibly three different items that had nearly gone their own separate ways, one: EasyPopulate, there have been at least 3 variants posted to the forum and there is even another product that does not go by the name EasyPopulate that some prefer; stock by attributes, well almost don't want to go there because of the chaos that had previously existed but is coming to a common solution and not surprisingly is also supported in part by EP4; and now URI rewriting (there are still three variants at present, but they are not as closely related to each other as my previous two examples)... But, CEON URI mappings is something that has been made available to work with EP4...

    I personally prefer the results (uris without numbers or odd characters and that are uniquely controllable) of CEON uri mappings over the other uri mapping tools, but also don't see anything wrong at least with USU. Further I plan to keep the plugin operational at least on the site(s) I manage until something about the base code of ZC exceeds my ability. Thing is that so far the problems identified with the plugin have been with server configuration being outside the norm (not necessarily an issue with the code) and the method of integrating the plugin into newer versions of ZC, although the base code of the program hasn't changed much other than to correct an issue that was noticed first in ZC that had to be applied/carried over to the CEON URI mapping tool.

    It would seem to me that those already using EP4 have been able to do so without concern of potential changes of other software. The difference here is perhaps a more formal notification that EP4 can now be used with CEON URI mappings installed assuming that something "more" is done to add that capability. I wouldn't be surprised if others haven't already done this in offered support of their and other's sites...

    In closing, open source does not outright mean free... It does offer the ability to manipulate the product/program as desired without the need for code cracking or the old usage of the term hacking. (In more recent circles (younger groups) hacking can also simply mean writing code and is not always intended to mean doing something malicious.) Try to add a field to or move a displayed value on most any store bought software and see how easy it is... :) May take notifying the company and then what? Oh yeah, purchasing their latest version...
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  3. #1823
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    Default Re: EasyPopulate 4.0 Support Thread

    Hi there,

    Do we have a link yet where we can download the updated Easy Populate module for ZenCart 1.5.4?

    Admir M.
    Sucess is the Sum of Small Efforts

  4. #1824
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    Default Re: EasyPopulate 4.0 Support Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by djace View Post
    Hi there,

    Do we have a link yet where we can download the updated Easy Populate module for ZenCart 1.5.4?

    Admir M.
    Yup, to semi-quote a popular cartoon in the late 90s, same place as its always been..

    Version 4.0.28 and beyond is compatible with ZC 1.5.4. Although there has been discussion on the CEON URI Mapping thread about not needing to include the additional administration logging that has been incorporated into ZC 1.5.4, insertion and modification of records by EP4 is logged.

    So, long and short of it: Easiest way to find the software, go to the first post of this thread, instructions still apply.

    It is also available from my site's version of github.
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  5. #1825
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    Default Re: EasyPopulate 4.0 Support Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by mc12345678 View Post
    Although there has been discussion on the CEON URI Mapping thread about not needing to include the additional administration logging that has been incorporated into ZC 1.5.4, insertion and modification of records by EP4 is logged.
    Just to make it very clear: it's probably a good idea that you've embraced the logging, because EP is directly modifying core database tables. The CEON module is touching other stuff.

    The point of the comment in the CEON discussion was *MERELY* to point out that no plugin should ever *remove* any core logging features. And adding additional logging should be done carefully so as to not bloat the database needlessly.

    I really have no interest in derailing this thread over that matter, as it's unrelated. But since your post suggests indecision, I'm simply affirming: proceed with logging.

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  6. #1826
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    Default Re: EasyPopulate 4.0 Support Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by solo_400 View Post
    You totally zenned me :-) Thank you, it worked.

    Now I have a more serious problem:

    How can I tell EP4, after each product import to generate ceon_uri_mappings links ?


    Please don't tell me after new 1000 products imported one must manually go on every product and press update in order to generate ceon uri mappings links.

    Quote Originally Posted by mc12345678 View Post
    Let me see if I can zennly state it. Without venturing away from this site to obtain some additional software (maybe by following a link on this post/page), it would require a manual edit/save... I think beyond that I'm not allowed to publicly discuss it much further...
    Oh for goodness sakes there's no need to be THAT cryptic about this.. The forum rules say we can't PLUG/advertise or provide support for commercial modules, but for pity's sake we CAN talk in plain language versus posting riddles and puzzles for folks to figure out/interpret..

    To answer solo_400's question.. If you want to mass update the Ceon URI table, you must purchase the Ceon URI Mapping Manager software. If you want MORE information than that, you will have to reach out to JSWeb as they have assumed responsibility for all the commercial Ceon modules.

    There.. a STRAIGHT DIRECT and "zennly" ANSWER to the question asked without having to solve for "X"..

    Quote Originally Posted by solo_400 View Post
    I believe Ceon Uri Mappings is part of zencart history and every zen user has the right to know about the future of that software and possible integrations with other modules in order to take good business decisions. Let's avoid this common issue of open source software.
    What COMMON issue.. we just can't have in depth conversations here about commercial modules per the forum rules.. no mystery.. no common issue...
    Last edited by DivaVocals; 5 Feb 2015 at 08:44 AM.
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  7. #1827
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    Default Re: EasyPopulate 4.0 Support Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by DivaVocals View Post
    we just can't have in depth conversations here about commercial modules per the forum rules...
    ... and the rule is there for 2 reasons:
    1. The vendor is supposed to support their paid modules themselves, since they're the experts on how their modules work and how to fix what might be going wrong.
    2. So the forums don't become an advertising arena full of ads instead of helpful discussion by people who have relevant answers.

    Zen Cart - putting the dream of business ownership within reach of anyone!
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    Remember: Any code suggestions you see here are merely suggestions. You assume full responsibility for your use of any such suggestions, including any impact ANY alterations you make to your site may have on your PCI compliance.
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  8. #1828
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    Default Re: EasyPopulate 4.0 Support Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by mc12345678 View Post
    A few things, it had been discussed on the CEON URI mappings thread over a relatively long time about the possibility of incorporating uri mapping functionality into a variant of Easy Populate. It is even something covered in the documentation of the mapping plugin as a possibility. I had previously withheld work on such a venture to truly not undervalue/undermine the commercial product the same coder had developed. (Btw, for those that don't know, Connor Kerr was the maintainer of these other plugins and passed away late in 2012 and since then there has been something of a void in some open source/free development. Search for the name in the forum, there is plenty to read about.) Anyway, while EP4 can through some modification be used to continue using CEON Uri mappings, it also can be used to transition to a different uri mapping tool, then again it could be used for a great many other things as well..
    Sorry I disagree with this.. The point of open source is to encourage your work, not suppress it.. Offering an alternative solution is NOT undermining the value of anyone else's work.. If you have an ORIGINAL contribution that will benefit the community, then SHARE IT if you want to.. Ceon URI Mapping Manager will not be damaged just because there is an alternative available..
    Quote Originally Posted by mc12345678 View Post
    That said, I seem to have happened across possibly three different items that had nearly gone their own separate ways, one: EasyPopulate, there have been at least 3 variants posted to the forum and there is even another product that does not go by the name EasyPopulate that some prefer;
    More mystery.. Are you referring to Apsona???
    My Site - Zen Cart & WordPress integration specialist
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  9. #1829
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    Default Re: EasyPopulate 4.0 Support Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by DivaVocals View Post
    Oh for goodness sakes there's no need to be THAT cryptic about this.. The forum rules say we can't PLUG/advertise or provide support for commercial modules, but for pity's sake we CAN talk in plain language versus posting riddles and puzzles for folks to figure out/interpret..

    To answer solo_400's question.. If you want to mass update the Ceon URI table, you must purchase the Ceon URI Mapping Manager software. If you want MORE information than that, you will have to reach out to JSWeb as they have assumed responsibility for all the commercial Ceon modules.

    There.. a STRAIGHT DIRECT and "zennly" ANSWER to the question asked without having to solve for "X"..

    What COMMON issue.. we just can't have in depth conversations here about commercial modules per the forum rules.. no mystery.. no common issue...
    So the message was so cryptic not because of the above, but because as a supporter of this thread I also have a version of EP4 (not to get all branchy) that adds the capability of autogenerating the CEON URI table from EP4 (ie, is the current version of EP4 but with additional functionality.)

    So I was cryptic because of that perceived fine line that I believed I was walking and I now see partially why the late connor planned his software the way he did... So long as the versions and functionality were consistent between both versions, the forum support was nearly applicable to everyone.
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  10. #1830
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    Default Re: EasyPopulate 4.0 Support Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by mc12345678 View Post
    So the message was so cryptic not because of the above, but because as a supporter of this thread I also have a version of EP4 (not to get all branchy) that adds the capability of autogenerating the CEON URI table from EP4 (ie, is the current version of EP4 but with additional functionality.)
    So SHARE IT already for goodness sakes if you want to.. If the changes in your version are easy to HOOK onto the current version of EP, then package THAT UP and submit it as a "Plugin" for this module.. There are modules RIGHT now which work like this (requires another module to be installed to operate) If your version also IMPROVES the core parts of EP, then submit that as an UPDATE to the core EP module.. Not that big a deal, and NOT stepping on anyone's toes to IMPROVE things..

    Quote Originally Posted by mc12345678 View Post
    So I was cryptic because of that perceived fine line that I believed I was walking and I now see partially why the late connor planned his software the way he did... So long as the versions and functionality were consistent between both versions, the forum support was nearly applicable to everyone.
    EXACTLY!! I took and page from his playbook, and followed the same path in my own "freemium" mods/plugins offerings..
    My Site - Zen Cart & WordPress integration specialist
    I don't answer support questions via PM. Post add-on support questions in the support thread. The question & the answer will benefit others with similar issues.



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