Re: Using EP4 to update existing products
Thanks for the detailed reply, but I think that maybe I worded what I was trying to ask poorly. Please let me try again...
First I cannot find a readme or wiki on using EP4 for updating existing products. I thought I read something back before I installed ep4, but I cannot remember clearly nor find updating features/functions. Maybe my question(s) are already answered...
I have a tab (shown as comma) csv file with a few thousand products (only 1 example shown, and none have options nor attributes). Imported, and store is running great. Now I want to change prices, descriptions, and my custom field on some, but not all products, and change no other fields (whether or not value or lack of value is in any of the other fields) except some of those 3 fields of prices and some descriptions (nor add, nor remove any products)....
v_products_model,v_products_type,v_products_image,v_products_name_1,v_products_d escription_1,v_products_url_1,v_specials_price,v_specials_date_avail,v_specials_ expires_date,v_products_price,v_products_length,v_products_width,v_products_diam eter,v_products_for,v_products_style,v_products_catalog,v_products_notes,v_produ cts_weight,v_product_is_call,v_products_sort_order,v_products_quantity_order_min ,v_products_quantity_order_units,v_products_priced_by_attribute,v_product_is_alw ays_free_shipping,v_date_avail,v_date_added,v_products_quantity,v_manufacturers_ name,v_categories_name_1,v_tax_class_title,v_status
"P200","1","P200.jpg","P200 PART","<strong>DESCRIPTION: </strong>P200 DETAILS<br>","","","","","9.5","9.9","9.9","","EXTRA FIELDS","EXTRA FIELDS","EXTRA FIELDS","","0","0","500001","1","1","0","0","","2014-01-01 01:33:58","7","P Supplies","P Supplies^SUB P","Taxable Goods","1"
WHAT WOULD BE THE BEST/RECOMMENDED way to just make changes?
Do I need to export all products, open in open office, make changes, save, and then upload and import entire file again?
To make it simpler and to avoid chance of accidental changes, and MOST importantly to keep inventory accurate, my idea was to export, download, open, delete all columns except for 3 columns v_products_model, v_products_description, and v_products_notes (custom field), make my updates and changes, save, upload, and import.... thinking that ALL products and ALL fields will remain the same EXCEPT for the changes I made to SOME products for SOME of those 3 fields. But, it sounds like you recommend different/EP4 is designed different than what i am thinking for updating existing products.
Zen Cart 1.5.3, Database Patch Level: 1.5.3
Server OS: Linux 2.6.32, Database: MySQL 5.5.41
HTTP Server: Apache, PHP Version: 5.4.37