Okay, tested your data on another server. Both 1.39h and 1.5 are pulling your data in okay.
What version of PHP are you running?
Okay, tested your data on another server. Both 1.39h and 1.5 are pulling your data in okay.
What version of PHP are you running?
Thanks for all the help and tips.
I actually just tried to import the same file I sent to you and it didn't work in my end, odd! I'm using v1.3.9d
The only message I see after uploading and selecting 'import' is:
Import Results
Filename: Full-EP2012TEST.csv
I get no other information. I have idea where to start to fix this.
EDIT: Trying to confirm the version of PHP, but it should be up-to-date.
EDIT 2: ... PHP Version: PHP 4.x
Last edited by Keezee; 2 Jan 2012 at 06:16 AM. Reason: PHP (again)
Your on to something...
[01-Jan-2012 22:11:09] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function: memory_get_usage() in /home/content/b/i/k/bikeral/html/admin/easypopulate_4_export.php on line 295
Ah, that function is only available in php 4.3.2 and above and php 5. This is part of the diagnostic code so you can see how much memory is being used by the script.
In some instances certain php setting need to be adjusted (php.ini) to allow more memory usage and/or longer execution time. We should be able to do a work around for you.
Hey chadderuski
Installed EP4 with no problems , Very easy :-)
I am currently looking at writing a little app with Autoit and Open office to add my products to a csv file for importing via EP4
Mostly my store is sells PDF's so I current have an Autoit script that adds products via a web browser and uploads the PDF's . It adds all the Product description and Attributes . Being downloads the attributes are important part of the process.
What I would like to do is add products thru EP4 . What Im wondering is it possible (once you finish the import side) to add product description and product attributes in the one file and then import. Or do you have another way of doing it ?
I'm guess the file needs the correct column headers and it will then import correctly . If this i the case I can code my little Autoit app in anticipation of your fully working script
Also doing a script to convert your output to a turbo lister import file
Thanks for your effort in working on EP4 :-)
Hi Paul,
Currently, you will need to have two files. One to update products descriptions, and another to create and assign attributes. This process is much like what you would do in the Admin. Add a new product, then create your attributes, and assign them to the product.
Performing all three at once really complicates the code. Add to the mix proper multilingual support and its that add much more complex. So for right now it will have to remain a two-step process.
What kind of attributes are you creating and assigning to your downloadable products? You may have some detailed attribute information that I'm not addressing as yet. But it should be quite doable.
I will be working hard on the attribute importing code in the days/weeks to come.
hey cj
With downloading the 'Detailed Products Attributes' it seems to have most fields i use.
Im not sure how the zencart database works but in phpmyadmin I can see a table called 'products_attributes_download` which has 3 fields which I do use:
products_attributes_filename - name of media to d/l and sub folder eg /folder_sub/test.zip . This one seems important one your missing
products_attributes_maxdays and products_attributes_maxcount , These normal fill out to defaults in the attributes admin screen but may need to be added if doing thru the database directly
I think its fine doing a separate Product and attributes import file but Im wondering how your going to match Product description and attributes lines . Assign a products ID or match line for line.
Hope this helps :-)
Please note that the attributes downloads links in EP are what I'm using to examine and understand the data's structure. There is no corresponding import of these fields - yet! Yes, there is ANOTHER table 'products_attributes_download' in addition to the products_attributes, products_options, products_options_names, products_options_type, and products_options_values_to_products_options.
These all work together to do your attributes! Now I'm sure the original designers of the attributes features understood them inside out, but I'm reverse engineering my understanding and their relationships so it's been... complex. Additionally, translating this into a functional way to creating/modify/update at import has been a real challenge. I'm on the right track, but it will take some dedicated time to complete this.
Langer had originally attempted to solve this by including every column for every combination of options names and values. If you had 30 attributes with 5 options each that'd be 150 columns. Not what I considered a practical solution.
My solution drastically simplifies the process. If you look at the sample Attrib-EP.csv file you'll see what I mean. Adding the other columns with be easier once I have the BASIC import <> export working correctly. I need to first make the BASIC export match my import file where the product, attribute type, option name, and option values export on line line.
I don't want to promise a solution date, but I will be working on this!
Thanks cf , understand what your trying to do now much better :-)