Originally Posted by
After flawlessly using EasyPopulate 4 for almost a year, today there suddenly is an error, despite no (obvious) changes having been made to the import file. I am not a coder, and I am not familiar with what this means. This below error suddenly impacts all non-taxable items in my import file. Could anyone offer help how I can fix this? Thank you.
File Import Completed with issues.
An SQL error has occured. Please check your input data for tabs within fields and delete these. If this error continues, please forward your error log to the Easy Populate maintainer
MySQLi error 1366: Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'products_tax_class_id' at row 1
When executing:
UPDATE zenvv_products SET
products_price = '6.65',alt_number = '',product_group = 'ACE Bake Your Own 210-460 g',brand = 'Ace',shop_easy = '',shop_easy_special = '',no_frills = 'N/A',no_frills_special = '',superstore = '5.29',superstore_special = '',wholesale_club = 'N/A',wholesale_club_special = '',walmart = 'N/A',walmart_special = '',loblaws = '4.99',loblaws_special = '',sobeys = 'N/A',sobeys_special = '',save_on_foods = 'N/A',save_on_foods_special = '',base = '5.29',products_base_cost = '4.99',vendor = '',products_image = '20660168.jpg',
products_weight = '0',
products_discount_type = '0',
products_discount_type_from = '0',
product_is_call = '0',
products_sort_order = '-1',
products_quantity_order_min = '1',
products_quantity_order_units = '1',
products_priced_by_attribute = '0',
product_is_always_free_shipping = '0',
products_tax_class_id = '',
products_date_available = NULL,
products_date_added = '2016-01-27 06:44:39',
products_last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
products_quantity = '-1',
manufacturers_id = '3963',
products_status = '1',
metatags_title_status = '0',
metatags_products_name_status = '0',
metatags_model_status = '0',
metatags_price_status = '0',
metatags_title_tagline_status = '0' WHERE (products_id = '31429')