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I usually upload the CSV via FileZilla and then go into EP4 and use import
First couple of lines of error code is :
"MySQLi error 1364: Field 'categories_description' doesn't have a default value
When executing:
INSERT INTO zen49_categories_description SET
categories_id = 2329,
language_id = 1,
categories_name = 'Desktop Components'
MySQLi error 1364: Field 'categories_description' doesn't have a default value
When executing:
INSERT INTO zen49_categories_description SET
categories_id = 2330,
language_id = 1,
categories_name = 'Graphics & Video Cards'
MySQLi error 1366: Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'products_sort_order' at row 1
When executing:
INSERT INTO zen49_products SET
products_model = 'mAF710-2048D3LD4',"