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The problem occurs in both, the product and category names. Here is some code from the easy populate import file:
foreach ($langcode as $lang) {
if (!function_exists('mb_split')) {
// iso-8859-1
$categories_names_array[$lang['id']] = explode($categories_delimiter,$items[$filelayout['v_categories_name_'.$lang['id']]]);
} else {
// utf-8
$categories_names_array[$lang['id']] = mb_split(preg_quote($categories_delimiter), $items[$filelayout['v_categories_name_' . $lang['id']]]);
The question also asked about other fields such as products_description, is that field also affected?
Since you already have the language installed and having this issue, perhaps you could run a few tests for me.
Could you modify a portion of the above code to the following:
} else {
// utf-8
$categories_names_array[$lang['id']] = mb_split(preg_quote($categories_delimiter), $items[$filelayout['v_categories_name_' . $lang['id']]]);
trigger_error('category: ' . $items[$filelayout['v_categories_name_' . $lang['id']]] . ' category array: ' . print_r($categories_names_array[$lang['id']], true), E_USER_WARNING);
Then import at least one line of product information that contain the character(s) involved.
After import check the logs directory for a myDebug-adm-xxxx file generated at about the time of attempting to import.
Post the contents of the file, but omit or rename the admin directory (can use admin as the folder name).
Expectation if all is correct on the server is information related to the category name. If nothing is generated, then that too is a piece of useful information and will have to work backwards a little.
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