Hi Everyone,
I have a fresh softaculous install of zencart 1.58 and cannot get easypopulate to install. When I click under Admin/Tools I get a whitescreen and nothing happens.
Please let me know if there is anything that I can do?
While auto installers typically introduce their own issues, I am not so sure that the softaculous installation is the cause. That said, I haven't yet tested any version of EP4 with zen Cart 1.5.8. That also said, other information would be helpful such as the php version involved, the origin of the version of EP4 installed and what the logs say related to the failed operation. Caution: before posting the log content, be sure to obscure data to remain private such as the admin folder name and anything else considered not appropriate to let the internet community see.
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v1.5.5f with latest version Easy Populate - 05-03-2021
I am trying to import a products file, CSV, which imports, i.e. the file shows on the Admin Easy Populate page and then after clicking the import box I get the green success statement / tick at the top of the page (successfully imported) however none of the data imports - see this error message;
The file does actually exist in cliponearrings.net.au/admin/temp/Products+to+add+to+cliponNETAU.csvHTML Code:Import Results Filename: Products+to+add+to+cliponNETAU.csv ERROR: Import file does not exist:/home/admin/cliponearrings.net.au/admin/temp/Products+to+add+to+cliponNETAU.csv Finished Processing Import File Updated records: 0 New Imported records: 0 Errors Detected: 0 Warnings Detected: 0 Memory Usage: 1247320 Memory Peak: 2422568 Execution Time: 0 seconds.
I am getting a bunch of myDebug-admin errors that all seem to be related to the plugin_support.php - below is an example - the variation between then seems to be the 'line' number
So needless to say I am stumpedCode:[03-Nov-2022 10:11:16 Australia/Sydney] PHP Notice: CURL error checking plugin versions: in /home/admin/cliponearrings.net.au/includes/functions/plugin_support.php on line 41 [03-Nov-2022 10:11:16 Australia/Sydney] Request URI: /admin/easypopulate_4.php, IP address: #1 trigger_error() called at [/home/admin/cliponearrings.net.au/includes/functions/plugin_support.php:41] #2 plugin_version_check_for_updates() called at [/home/admin/cliponearrings.net.au/admin/easypopulate_4.php:374]
cheers, Mike
Last edited by shags38; 3 Nov 2022 at 05:41 AM.
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Sorry for not addressing the other issue. For whatever reason the Zen Cart team changed the server name to support plugin version checks. A part exists in here from recent history about it. Also a future version of this plugin will perform the check only once per user while logged in. Hadn't been incorporated yet.
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I, too, am getting a blank page with Easy Populate with 1.5.8. The error message I get is as follows:
--> PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot access private property queryFactory::$link in /home/public_html/test/admin/includes/functions/extra_functions/easypopulate_4_functions.php:625
Thanks for any help.
Yeah basically in the class declaration for asking the database to do something, one of the variables has been made private and no helper function has been provided for the variable declared at the following link.
Could possibly apply the following untested change:
ToCode:private $link; // mysqli object
That again is to modify the catalog file: includes/classes/db/mysql/query_factory.phpCode:public $link; // mysqli object
Will generate a github issue after further evaluation of the situation. Obviously there are other ways to interface with the Zen Cart code which could include development or copying of the same class file for use with EP4, rewrite of EP4 code, additional code in the Zen Cart core code or perhaps the above change.
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Thank you! That did the trick. Easy Populate works great now. I really appreciate the quick response.
The log data helped. Before posting my proposed solution I looked through the history of that change and it almost looks like it was at to private or rather remained private because no core code accessed that class member from outside the class. Glad that it resolved that issue though.
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