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  1. #1
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    Default Image Handler 4 (for v1.5.x) Support Thread

    Moving again.. But we're only going up the road a bit!

    Welcome to the new support thread for Image Handler 4, v4.0.

    Image Handler 4, v4.0 is available for download here:

    The previous support threads can be found here:

    All support related questions for Image Handler 4 for v1.5.x should be posted on THIS support thread.

    The Image Handler 3 Support thread will continue to serve as the support thread for Image Handler 3 for v1.3.x (for ZC v1.3.9).
    The Image Handler 2 Support thread will continue to serve as the support thread for those who are using Image Handler 2 for v1.3.x (ZC v1.3.8).

    Any IH2 or IH3 questions posted here will be (gently or not so gently) re-directed back to the appropriate support thread. (and vice versa)

    Image Handler 4 v4.0 for v1.5.x
    Image Handler 4, v4.0 for v1.5.x is based on an original contribution by Tim Kröger.

    Why the new name??
    With the guidance of the Zen Cart admins, Image Handler 4 was submitted as a NEW add-on with a new name to minimize confusion so this new CLEAN support thread could be started. The bugs/issues reported in the old support thread have been addressed in this new version, and the readme has been revamped to provide MORE information upfront to those who use this add-on which will (hopefully) address some of the usual install and configuration questions.. (versus having to search through an unrelated support thread)

    So on to the good stuff.

    Here's the answers to the most frequently asked question: "What does Image Handler 4 do?"
    (which BTW REALLY IS explained in detail in the readme for those who REALLY wanna know.. it doesn't hurt to download the fileset..)

    Purpose & Aim
    Image Handler 4 at the heart of its code is really meant to ease the management of product images (particularly the management of additional product images), and to help improve page performance by optimizing the product images.

    Image Handler 4 generates product images (based on your image settings) in the Image Handler 4 bmz_cache folder. It DOES NOT replace or modify the original images. So it's PERFECTLY safe to use on an existing store.

    Image Handler 4 enables you to use GD libraries or ImageMagick (if installed on your server) to generate and resize small, medium and large images on the fly on page request. You can simply upload just one image or you can have different sources for medium and large images. Image Handler 4 further enables you to watermark your images (overlay a second specific translucent image) and have medium or large images pop up when you move your mouse over a small image (fancy hover).

    This contribution includes a powerful admin interface to browse your products just like you would with the Attribute Manager and upload / delete / add additional images without having to do this manually via FTP. Image Handler 4 works fine with mass update utilities like EzPopulate.


    • Improve site performance (faster loading, faster display)
    • Professional looking images (no stair-effects, smooth edges)
    • Choose preferred image-types for each image size
    • Uploading one image automatically creates small, medium and large images on page request
    • Drops in and out seamlessly. No need to redo your images. All images are kept.
    • Easy install. One-click-database-upgrade.
    • Works with mass-update/-upload tools like EzPopulate.
    • Watermark images to prevent competitors from stealing them.
    • Fancy image hover functionality lets a larger image pop up whenever you move your mouse above a small image (switchable).
    • Choose an image background color matching to match you site's color or select a transparent background for your images.
    • Manage your multiple images for products easily from one page just like you do with attributes in the Products Attribute Manager.

    Image Handler 4 is meant to ease the work required to setup images for your store. It works WITH default Zen Cart functionality, it does not replace it.

    It is very strongly recommended that you read through the ENTIRE "Configuration" & "Usage" sections of the Image Handler 4 readme file. There you will find out exactly what Image Handler 4 can do.
    Last edited by DivaVocals; 8 Apr 2012 at 06:19 AM.
    My Site - Zen Cart & WordPress integration specialist
    I don't answer support questions via PM. Post add-on support questions in the support thread. The question & the answer will benefit others with similar issues.

  2. #2
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    Default Image Handler 4 Support Thread (BEFORE YOU POST A SUPPORT QUESTION HERE)

    BEFORE YOU POST A SUPPORT QUESTION HERE READ THROUGH THIS SECTION (this is from the Image Handler readme file):

    Troubleshooting Basics

    Make sure your custom template is active. (Admin > Tools > Template Selection)

    Make sure Image Handler 4 is installed. Admin > Tools > Image Handler4 > Admin Tools. Set permissions in both your images and bmz_cache folders to 755 (eg: both of these folders need to have the same permissions).

    If Image Handler 4 does not work or gives you errors:

    • Make sure all files are in correct location
    • Make sure you uploaded ALL the Image Handler 4 files
    • Make sure the files are not corrupt from bad FTP transfers
    • Make sure your file merge edits are correct
    • Make sure that there are no javascript conflicts from other programs
    • Make sure that your main product image files names DO NOT contain any special characters
      ie: non-alphanumeric characters such as
      / \ : ! @ # $ % ^ < > , [ ] { } & * ( ) + =

      Always use proper filenaming practices when naming your images - See this document as a reference:\

    When posting bugs/issues about Image Handler 4, it's a WHOLE LOT more helpful to resolve them if you post details. Just saying "it's broken" or "doesn't work" does not provide nearly enough information to help YOU resolve YOUR issue.

    Please provide as MUCH information as possible including:

    • The version of Zen Cart you are running
    • The version of Image Handler 4 you are running (you can see this by going to “Admin > Tools > Image Handler4” – the version is displayed in the upper left hand side)
    • Any other add-ons you may have also installed
    • Hosting/server information (PHP versions, mySQL versions, hosting provider etc)
    • The EXACT error/issue you are experiencing
    • AND if you're REALLY detail oriented, tell us the install sequence/method you used to install Image Handler 4.
    • Post a link (not a screen print) to a specific product/product listing page where the issue you are experiencing can be seen (Please DO NOT make folks fish through your site looking for an example of your issue)

      AND this last point is important.. The volunteers who help here need to SEE what you see LIVE. A screenprint really isn’t good enough.

    And a (gentle) reminder about FREE forum support:
    This is ain’t Microsoft folks!
    (a frequently used analogy by some to compare open source projects to commercial projects)

    Like other open source projects, this support forum is manned by VOLUNTEERS (ie: unpaid folks). They are not OBLIGATED to assist here, but they do so because they WANT to. They give of their time here when their individual schedules permit. Usually the response is pretty quick 'round these parts, but when it’s not or your question has gone unanswered this may mean one of a few things:

    • NO ONE has an answer to your question/issue.
      (Some folks will only respond when they have something MEANINGFUL to say versus a blanket “I don’t know how to do that” kind of answer.)
    • Folks are just busy and will answer if/when they can..
      (family and other personal obligations, day jobs, paid jobs, etc will usually trump forum participation – this is to be expected – after all it’s unrealistic to expect that folks are sitting around this forum all day and night waiting to answer questions)
    • Your question got missed. (and while I’m on this point) Your post MIGHT have been missed if your post is now a FEW pages back (like more than TWO or more pages) with no response.. Missed does NOT mean “it’s been an hour and no one responded to my question, so let me 'bump' the thread by re-posting my question again”

    Anyway.. carry on.. Enjoy the new version..
    Last edited by DivaVocals; 8 Apr 2012 at 06:17 AM.
    My Site - Zen Cart & WordPress integration specialist
    I don't answer support questions via PM. Post add-on support questions in the support thread. The question & the answer will benefit others with similar issues.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Los Angeles, California, United States
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    Default Image Handler 4 Support Thread (Zen Cart and Image Management)

    Zen Cart and Image Management
    Image Handler 4 is meant to ease the work required to setup images for your store.. It works WITH default Zen Cart functionality, it does not replace it.. Here's some additional FAQs which discuss how product images work in Zen Cart.

    Information on how Zen Cart identifies/manages additional product images can be found on these Zen Cart FAQs:

    Check out these FAQs and see if they help clarify how Zen Cart works with product images.

    Prepare Your Site for Growth

    Not many folks are aware that Image Handler 4 can manage the needs of a very large site as easily as it does a small one. When first building a site, the owner of a small site needs only to load images to the images folder. But when the site gets bigger and images multiply like rabbits, this can cause file naming confusions for Zen Cart and slow down the site. Preparing for your business to grow from the beginning will save you hours of work later on!

    Without Image Handler 4 installed, Zen Cart requires you to create, optimize, and upload three different size images for each image you want to use. You must name these images using naming suffixes, and place them in corresponding folders inside your main image folder. For example: A product called "Widget" requires images/widget.jpg (small image) images/medium/widget_MED.jpg (medium image) and images/large/widget_LRG.jpg. This is such a hassle, especially if many of your products have multiple images. And as your site grows, it becomes an impossible task!

    With Image Handler 4, you no longer have to make three sizes of the same images and place them in different folders (unless you want to)! Instead, you need upload only one image in one folder and Image Handler 4 will do the rest! Simply upload your largest highest quality image and Image Handler 4 will resize and optimize your image as needed, and serve up small, medium, or large image sizes appropriate to the page loaded - all automatically and all without actually modifying your original image file in any way! Check out the Configuration Tab of this ReadMe for more info about this awesome functionality!

    Prepare your site for growth by simply creating sub-folders in your main images folder. For example, you may want to put all your "widget" images in a folder called "widgets" and all your doodad images in a folder called "doodads" , like this:
    Product: Blue Widget with 3 images
    /images/widgets/blue_widget1.jpg (main product image for a blue widget, i.e. front view)
    /images/widgets/blue_widget2.jpg (additional product image for a blue widget, i.e. side view)
    /images/widgets/blue_widget3.jpg (additional product image for a blue widdget, i.e. rear view)
    Product: Red Widget with 1 image
    /images/widgets/red_widget.jpg (main product image for a red widget)
    Product: Gold Doodad with 2 images
    /images/doodads/gold_doodad1.jpg (main product image for a gold doodad, i.e. view from above)
    /images/doodads/gold_doodad2.jpg (additional product image for a gold doodad, i.e. view from side)
    Product: Silver Doodad with 3 images
    /images/doodads/silver_doodad1.jpg (main product image for a silver doodad, i.e. product)
    /images/doodads/silver_doodad2.jpg (additional product image for a silver doodad, i.e. product detail)
    /images/doodads/silver_doodad3.jpg (additional product image for a silver doodad, i.e. product's silver stamp)

    Using Image Handler 4, you can easily sort and manage thousands of images without confusion or hassle! When selecting the main image for a product in the Image Handler 4 interface, Image Handler 4 lets you pick the location for this image. This prompt disappears afterwards because Image Handler 4 knows that additional images need to be in the same folder as their main product image and handles that automatically!
    Last edited by DivaVocals; 8 Apr 2012 at 06:18 AM.
    My Site - Zen Cart & WordPress integration specialist
    I don't answer support questions via PM. Post add-on support questions in the support thread. The question & the answer will benefit others with similar issues.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Image Handler 4 Support Thread


    do i need to rename any files has _ih4.php & folder IH_INSTALL?
    if not, shall i remove my template files and merge change to plugin files?

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Image Handler 4 Support Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by weber View Post

    do i need to rename any files has _ih4.php & folder IH_INSTALL?
    if not, shall i remove my template files and merge change to plugin files?
    I think the installation instructions are pretty clear on this.. If this is not clear, then it will help if you tell us what is not clear here for you??

    DO NOT rename, remove, or relocate any of the other files or folders. Doing so may cause the auto-installer to fail.

      • You may notice files that look familiar, execpt that they contain an "_IH4" suffix. For example: /YOUR_ADMIN/includes/modules/category_product_listing_IH4.php. Such files are an important part of the auto-installer and should NOT be renamed!
      • You may notice folders named "IH_INSTALL" that contain files that would normally be in the "YOUR_CUSTOM_TEMPLATE" folder. Such folders and the files they contain are an important part of the auto-installer and should NOT be removed, renamed, or relocated!
      • The auto-installer will write to the files that need to be written to, create the files that need to be created, and ensure those files are in their appropriate folders.
      • The only thing you need to do to have a successful installation is rename your admin folder and follow the steps below.

    My Site - Zen Cart & WordPress integration specialist
    I don't answer support questions via PM. Post add-on support questions in the support thread. The question & the answer will benefit others with similar issues.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Image Handler 4 Support Thread

    It works exactly as Diva said/wrote. It's very important to READ everyting in the readme an do EXACTLY what you are told to do.

    It's not the way 'we' are used to install modules, but works realy great!

    Also great work on the readme which is very clear and also has a lot of info, including screenshot's, about configuration and troubleshooting. Also some support regarding ZenLightbox and Fual Slimbox is included.

    If there should be need to uninstall (WHY?? ) the installer automaticly deletes tables from the database but also deletes and restores files from your server automaticly.

    It was worth the waiting, Diva and crew did a great job on this!

    In the meantime I found where I could make my donation
    (no, I'm not a shareholder or involved in any other way but people should be thankfull for these great mods and show their appreciation by making (even a the smallest) donations. I guess you all earn some money with your shops...)

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Image Handler 4 Support Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Gerjan View Post
    It works exactly as Diva said/wrote. It's very important to READ everyting in the readme an do EXACTLY what you are told to do.

    It's not the way 'we' are used to install modules, but works realy great!
    Thanks for posting this.. This needs to be stressed..

    Quote Originally Posted by Gerjan View Post
    Also great work on the readme which is very clear and also has a lot of info, including screenshot's, about configuration and troubleshooting. Also some support regarding ZenLightbox and Fual Slimbox is included.

    If there should be need to uninstall (WHY?? ) the installer automaticly deletes tables from the database but also deletes and restores files from your server automaticly.

    It was worth the waiting, Diva and crew did a great job on this!
    The readme is fabulous isn't it!!!?? ScriptJunkie took the reigns on the update duties this go round and she should be thanked for her work.

    But I gotta stress that EVERYONE who contributed to this version should be commended as well!! The VOLUNTEERS ALL did a FABULOUS job!!! We even had a member of the Zen Cart German project participate (http://sourceforge(dot)net/projects/...erman/develop/), and thanks to him, IH4 now has proper language files and all the hardcoded text has been removed from the add-on.

    All in all this is a really nice piece of work on everyone's part!!
    My Site - Zen Cart & WordPress integration specialist
    I don't answer support questions via PM. Post add-on support questions in the support thread. The question & the answer will benefit others with similar issues.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Image Handler 4 Support Thread

    Why dont the hoover pop up work?

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Image Handler 4 Support Thread

    i got it working, but how come its not resizing all the pictures to be the same size

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Image Handler 4 Support Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by CnTGifts View Post
    i got it working, but how come its not resizing all the pictures to be the same size
    See post #2 of this support thread.. (on this same page..)..

    Once you double check your setup/install post the information we ALWAYS ask for..
    My Site - Zen Cart & WordPress integration specialist
    I don't answer support questions via PM. Post add-on support questions in the support thread. The question & the answer will benefit others with similar issues.


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