Already asked this on the Numinix forums, but hoping someone else has seen this issue and knows a fix.

I just installed the latest (1.30) version of the Numinix Fedex Web services module on ZenCart 1.5.

As soon as I hit the admin->modules->shipping page I see the fedex module installed.

When I try to edit it, all shipping modules are removed and I get 'An error occurred, Refresh this page" No shipping modules now show.

Removal and subsequent reinstalls go right to the blank shipping modules and 'An error occurred, refresh this page" error.

If I remove the MODULE_SHIPPING_FEDEX_WEB_SERVICES_VERSION row in the configuration table of the db, I am presented with all shipping modules again until I try to edit it, then the same error repeats.

I see the following in the error logs:

PHP Fatal error: 1062uplicate entry 'MODULE_SHIPPING_FEDEX_WEB_SERVICES_VERSION' for key 'unq_config_key_zen' :: insert into configuration (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, date_added) VALUES ('Version Installed', 'MODULE_SHIPPING_FEDEX_WEB_SERVICES_VERSION', '1.3.0', '', '6', '0', now()) in /home/XXXXXXXX/htdocs/includes/classes/db/mysql/query_factory.php on line 101