The errors you're getting have absolutely nothing to do with ZX Slideshow. I'm sorry, but I can't help you with your problem.
P.S. It's balihr, not Bahir![]()
The errors you're getting have absolutely nothing to do with ZX Slideshow. I'm sorry, but I can't help you with your problem.
P.S. It's balihr, not Bahir![]()
sorry balihr, the late hour affecting the concentration! no these errors have been around awhile, you don't think it is anything to do with v1.3.9h with ZX Slideshow?
Noup, I'm absolutely certain it's got nothing to do with my slideshow. The first error line suggests something in html_header.php which is not affected by the slideshow (I can't say what the error is about since the file might have been customized). The second line has something to do with Easy Populate. I'm gonna assume you're using EP - was it customized? Are you using additional product fields? Are you using a good csv file? Are your delimiters set correctly? Numerous possibilities, but none of it is related to this module so I'd appreciate it we you could keep this thread on topic... I hope you understand.
First time installing a plugin. Please verify that after renaming the admin and template folders I FTP the top level folder (zx slideshow) to root directory. It starts with Admin, Cache,etc. and now the last folder is ZX Slideshow. I tried this, set up 3 banners in admin panel and uploaded v1.5 sql patch and turned it on but nothing changes on my home page.
Thanks for any advice.
Actually, no, you're supposed to merge the content of zx_slideshow directory with your store's root directory. Your server's directory structure will not be changed after uploading slideshow files, you'll just be adding some new files. In case you FTP software asks you permission to overwrite some files, I suggest you do NOT overwrite. Instead, download those files, merge the code and upload it back.
That's what I tried the first time. Maybe I was on the right track then. I had to add a couple of folders since I did not have a jscript folder and one other in my original file structure. Thanks, I'll try again.
Still no luck. Viewing the source code of my main page shows the following line:
<script type="text/javascript" src="includes/templates/custom/jscript/jscript_jquery-1.7.1.min.js"></script>
I think this indicates that the sql patch installed OK. Both .js files are in the correct folder so I'm stumped. My site is if that helps.
Thanks for any suggestions. I would prefer not having to paste the code into the css if possible. I'd like to get it to work the way it was designed to.
Did you enable it from the configuration menu? Because, none of the files related to the slideshow are loading, neither css nor javascript...
Yes, line one has been set to true since the beginning.
Is it possible the .sql patch did not completely install properly? I used the browse and upload method. Should I uninstall and reinstall the patch? If so, how?
Do you have "ZX Slideshow" in your Configuration menu in admin? Does it load and give you ability to change settings? If so, then the sql patch has nothing to do with your problem. You must have missed something with the files...