Quote Originally Posted by davewest View Post
WheelZoom makes use of the existing displayed image and zooms in using css and is easy to add into colorbox.. I added it to my site and it works. When colorbox displays the image, hovering over the image, spin the mouse wheel to zoom in/out grab the zoomed in image to move it around. Sample installation, download wheelzoom from Jack Moore wed site and place the script file in your template jscript folder.

modify includes/classes/zen_colorbox/jquery_colorbox.php add
echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $template->get_template_dir('.js', DIR_WS_TEMPLATE, $current_page_base, 'jscript') . '/wheelzoom.js"></script>"></script>';
modify includes/classes/zen_colorbox/autoload_default.php add edits in red
$("a[rel^='colorbox']").colorbox({onComplete:function(){ wheelzoom(document.querySelectorAll('.cboxPhoto')); }, <?php require_once(DIR_FS_CATALOG . DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'zen_colorbox/options.php'); ?>});;
That's all you need to do for wheelzoom to work in colorbox!
If you use img as instructions, when colorbox close so will all images on your site.. Use cboxPhoto instead of img tag.. When I figure out why git cola stopped posting, I'll add it to my github page..
Interesting.. thanks for the share.. Was thinking as I looked this over that this would be nice if this was an admin selectable option.. Maybe I'll give that a play when my time permits..