I'm very happy with the results as well and thank you very much, niestudio.
Am also using to display a random slideshow of all products on a e-zpage and would like to share method.
Added following code to /includes/templates/MY_TEMPLATE/templates/tpl_page_default.php
<h1 id="ezPagesHeading"><?php echo $var_pageDetails->fields['pages_title']; ?></h1>
/*Sequence for listing image paths for slideshow */
// do we want slideshow on this page?
if (isset($ezpage_id) and $ezpage_id == 'MY_EZ_PAGE_ID_#'){
//Hidden div to feed invisible images to jscript
echo "<div style=\"display:none\">";
// query database table for image paths
$this_sql_for_images = mysql_query("SELECT products_image FROM zen_products ORDER BY RAND()");
// loop through image paths and create array
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($this_sql_for_images, MYSQL_NUM)) {
//assign string to variable
$the_url = $row[0];
if (file_exists("images/".$the_url)) {
// RegEx pattern to separate image path from extension
$pattern = '|(^.*)\.(.*)|';
//insert "_LRG" in image name so we are displaying large images
$replacement = '$1'."_LRG.".'$2';
//assemble path for large image
$LRG_URL = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $the_url);
$full_path = "images/large/".$LRG_URL;
if (file_exists($full_path)) {
//echo "The large file $full_path exists<hr/>";
//list images with "style = display:none" so they are not visible on page
echo "<a href= \"".$full_path."\""." rel=\"renmanimage\"><img src=\"".$full_path."\" style=\"display:none;padding:0;margin:0;height:1px\"></a><br/>";
} else {
//echo "The small file, $the_url exists<hr/>";
//list images with "style = display:none" so they are not visible on page
echo "<a href= \"images/".$the_url."\""." rel=\"renmanimage\"><img src=\"images/".$the_url."\" style=\"display:none;padding:0;margin:0;height:1px\"></a><br/>";
} // End LRG file condition
} // End DB file exists Condition
//End hidden div tag
echo "</div>";
//display image to click to begin slideshow
echo "<a href= \"images/clickhere.jpg\" rel=\"renmanimage\"><img src=\"images/clickhere.jpg\"></a><br/>";
} // End EZ Page ID Condition
Haven't tackled body_onload yet, but tentatively planning on it.
Would also like to have main/trigger image excluded from slideshow, WHILE keeping main images from product pages in slideshow.
If body_onload works this may be less of an issue.