Thread: Zen Colorbox

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  1. #221
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    Default Re: Zen Colorbox

    Quote Originally Posted by ideasgirl View Post
    I have access to computer and Internet now 3 times a week and I'm ready to do this. At this point what do you need from me?
    As stated before the first thing that would be suggested is to validate that the files are in fact where they are supposed to be and that the are also not in places where they should not be? Ie. they should be in the folder path that relates to the template in use where expected, that they are intact and of the current version.

    Right now, I do not believe that they are installed where they are supposed to be both from observation and the information reported. Sorry for that, but when able to have the software in place on a system as one might expect with the information given about the problem system, well, if can't reproduce it then it didn't happen right? :)

    Yes, I put up three options of the way forward. From a "get 'er done" perspective I'd rather be offered the opportunity to login, do the comparison, get it operating correctly and get out. From a "learning to fish" perspective, well, I need clear communication about what is where, path, data on the line, differences, etc.. in order to understand why the install was not successful and to provide clear direction. There's a big swing from one direction to the other.
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  2. #222
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    Default Re: Zen Colorbox

    Hello mc12345678,

    Thanks for the check list, I did as you said and checked over the template path again as there was no error in the logs to say anything had installed or had an issue and sure enough, user error....I'd put the wrong active template path of classic and not responsive_classic when renaming the your_template path structure.

    Everything's working perfectly now and the menus installed in the admin/configurations/Zen Colorbox Config and visual confirmation at the top of the admin console all install steps/upgrades were successful.

    Thanks again for your help, cheers.

  3. #223
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    Default Re: Zen Colorbox

    Quote Originally Posted by himmon View Post
    Hello mc12345678,

    Thanks for the check list, I did as you said and checked over the template path again as there was no error in the logs to say anything had installed or had an issue and sure enough, user error....I'd put the wrong active template path of classic and not responsive_classic when renaming the your_template path structure.

    Everything's working perfectly now and the menus installed in the admin/configurations/Zen Colorbox Config and visual confirmation at the top of the admin console all install steps/upgrades were successful.

    Thanks again for your help, cheers.
    Glad that it works, were able to figure it out, and thank you for reporting back the reason and results.
    ZC Installation/Maintenance Support <- Site
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  4. #224
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Zen Colorbox

    I just downloaded and installed the latest 2.1.2 version which looks great, except the images weren't resizing on small screens.

    I found this code, meant to go at the end of the jquery.colorbox-min.js file in the template folder.

    So just wondering if it's an oversight to leave it out? When I add it the images get resized as expected.

     // Begin Make ColorBox responsive
    jQuery.colorbox.settings.maxWidth  = '95%';
    jQuery.colorbox.settings.maxHeight = '95%';
    // ColorBox resize function
    var resizeTimer;
    function resizeColorBox() {
      if (resizeTimer) clearTimeout(resizeTimer);
      resizeTimer = setTimeout(function() {
        if (jQuery('#cboxOverlay').is(':visible')) {
          jQuery.colorbox.resize({width:'90%', height:'90%'});
      }, 300);
    // Resize ColorBox when resizing window or changing mobile device orientation
    window.addEventListener("orientationchange", resizeColorBox, false);
    // End Make ColorBox responsive

  5. #225

    Default Re: Zen Colorbox

    Thanks for this excellent contribution, I have been working on a website upgrade project, and Zen Colorbox is a great visual upgrade from my old site. When applying the SQL patch, I came across a syntax error that I wanted to post here in case it was useful. One term in the query is supposed to be enclosed in quotes I believe, but causes a syntax error if it is not. This is from the zen-colorbox/readme.html file as viewed in a browser (affected area in red):

    INSERT INTO `configuration_group` (`configuration_group_title`, `configuration_group_description`, `sort_order`, `visible`) VALUES ('Zen Colorbox', 'Configure Zen Colorbox settings', '0', '1');
              UPDATE `configuration_group` SET `sort_order` = LAST_INSERT_ID() WHERE `configuration_group_id` = LAST_INSERT_ID();
              SELECT @cgi := `configuration_group_id` FROM `configuration_group` WHERE `configuration_group_title` = 'Zen Colorbox';
              INSERT IGNORE INTO `configuration` (`configuration_title`, `configuration_key`, `configuration_value`, `configuration_description`, `configuration_group_id`, `sort_order`, `date_added`, `use_function`, `set_function`) VALUES
              ('<strong>Zen Colorbox</strong>', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_STATUS', 'true', '<br />If true, all product images on the following pages will be displayed within a lightbox:<br /><br />- document_general_info<br />- document_product_info<br />- page (EZ-Pages)<br />- product_free_shipping_info<br />- product_info<br />- product_music_info<br />- product_reviews<br />- product_reviews_info<br />- product_reviews_write<br /><br /><strong>Default: true</strong>', @cgi, 10, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''), '),
              ('Zen Colorbox (Update Check)', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_PLUGIN_CHECK', <?php echo SHOW_VERSION_UPDATE_IN_HEADER; ?>, 'Allow version checking if Zen Cart version checking enabled<br/><br/>If false, no version checking performed.<br/>If true, then only if Zen Cart version checking is on:', @cgi, 20, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''), '),
              ('Overlay Opacity', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_OVERLAY_OPACITY', '0.6', '<br />Controls the transparency of the overlay.<br /><br /><strong>Default: 0.6</strong>', @cgi, 30, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''0'', ''0.1'', ''0.2'', ''0.3'', ''0.4'', ''0.5'', ''0.6'', ''0.7'', ''0.8'', ''0.9'', ''1''), '),
              ('Resize Duration', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_RESIZE_DURATION', '400', '<br />Controls the speed of the image resizing.<br /><br />Note: This value is measured in milliseconds.<br /><br /><strong>Default: 400</strong><br />', @cgi, 40, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
              ('Initial Width', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_INITIAL_WIDTH', '250', '<br />If Enable Resize Animations is set to true, the lightbox will resize its width from this value to the current image width, when first displayed.<br /><br />Note: This value is measured in pixels.<br /><br /><strong>Default: 250</strong><br />', @cgi, 50, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
              ('Initial Height', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_INITIAL_HEIGHT', '250', '<br />If Enable Resize Animations is set to true, the lightbox will resize its height from this value to the current image height, when first displayed.<br /><br />Note: This value is measured in pixels.<br /><br /><strong>Default: 250</strong><br />', @cgi, 60, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
              ('Display Image Counter', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_COUNTER', 'true', '<br />If true, the image counter will be displayed (below the caption of each image) within the lightbox.<br /><br /><strong>Default: true</strong>', @cgi, 70, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),'),
              ('Close on Overlay Click', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_CLOSE_OVERLAY', 'false', '<br />If true, the lightbox will close when the overlay is clicked.<br /><br /><strong>Default: false</strong>', @cgi, 80, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''), '),
              ('Loop', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_LOOP', 'true', '<br />If true, Images will loop in both directions.<br /><br /><strong>Default: true</strong>', @cgi, 90, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''), '),
              ('<strong>Slideshow</strong>', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_SLIDESHOW', 'false', '<br />If true, Images will display as a slideshow.<br /><br /><strong>Default: false</strong>', @cgi, 100, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''), '),
              ('## Slideshow Auto Start', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_SLIDESHOW_AUTO', 'true', '<br />If true, your slideshow will auto start.<br /><br /><strong>Default: true</strong>', @cgi, 110, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''), '),
              ('## Slideshow Speed', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_SLIDESHOW_SPEED', '2500', '<br />Sets the speed of the slideshow <br /><br />Note: This value is measured in milliseconds.<br /><br /><strong>Default: 2500</strong>', @cgi, 120, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
              ('## Slideshow Start Text', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_SLIDESHOW_START_TEXT', 'start slideshow', '<br />Link text to start the slideshow.<br /><br /><strong>Default: start slideshow</strong>', @cgi, 130, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
              ('## Slideshow Stop Text', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_SLIDESHOW_STOP_TEXT', 'stop slideshow', '<br />Link text to stop the slideshow.<br /><br /><strong>Default: stop slideshow</strong>', @cgi, 140, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
              ('<strong>Gallery Mode</strong>', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_GALLERY_MODE', 'true', '<br />If true, the lightbox will allow additional images to quickly be displayed using previous and next buttons.<br /><br /><strong>Default: true</strong>', @cgi, 150, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),'),
              ('## Include Main Image in Gallery', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_GALLERY_MAIN_IMAGE', 'true', '<br />If true, the main product image will be included in the lightbox gallery.<br /><br /><strong>Default: true</strong>', @cgi, 160, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),'),
              ('<strong>EZ-Pages Support</strong>', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_EZPAGES', 'true', '<br />If true, the lightbox effect will be used for linked images on all EZ-Pages.<br /><br /><strong>Default: true</strong>', @cgi, 170, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),'),
              ('## File Types', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_FILE_TYPES', 'jpg,png,gif', '<br />On EZ-Pages, the lightbox effect will be applied to all images with one of the following file types.<br /><br /><strong>Default: jpg,png,gif</strong><br />', @cgi, 180, NOW(), NULL, NULL);
              INSERT IGNORE INTO `admin_pages` (`page_key` ,`language_key` ,`main_page` ,`page_params` ,`menu_key` ,`display_on_menu` ,`sort_order`)VALUES
              ('configZenColorbox', 'BOX_CONFIGURATION_ZEN_COLORBOX', 'FILENAME_CONFIGURATION', CONCAT('gID=',@cgi), 'configuration', 'Y', @cgi);
    INSERT INTO `configuration_group` (`configuration_group_title`, `configuration_group_description`, `sort_order`, `visible`) VALUES ('Zen Colorbox', 'Configure Zen Colorbox settings', '0', '1');
              UPDATE `configuration_group` SET `sort_order` = LAST_INSERT_ID() WHERE `configuration_group_id` = LAST_INSERT_ID();
              SELECT @cgi := `configuration_group_id` FROM `configuration_group` WHERE `configuration_group_title` = 'Zen Colorbox';
              INSERT IGNORE INTO `configuration` (`configuration_title`, `configuration_key`, `configuration_value`, `configuration_description`, `configuration_group_id`, `sort_order`, `date_added`, `use_function`, `set_function`) VALUES
              ('<strong>Zen Colorbox</strong>', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_STATUS', 'true', '<br />If true, all product images on the following pages will be displayed within a lightbox:<br /><br />- document_general_info<br />- document_product_info<br />- page (EZ-Pages)<br />- product_free_shipping_info<br />- product_info<br />- product_music_info<br />- product_reviews<br />- product_reviews_info<br />- product_reviews_write<br /><br /><strong>Default: true</strong>', @cgi, 10, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''), '),
              ('Zen Colorbox (Update Check)', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_PLUGIN_CHECK', '<?php echo SHOW_VERSION_UPDATE_IN_HEADER; ?>', 'Allow version checking if Zen Cart version checking enabled<br/><br/>If false, no version checking performed.<br/>If true, then only if Zen Cart version checking is on:', @cgi, 20, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''), '),
              ('Overlay Opacity', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_OVERLAY_OPACITY', '0.6', '<br />Controls the transparency of the overlay.<br /><br /><strong>Default: 0.6</strong>', @cgi, 30, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''0'', ''0.1'', ''0.2'', ''0.3'', ''0.4'', ''0.5'', ''0.6'', ''0.7'', ''0.8'', ''0.9'', ''1''), '),
              ('Resize Duration', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_RESIZE_DURATION', '400', '<br />Controls the speed of the image resizing.<br /><br />Note: This value is measured in milliseconds.<br /><br /><strong>Default: 400</strong><br />', @cgi, 40, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
              ('Initial Width', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_INITIAL_WIDTH', '250', '<br />If Enable Resize Animations is set to true, the lightbox will resize its width from this value to the current image width, when first displayed.<br /><br />Note: This value is measured in pixels.<br /><br /><strong>Default: 250</strong><br />', @cgi, 50, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
              ('Initial Height', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_INITIAL_HEIGHT', '250', '<br />If Enable Resize Animations is set to true, the lightbox will resize its height from this value to the current image height, when first displayed.<br /><br />Note: This value is measured in pixels.<br /><br /><strong>Default: 250</strong><br />', @cgi, 60, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
              ('Display Image Counter', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_COUNTER', 'true', '<br />If true, the image counter will be displayed (below the caption of each image) within the lightbox.<br /><br /><strong>Default: true</strong>', @cgi, 70, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),'),
              ('Close on Overlay Click', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_CLOSE_OVERLAY', 'false', '<br />If true, the lightbox will close when the overlay is clicked.<br /><br /><strong>Default: false</strong>', @cgi, 80, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''), '),
              ('Loop', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_LOOP', 'true', '<br />If true, Images will loop in both directions.<br /><br /><strong>Default: true</strong>', @cgi, 90, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''), '),
              ('<strong>Slideshow</strong>', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_SLIDESHOW', 'false', '<br />If true, Images will display as a slideshow.<br /><br /><strong>Default: false</strong>', @cgi, 100, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''), '),
              ('## Slideshow Auto Start', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_SLIDESHOW_AUTO', 'true', '<br />If true, your slideshow will auto start.<br /><br /><strong>Default: true</strong>', @cgi, 110, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''), '),
              ('## Slideshow Speed', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_SLIDESHOW_SPEED', '2500', '<br />Sets the speed of the slideshow <br /><br />Note: This value is measured in milliseconds.<br /><br /><strong>Default: 2500</strong>', @cgi, 120, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
              ('## Slideshow Start Text', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_SLIDESHOW_START_TEXT', 'start slideshow', '<br />Link text to start the slideshow.<br /><br /><strong>Default: start slideshow</strong>', @cgi, 130, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
              ('## Slideshow Stop Text', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_SLIDESHOW_STOP_TEXT', 'stop slideshow', '<br />Link text to stop the slideshow.<br /><br /><strong>Default: stop slideshow</strong>', @cgi, 140, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
              ('<strong>Gallery Mode</strong>', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_GALLERY_MODE', 'true', '<br />If true, the lightbox will allow additional images to quickly be displayed using previous and next buttons.<br /><br /><strong>Default: true</strong>', @cgi, 150, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),'),
              ('## Include Main Image in Gallery', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_GALLERY_MAIN_IMAGE', 'true', '<br />If true, the main product image will be included in the lightbox gallery.<br /><br /><strong>Default: true</strong>', @cgi, 160, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),'),
              ('<strong>EZ-Pages Support</strong>', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_EZPAGES', 'true', '<br />If true, the lightbox effect will be used for linked images on all EZ-Pages.<br /><br /><strong>Default: true</strong>', @cgi, 170, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),'),
              ('## File Types', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_FILE_TYPES', 'jpg,png,gif', '<br />On EZ-Pages, the lightbox effect will be applied to all images with one of the following file types.<br /><br /><strong>Default: jpg,png,gif</strong><br />', @cgi, 180, NOW(), NULL, NULL);
              INSERT IGNORE INTO `admin_pages` (`page_key` ,`language_key` ,`main_page` ,`page_params` ,`menu_key` ,`display_on_menu` ,`sort_order`)VALUES
              ('configZenColorbox', 'BOX_CONFIGURATION_ZEN_COLORBOX', 'FILENAME_CONFIGURATION', CONCAT('gID=',@cgi), 'configuration', 'Y', @cgi);
    Thanks again for the excellent contribution!

  6. #226
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
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    Default Re: Zen Colorbox

    Quote Originally Posted by paul3648 View Post
    I just downloaded and installed the latest 2.1.2 version which looks great, except the images weren't resizing on small screens.

    I found this code, meant to go at the end of the jquery.colorbox-min.js file in the template folder.

    So just wondering if it's an oversight to leave it out? When I add it the images get resized as expected.

     // Begin Make ColorBox responsive
    jQuery.colorbox.settings.maxWidth  = '95%';
    jQuery.colorbox.settings.maxHeight = '95%';
    // ColorBox resize function
    var resizeTimer;
    function resizeColorBox() {
      if (resizeTimer) clearTimeout(resizeTimer);
      resizeTimer = setTimeout(function() {
        if (jQuery('#cboxOverlay').is(':visible')) {
          jQuery.colorbox.resize({width:'90%', height:'90%'});
      }, 300);
    // Resize ColorBox when resizing window or changing mobile device orientation
    window.addEventListener("orientationchange", resizeColorBox, false);
    // End Make ColorBox responsive
    Still looking over this with regards to operation, history, etc... I have no recollection of purposefully removing that snippet. I know that some discussion was to use the latest version of the support javascript. Perhaps it is something to be suggested back to that original author.
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  7. #227
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    Default Re: Zen Colorbox

    Quote Originally Posted by fbroz View Post
    Thanks for this excellent contribution, I have been working on a website upgrade project, and Zen Colorbox is a great visual upgrade from my old site. When applying the SQL patch, I came across a syntax error that I wanted to post here in case it was useful. One term in the query is supposed to be enclosed in quotes I believe, but causes a syntax error if it is not. This is from the zen-colorbox/readme.html file as viewed in a browser (affected area in red):

    INSERT INTO `configuration_group` (`configuration_group_title`, `configuration_group_description`, `sort_order`, `visible`) VALUES ('Zen Colorbox', 'Configure Zen Colorbox settings', '0', '1');
              UPDATE `configuration_group` SET `sort_order` = LAST_INSERT_ID() WHERE `configuration_group_id` = LAST_INSERT_ID();
              SELECT @cgi := `configuration_group_id` FROM `configuration_group` WHERE `configuration_group_title` = 'Zen Colorbox';
              INSERT IGNORE INTO `configuration` (`configuration_title`, `configuration_key`, `configuration_value`, `configuration_description`, `configuration_group_id`, `sort_order`, `date_added`, `use_function`, `set_function`) VALUES
              ('<strong>Zen Colorbox</strong>', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_STATUS', 'true', '<br />If true, all product images on the following pages will be displayed within a lightbox:<br /><br />- document_general_info<br />- document_product_info<br />- page (EZ-Pages)<br />- product_free_shipping_info<br />- product_info<br />- product_music_info<br />- product_reviews<br />- product_reviews_info<br />- product_reviews_write<br /><br /><strong>Default: true</strong>', @cgi, 10, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''), '),
              ('Zen Colorbox (Update Check)', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_PLUGIN_CHECK', <?php echo SHOW_VERSION_UPDATE_IN_HEADER; ?>, 'Allow version checking if Zen Cart version checking enabled<br/><br/>If false, no version checking performed.<br/>If true, then only if Zen Cart version checking is on:', @cgi, 20, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''), '),
              ('Overlay Opacity', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_OVERLAY_OPACITY', '0.6', '<br />Controls the transparency of the overlay.<br /><br /><strong>Default: 0.6</strong>', @cgi, 30, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''0'', ''0.1'', ''0.2'', ''0.3'', ''0.4'', ''0.5'', ''0.6'', ''0.7'', ''0.8'', ''0.9'', ''1''), '),
              ('Resize Duration', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_RESIZE_DURATION', '400', '<br />Controls the speed of the image resizing.<br /><br />Note: This value is measured in milliseconds.<br /><br /><strong>Default: 400</strong><br />', @cgi, 40, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
              ('Initial Width', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_INITIAL_WIDTH', '250', '<br />If Enable Resize Animations is set to true, the lightbox will resize its width from this value to the current image width, when first displayed.<br /><br />Note: This value is measured in pixels.<br /><br /><strong>Default: 250</strong><br />', @cgi, 50, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
              ('Initial Height', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_INITIAL_HEIGHT', '250', '<br />If Enable Resize Animations is set to true, the lightbox will resize its height from this value to the current image height, when first displayed.<br /><br />Note: This value is measured in pixels.<br /><br /><strong>Default: 250</strong><br />', @cgi, 60, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
              ('Display Image Counter', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_COUNTER', 'true', '<br />If true, the image counter will be displayed (below the caption of each image) within the lightbox.<br /><br /><strong>Default: true</strong>', @cgi, 70, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),'),
              ('Close on Overlay Click', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_CLOSE_OVERLAY', 'false', '<br />If true, the lightbox will close when the overlay is clicked.<br /><br /><strong>Default: false</strong>', @cgi, 80, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''), '),
              ('Loop', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_LOOP', 'true', '<br />If true, Images will loop in both directions.<br /><br /><strong>Default: true</strong>', @cgi, 90, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''), '),
              ('<strong>Slideshow</strong>', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_SLIDESHOW', 'false', '<br />If true, Images will display as a slideshow.<br /><br /><strong>Default: false</strong>', @cgi, 100, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''), '),
              ('## Slideshow Auto Start', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_SLIDESHOW_AUTO', 'true', '<br />If true, your slideshow will auto start.<br /><br /><strong>Default: true</strong>', @cgi, 110, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''), '),
              ('## Slideshow Speed', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_SLIDESHOW_SPEED', '2500', '<br />Sets the speed of the slideshow <br /><br />Note: This value is measured in milliseconds.<br /><br /><strong>Default: 2500</strong>', @cgi, 120, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
              ('## Slideshow Start Text', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_SLIDESHOW_START_TEXT', 'start slideshow', '<br />Link text to start the slideshow.<br /><br /><strong>Default: start slideshow</strong>', @cgi, 130, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
              ('## Slideshow Stop Text', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_SLIDESHOW_STOP_TEXT', 'stop slideshow', '<br />Link text to stop the slideshow.<br /><br /><strong>Default: stop slideshow</strong>', @cgi, 140, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
              ('<strong>Gallery Mode</strong>', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_GALLERY_MODE', 'true', '<br />If true, the lightbox will allow additional images to quickly be displayed using previous and next buttons.<br /><br /><strong>Default: true</strong>', @cgi, 150, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),'),
              ('## Include Main Image in Gallery', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_GALLERY_MAIN_IMAGE', 'true', '<br />If true, the main product image will be included in the lightbox gallery.<br /><br /><strong>Default: true</strong>', @cgi, 160, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),'),
              ('<strong>EZ-Pages Support</strong>', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_EZPAGES', 'true', '<br />If true, the lightbox effect will be used for linked images on all EZ-Pages.<br /><br /><strong>Default: true</strong>', @cgi, 170, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),'),
              ('## File Types', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_FILE_TYPES', 'jpg,png,gif', '<br />On EZ-Pages, the lightbox effect will be applied to all images with one of the following file types.<br /><br /><strong>Default: jpg,png,gif</strong><br />', @cgi, 180, NOW(), NULL, NULL);
              INSERT IGNORE INTO `admin_pages` (`page_key` ,`language_key` ,`main_page` ,`page_params` ,`menu_key` ,`display_on_menu` ,`sort_order`)VALUES
              ('configZenColorbox', 'BOX_CONFIGURATION_ZEN_COLORBOX', 'FILENAME_CONFIGURATION', CONCAT('gID=',@cgi), 'configuration', 'Y', @cgi);
    INSERT INTO `configuration_group` (`configuration_group_title`, `configuration_group_description`, `sort_order`, `visible`) VALUES ('Zen Colorbox', 'Configure Zen Colorbox settings', '0', '1');
              UPDATE `configuration_group` SET `sort_order` = LAST_INSERT_ID() WHERE `configuration_group_id` = LAST_INSERT_ID();
              SELECT @cgi := `configuration_group_id` FROM `configuration_group` WHERE `configuration_group_title` = 'Zen Colorbox';
              INSERT IGNORE INTO `configuration` (`configuration_title`, `configuration_key`, `configuration_value`, `configuration_description`, `configuration_group_id`, `sort_order`, `date_added`, `use_function`, `set_function`) VALUES
              ('<strong>Zen Colorbox</strong>', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_STATUS', 'true', '<br />If true, all product images on the following pages will be displayed within a lightbox:<br /><br />- document_general_info<br />- document_product_info<br />- page (EZ-Pages)<br />- product_free_shipping_info<br />- product_info<br />- product_music_info<br />- product_reviews<br />- product_reviews_info<br />- product_reviews_write<br /><br /><strong>Default: true</strong>', @cgi, 10, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''), '),
              ('Zen Colorbox (Update Check)', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_PLUGIN_CHECK', '<?php echo SHOW_VERSION_UPDATE_IN_HEADER; ?>', 'Allow version checking if Zen Cart version checking enabled<br/><br/>If false, no version checking performed.<br/>If true, then only if Zen Cart version checking is on:', @cgi, 20, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''), '),
              ('Overlay Opacity', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_OVERLAY_OPACITY', '0.6', '<br />Controls the transparency of the overlay.<br /><br /><strong>Default: 0.6</strong>', @cgi, 30, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''0'', ''0.1'', ''0.2'', ''0.3'', ''0.4'', ''0.5'', ''0.6'', ''0.7'', ''0.8'', ''0.9'', ''1''), '),
              ('Resize Duration', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_RESIZE_DURATION', '400', '<br />Controls the speed of the image resizing.<br /><br />Note: This value is measured in milliseconds.<br /><br /><strong>Default: 400</strong><br />', @cgi, 40, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
              ('Initial Width', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_INITIAL_WIDTH', '250', '<br />If Enable Resize Animations is set to true, the lightbox will resize its width from this value to the current image width, when first displayed.<br /><br />Note: This value is measured in pixels.<br /><br /><strong>Default: 250</strong><br />', @cgi, 50, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
              ('Initial Height', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_INITIAL_HEIGHT', '250', '<br />If Enable Resize Animations is set to true, the lightbox will resize its height from this value to the current image height, when first displayed.<br /><br />Note: This value is measured in pixels.<br /><br /><strong>Default: 250</strong><br />', @cgi, 60, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
              ('Display Image Counter', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_COUNTER', 'true', '<br />If true, the image counter will be displayed (below the caption of each image) within the lightbox.<br /><br /><strong>Default: true</strong>', @cgi, 70, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),'),
              ('Close on Overlay Click', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_CLOSE_OVERLAY', 'false', '<br />If true, the lightbox will close when the overlay is clicked.<br /><br /><strong>Default: false</strong>', @cgi, 80, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''), '),
              ('Loop', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_LOOP', 'true', '<br />If true, Images will loop in both directions.<br /><br /><strong>Default: true</strong>', @cgi, 90, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''), '),
              ('<strong>Slideshow</strong>', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_SLIDESHOW', 'false', '<br />If true, Images will display as a slideshow.<br /><br /><strong>Default: false</strong>', @cgi, 100, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''), '),
              ('## Slideshow Auto Start', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_SLIDESHOW_AUTO', 'true', '<br />If true, your slideshow will auto start.<br /><br /><strong>Default: true</strong>', @cgi, 110, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''), '),
              ('## Slideshow Speed', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_SLIDESHOW_SPEED', '2500', '<br />Sets the speed of the slideshow <br /><br />Note: This value is measured in milliseconds.<br /><br /><strong>Default: 2500</strong>', @cgi, 120, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
              ('## Slideshow Start Text', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_SLIDESHOW_START_TEXT', 'start slideshow', '<br />Link text to start the slideshow.<br /><br /><strong>Default: start slideshow</strong>', @cgi, 130, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
              ('## Slideshow Stop Text', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_SLIDESHOW_STOP_TEXT', 'stop slideshow', '<br />Link text to stop the slideshow.<br /><br /><strong>Default: stop slideshow</strong>', @cgi, 140, NOW(), NULL, NULL),
              ('<strong>Gallery Mode</strong>', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_GALLERY_MODE', 'true', '<br />If true, the lightbox will allow additional images to quickly be displayed using previous and next buttons.<br /><br /><strong>Default: true</strong>', @cgi, 150, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),'),
              ('## Include Main Image in Gallery', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_GALLERY_MAIN_IMAGE', 'true', '<br />If true, the main product image will be included in the lightbox gallery.<br /><br /><strong>Default: true</strong>', @cgi, 160, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),'),
              ('<strong>EZ-Pages Support</strong>', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_EZPAGES', 'true', '<br />If true, the lightbox effect will be used for linked images on all EZ-Pages.<br /><br /><strong>Default: true</strong>', @cgi, 170, NOW(), NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),'),
              ('## File Types', 'ZEN_COLORBOX_FILE_TYPES', 'jpg,png,gif', '<br />On EZ-Pages, the lightbox effect will be applied to all images with one of the following file types.<br /><br /><strong>Default: jpg,png,gif</strong><br />', @cgi, 180, NOW(), NULL, NULL);
              INSERT IGNORE INTO `admin_pages` (`page_key` ,`language_key` ,`main_page` ,`page_params` ,`menu_key` ,`display_on_menu` ,`sort_order`)VALUES
              ('configZenColorbox', 'BOX_CONFIGURATION_ZEN_COLORBOX', 'FILENAME_CONFIGURATION', CONCAT('gID=',@cgi), 'configuration', 'Y', @cgi);
    Thanks again for the excellent contribution!
    Although the auto-installer tends to all of that sql, I agree that because the value to be set there is a text version of true or false that just before and just after the echo of the current setting for the overall store that a single quote be included, although generally speaking it would work as is (typically loosely comparing (==) the text false with a boolean false would be equivalent and not an issue, but a more strict comparison (===) would evaluate that comparison as false), but perhaps not look right when reviewing the settings until they were updated by selection.

    Will add/update that in github for distribution in next release.
    ZC Installation/Maintenance Support <- Site
    Contribution for contributions welcome...

  8. #228
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    May 2009
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    Default Re: Zen Colorbox


    On the configuration page there are "initial width", and "initial height", referencing "resize animation", but I don't see it listed, am I missing something? (wouldn't be surprised distracted as I am! )
    If Enable Resize Animations is set to true, the lightbox will resize its width from this value to the current image width, when first displayed.

  9. #229
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    Jul 2012
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    Default Re: Zen Colorbox

    Quote Originally Posted by keneso View Post

    On the configuration page there are "initial width", and "initial height", referencing "resize animation", but I don't see it listed, am I missing something? (wouldn't be surprised distracted as I am! )
    There is no "Resize Animation" setting incorporated, although I guess if the Resize Duration were taken to 0 then it would be as if the animation were disabled...

    Not sure where the terminology originated as it was in the original distribution as can be seen at least in the github history. (haven't gone back to the original download(s) to see where that terminology may have been inexplicably added). Thing is with the underlying code, there is a default value provided for initialWidth and initialHeight if one is not provided by the code and there is also a default transition "type". That setting could be made to be 'none' which would disable the transition. So, to technically disable the resize animation, either as described the speed would have to go to 0, the initial image size be that of the image(s) being displayed or another option added to the includes/classes/zen_colorbox/options.php file and (as desired) associated install options. The option would be: transition:"none" to be added into the echo'd string.

    See, there are other features available with the colorbox code. The plugin offers a "doorway" to integrating it and tries to simplify the organization of the settings and operation. The "instructions" or settings guidance for colorbox can be found here:

    Could all of those settings and options be implemented/integrated into the plugin, sure... Users could also "pick" and choose general options that they wish to implement and incorporate those into that options file. The real question comes of if the feature(s) provided accomplish the desired/intended goal.
    ZC Installation/Maintenance Support <- Site
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  10. #230
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    Default Re: Zen Colorbox

    Thank you.

    Yes I had already started reading the instructions you linked, and did manage a few changes, wanted to be sure I hadn't missed something.

    Not being a coder it's hard to understand all that's going on, i.e. will you please tell me where the inline styles are generated, and if they could be removed, and in case put on css file, and how to change the order of the content (image, title, controls)?
    Last edited by keneso; 6 Jan 2018 at 09:39 PM.


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