I found this thread http://www.zen-cart.com/showthread.p...Customer-Group and followed what was suggested and my Tax Exempt group is still having taxes added.

This is from my functions_taxes.php file
PHP Code:
 function zen_get_tax_rate($class_id$country_id = -1$zone_id = -1) {

// added to make groups tax exempt. See also includes/modules/order_total/ot_group_pricing.php  
// end tax exempt
This is from my ot_group_pricing.php file
PHP Code:
  function get_order_total() {
$order_total_tax $order->info['tax'];
$order_total $order->info['total'];
    if (
$this->include_shipping != 'true'$order_total -= $order->info['shipping_cost'];
    if (
$this->include_tax != 'true'$order_total -= $order->info['tax'];
    if (
DISPLAY_PRICE_WITH_TAX == 'true' && $this->include_shipping != 'true')
$order_total += $order->info['shipping_tax'];
$taxGroups = array();
    foreach (
$order->info['tax_groups'] as $key=>$value) {
      if (isset(
$_SESSION['shipping_tax_description']) && $key == $_SESSION['shipping_tax_description'])
        if (
$this->include_shipping != 'true')
$value -= $order->info['shipping_tax'];
$taxGroups[$key] = $value;
$orderTotalFull $order_total;
$order_total = array('totalFull'=>$orderTotalFull'total'=>$order_total'tax'=>$order_total_tax'taxGroups'=>$taxGroups);

// added to make groups tax exempt. See also includes/functions/functions_taxes.php
eregi("Tax Exempt",$groupname)){$_SESSION['tax_exempt']=TRUE;}  
// end tax exempt

return $order_total;
The name of my group is Wholesale (Tax Exempt)

I've tried to printout the session variables using this but tax_exempt is not listed:
PHP Code:
<!-- Print Session Variables BEGIN -->
    foreach (
$_SESSION as $key=>$val)
"Key <b>".$key."</b> has the value of: <b>".$val."</b><br>"
<!-- Print Session Variables END -->

What have I done wrong or omitted?