This code just needs to be updated for PHP8. Change
includes/classes/observers/class.google_recaptcha.php on line 40
to check
This code just needs to be updated for PHP8. Change
includes/classes/observers/class.google_recaptcha.php on line 40
to check
That Software Guy. My Store: Zen Cart Support
Available for hire - See my ad in Services
Plugin Moderator, Documentation Curator, Chief Cook and Bottle-Washer.
Do you benefit from Zen Cart? Then please support the project.
$resp = $recaptcha->verify($_POST['g-recaptcha-response'] ?? '', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
That Software Guy. My Store: Zen Cart Support
Available for hire - See my ad in Services
Plugin Moderator, Documentation Curator, Chief Cook and Bottle-Washer.
Do you benefit from Zen Cart? Then please support the project.
Thanks again!
Can you add the GitHub link to the Plugin page please:
Steve BackupMySQL, Structured Data, Multiple Copy-Move-Delete, Google reCaptcha, Image Checker, Spanish Language Pack and more...
Done. Thank you for adopting this plugin!
That Software Guy. My Store: Zen Cart Support
Available for hire - See my ad in Services
Plugin Moderator, Documentation Curator, Chief Cook and Bottle-Washer.
Do you benefit from Zen Cart? Then please support the project.
I spoke too soon.
There are a number of files in your repo that don't belong in an installation. And you've made significant changes to the files that should be installed.
I generally expect the repo to match what's in the Plugins Library.
That Software Guy. My Store: Zen Cart Support
Available for hire - See my ad in Services
Plugin Moderator, Documentation Curator, Chief Cook and Bottle-Washer.
Do you benefit from Zen Cart? Then please support the project.
Yep, and all for free!
I lose enough time tweaking all these add-ons to also update the files in the plugins too.
Five minutes later I find something else to tweak/they are out of date very quickly: where a repository exists they should point to the repository and not offer an old, static download.
Steve BackupMySQL, Structured Data, Multiple Copy-Move-Delete, Google reCaptcha, Image Checker, Spanish Language Pack and more...
I've done this multiple times before but when I went to my recaptcha account, it's not letting me create a new site. When I click on the submit button, nothing happens. I'm just wondering if anyone else has seen this problem before. There is a google forum that hasn't had any activity in years. The help files certainly don't mention this.
As I recently upgraded several sites to zc 2.0.1, I have been waiting to see if the contact form would be more or less susceptible to abuse. One of those sites got hit last night, creating massive issues with the hosting company. So now I have a client who needs this today.