Forgive me if this is a Wordpress issue but I've scoured their forums and this one and I can't find what I need.

Using WOZ Sideboxes only edition on ZC 1.5.

My blog categories show up fine and I can turn on/off option counts and hierarchy using the wp commands included in the install file tpl_wp_cats.php.

This is what's in the file. I've added the depth command and it does nothing. I've also tried deprecated commands such as 'children' with no luck

PHP Code:
  $content "";

//start wp output
$out ob_get_clean();
//end wp output

$content .= '<div id="' str_replace('_''-'$box_id 'Content') . '" class="sideBoxContent">';
$content .= '<ul>'.$out.'</ul>';

Please point this novice in the right direction...