
I am working on www.dragons.digi-blue.co.uk, using version 1.3.9 h. I have managed to lay the header out differently, and also recently learned how to create a new page specific css file to hide the breadcrumbs, and style the search result filter. This however has caused the right side of my header to sink to behind the product listing. Could anyone please tell me where I am going wrong with my css to get my menu back to the top?

Page in question: http://www.dragons.digi-blue.co.uk/i...=index&cPath=1

index.css file:

#navBreadCrumb {display: none;}

margin-top: -66px;
margin-right: 0px;
margin-bottom: 1px;
margin-left: 0px;
padding-top: 0px;
padding-right: 0px;
padding-bottom: 0px;
padding-left: 390px;
float: left;

.navSplitPagesLinks, .navSplitPagesResult {
float: right;
padding-right: 15px;
margin-top: -52px;

width: 200px;

#indexProductList .inputLabel {
font: 12px #FFFFFF Verdana bold;
font-size: 12px;
margin-top: 5px;
margin-right: 0.1em;
margin-bottom: 0.1em;
margin-left: 0.1em;
#columnCenter #indexProductList {
background: url("../images/productinfobg.png") no-repeat;