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  1. #1781
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    Default Re: Edit Orders v4.0 Support Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce1952 View Post
    I have a question relating to edit orders.

    1. When adding a product to an order and it changes the total amount payable.

    2. We use PayPal for payment gateway for credit cards and PayPal itself.

    3. I am unable to see an option so once a customer pays the difference that you can add the payment to the order.

    Can someone tell me where the option is to add the payment once made.

    We are at present using version 4.7.0 beta3 and latest version of zencart (1.5.8a) and version 8.1php

    As always any help would be appreciated
    You'd need to go to your payment-provider's (e.g. PayPal) management page to either refund a portion of the payment (in the case that an item was removed from the order) or, in the example you gave, send a PayPal invoice to the customer to cover the additional funds required.

    It's been mentioned before that the use of various order's status values helps you (the store owner) to keep track of the payment-history (and ship-ability) of an order. Tracking of payments is outside of the base Zen Cart's and EO's handling.

  2. #1782
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    Default Re: Edit Orders v4.0 Support Thread

    Thanks for the update to EO! We use this frequently as our business lends to customers making post-order changes.

    We are on PHP 7.4.33 and ZC 1.5.8a and getting two issues with the new mod, both of which involve GROUP PRICING. (Ugh, right?)

    1. We're getting two variables spelled out as if they are not defined. MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_GROUP_PRICING_SHIPPING_EXCL_TEXT and MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_GROUP_PRICING_TAX_EXCL_TEXT. I was unable to find their definition anywhere. I double-checked that all plug-in files had been uploaded. See attached picture. Worst case, i can probably rem out the lines so they do not display.

    Name:  Screenshot_1.jpg
Views: 179
Size:  8.7 KB

    2. Before editing an order, sales taxes are properly calculated as [(SUBTOTAL - GROUPDISCOUNT + SHIPPING) * .07]. After editing the order, sales taxes are calculated as [(SUBTOTAL + SHIPPING) * .07]. The GROUPDISCOUNT is being excluded thus overstating sales taxes.

    Any guidance would be appreciated!

    Thank you.

  3. #1783
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    Default Re: Edit Orders v4.0 Support Thread

    That's coming from the /optional-core-overwrites version of ot_group_pricing.php. I'll need to review (the EO 4.7.0 update had a very long 'gestation period') those changes, obviously. For right now, just restore that file to its as-shipped zc158a version.

  4. #1784
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    Default Re: Edit Orders v4.0 Support Thread

    Edit Orders v4.7.1 is now available for download:

    This release contains changes associated with the following GitHub issues:

    #233: Correct "Naggy" status-history address-change messages when an address has a "special HTML character"
    #235: Correct 'missing' Font Awesome icons on addresses' blocks for zc158.
    #236: Correct ot_group_pricing.php pricing calculations, in the /optional-core-overwrites directory.
    #237: Add a notification to ot_group_pricing, enabling discounts to be adjusted by site-specific observers.

  5. #1785
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    Default Re: Edit Orders v4.0 Support Thread

    I have a requirement to adjust the product quantities of one or more products if a certain product is edited. The storeowner wants to sell certain products individually as well as a set. The set would be made up when the customer orders it, rather than being made beforehand. Thus when a set is purchased the quantities of the individual products need to be adjusted downward, and when an individual product is purchased, the quantity of the number of sets that can be made up needs to change. I have handled the cases on purchase, and in the admin when an order is deleted. But I also want to take care of cases where the set or one of the individual products is added to an order, deleted from an order, and when the quantities of the products are changed using edit_orders.

    Can you suggest the proper notifiers I should be using, and any other information that might help. For example, I see from an admin notifier trace that some notifiers are called multiple times during an edit session.

    Thank you in advance!


    zc 157c, edit_orders 4.6.2

  6. #1786
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    Default Re: Edit Orders v4.0 Support Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave224 View Post
    I have a requirement to adjust the product quantities of one or more products if a certain product is edited. The storeowner wants to sell certain products individually as well as a set. The set would be made up when the customer orders it, rather than being made beforehand. Thus when a set is purchased the quantities of the individual products need to be adjusted downward, and when an individual product is purchased, the quantity of the number of sets that can be made up needs to change. I have handled the cases on purchase, and in the admin when an order is deleted. But I also want to take care of cases where the set or one of the individual products is added to an order, deleted from an order, and when the quantities of the products are changed using edit_orders.

    Can you suggest the proper notifiers I should be using, and any other information that might help. For example, I see from an admin notifier trace that some notifiers are called multiple times during an edit session.

    Thank you in advance!


    zc 157c, edit_orders 4.6.2
    EO's notifiers issued are fairly well documented:

  7. #1787
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    Default Re: Edit Orders v4.0 Support Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by lat9 View Post
    EO's notifiers issued are fairly well documented:
    Excellent documentation! Thank you!

  8. #1788
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    Default Re: Edit Orders v4.0 Support Thread

    Is there a way to record deposits against the order which would reduce the order total?
    That Software Guy. My Store: Zen Cart Support
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  9. #1789
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    Default Re: Edit Orders v4.0 Support Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by swguy View Post
    Is there a way to record deposits against the order which would reduce the order total?
    Not so much record multiple deposits, but you could use the ot_onetime_discount order-total supplied by EO.

  10. #1790
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    Default Re: Edit Orders v4.0 Support Thread

    I saw that ... maybe I could tweak it to allow multiple of these to be entered against one order? With "Allow changing the title" it seems like what I would want.
    That Software Guy. My Store: Zen Cart Support
    Available for hire - See my ad in Services
    Plugin Moderator, Documentation Curator, Chief Cook and Bottle-Washer.
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Zen-Cart, Internet Selling Services, Klamath Falls, OR